程序代写 decision tree algorithm 1. Where we are doing supervised learning, we have mostly assumed a deterministic function. Imagine instead a world where we are trying to capture a non-deterministic function. In this case, we might see training pairs where the x value appears several times, but with different y values. For example, we might use attributes of humans to the probability that they have had chicken pox. In that case, we might see the same kind of person many times but only sometimes they may have had chicken pox. – cscodehelp代写

1. Where we are doing supervised learning, we have mostly assumed a deterministic function. Imagine instead a world where we are trying to capture a…

程序代写 algorithm 1. ​You have to communicate a signal in a language that has 3 symbols A, B and C. The probability of observing A is 50% while that of observing B and C is 25% each. Design an appropriate encoding for this language. What is the entropy of this signal in bits? – cscodehelp代写

1. ​You have to communicate a signal in a language that has 3 symbols A, B and C. The probability of observing A is 50%…

程序代写CS代考 // stretchy buffer // init: NULL // free: sbfree() // push_back: sbpush() // size: sbcount() // – cscodehelp代写

// stretchy buffer // init: NULL // free: sbfree() // push_back: sbpush() // size: sbcount() // #define sbfree(a) ((a) ? free(stb__sbraw(a)),0 : 0) #define sbpush(a,v)…

程序代写代做代考 CS 61A Fall 2017 – cscodehelp代写

CS 61A Fall 2017 􏰵􏰷􏰻􏰼􏰺􏰽􏰱􏰼􏰵􏰸􏰷􏰻 􏱏 􏱠􏱆􏱋 􏱄􏰚􏱌􏱁 􏰨 􏱄􏱆􏱋􏱈􏱉 􏱊􏱆 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 􏱆􏱅􏱇􏰜􏱁􏱊􏱁 􏱊􏱄􏱁 􏱁􏱍􏰚􏱅􏰤 􏰙􏰛􏰝􏰚􏰜 􏰭􏰤􏰪􏱔 × 􏰦􏰦􏱔 􏱏…