高难度形式语言代考, 类似于theory of computation 计算理论. 主要考了Regular language, context free language, decidable, recognizable, DFA, NFA, PDA, TM 图灵机等内容.
Introduction à la programmation fonctionnelle L2 Informatique 1 Modalités Devoir à la maison Le devoir est individuel. Il est à rendre au plus tard :…
Machine learning代考接近满分, 课本使用的是经典教材 The Elements of Statistical Learning. 考了Linear Regression, PCA, EM算法, Neural network 神经网络, perceptron, SVM, decision tree, random forest, boost等内容.
Simulation Abstract real world process, Simulate the process with Sim Besems – 10/12/21 UCL Bartlett – B-Pro – RC11 Python workshop 2022 Agenda • •…
Guitar2 In [3]: import simpy In [4]: #Parameters #working hours hours = 8 #business days days = 5 #total working time (hours) total_time = hours * days…
ExampleSnippets In [15]: import simpy import random In [16]: def car(env): while True: print(‘Start parking at %d’ % env.now) parking_duration = 5 yield env.timeout(parking_duration) print(‘Start driving at…
Guitar1 In [2]: import simpy import random In [3]: #Parameters #working hours hours = 8 #business days days = 5 #total working time (hours) total_time = hours…
Final Examination COMP 330Question 1 [15 points]Classify the following language as either regular or context-free but not regular or 3. decidable but not context-freeYou must…
stochastic process代考, 主要考了Markov process, Markov chain, Brownian motion, time series等内容. 都是数学计算和证明题, 难度非常大.