Signals and process collaboration By doing project 11, you will learn about Unix signals and how to to customize their handling for a program. You…
1.write an assembly programs in binary and execute it in mips ss v2 CPU running in DE0-Nano. Triangular Number Generator: 1Write a program that generates…
CSE 482: Big Data Analysis (Spring 2017) Homework 5 Due date: Monday, April 3, 2017 (before 9:00am) Please make sure you submit the homework via…
Haskell We will now implement equivalent functionality in Haskell by declared a new algebraic type, Num with different instances of the Show, Eq, and Ord…
An overview of the psych package William Revelle Department of Psychology Northwestern University August 11, 2011 Contents 1 Overview of this and related documents 2…
MySQL Database Schema (20 Points) Provide a self-contained file of your database. This file should contain all necessary DDL and DML for creating your database.…
用MapRedeuce实现阈值Top-k查询算法 Top-k查询定义:给定m个按照降序排列的排序表Li,每张列表包含对象Ox的一个属性在该列的评分,最终结果返回评分最高的前k个对象. 例: P L1 L2 L3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 如图,m=3,3个按降序排列的列表包含了对象Ox在不同列表中的属性评分, 例如O1在L1的属性,评分为10,在L2的列表中,评分为2,在L3列表中,评分为10分, 所以最后O1的总体得分=10+2+10=22分 Top-k的朴素算法,就是把所有的对象得分计算出来,然后求出总体得分. 这里我设计的算法是: Input:m个排序列表 Output:得分最高的前k个结果 Step1:中心节点从各子节点的数据列上读取前k个位置上的对象O及其分数,计算这些对象的部分和V`(Ox). Step2:对取得部分和最高的两个对象Ox1,Ox2,分别计算其真实值,V(Ox1)和V(Ox2),并将V(Ox1)和V(Ox2)存入临时候选集合C中,记真实值第k的对象值为τ1,T=τ1/m. Step3:1.各子节点将位置≥T的对象发送给中心节点,中心节点将Step1中未计算对象的部分和V`(O)补全,实值若序列中不存在对象Ox,则将该序列中对象的得分以V=0计算. 2.若序列中存在某对象Oy的值在各个列表中都被访问到,则将对象Oy及其真实值V(Oy)存入临时候选集C中,并更新临时候选集,将此时临时候选集C中的第k位的值记为τ2.…
Principles of Programming Languages winter 2017 Assignment 4 (Programming) Due: Wed 8 March ’17 (via svn) Programming Part: Building a Lexical Analysis Program. This is…
Example of a project: Google PageRank for Wikipedia The aim of this project is to create a ranking for the English language pages of Wikipedia.…
Team Assignment 1 Barcode reader app ENG1003, Semester 1, 2017 Due: Sunday April 2nd, 11:55PM (local time) Worth: 13% of final mark Aim Have you…