程序代写 #generate data – cscodehelp代写

#generate data set.seed(123) n=100; y=rnorm(n,2,1) Copyright By cscodehelp代写 加微信 cscodehelp #unnormalised posterior unposterior=function(theta,data){ likelihood=prod(dnorm(data,theta,1)) prior=dnorm(theta,0,10) unpost=likelihood*prior return(unpost) n.samples=10000 theta.g=rnorm(n.samples,mean(y),sd(y)) w=numeric(n.samples) for(s in 1:n.samples){ w[s]=unposterior(theta=theta.g[s],data=y)/dnorm(theta.g[s],mean(y),sd(y)) q=w/sum(w)…

CS考试辅导 VAX-11/78~, and arranged to run an early version of UNIX for the VAX prov – cscodehelp代写

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247924813 Converting a swap-based system to do paging in an architecture lacking page- referenced bits…