IT代考 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} – cscodehelp代写

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
module Horn.Nano.Nano where

Copyright By cscodehelp代写 加微信 cscodehelp

import qualified Horn.Logic.Clauses as L
import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax
import Language.ECMAScript3.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (text,(<+>))
import Language.ECMAScript3.Parser (parseJavaScriptFromFile)
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Parsec
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Generics (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

data Exp = Var String
| Num Integer
| Plus Exp Exp
| Minus Exp Exp
| Times Exp Exp deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

data BExp =
| And BExp BExp
| Or BExp BExp
| Lte Exp Exp — less than or equal
| Gte Exp Exp — greater than or equal
| Eq Exp Exp — equal
| Neq Exp Exp deriving (Show) — not equal

data Stmt = Skip
| Assign String Exp — x := e
| Seq Stmt Stmt — s1;s2
| SeqList [Stmt] — [s1,s2,…]
| If BExp Stmt Stmt — if b s1 s2
| While L.Base BExp Stmt — while [inv] b s
| Assume L.Base
| Assert L.Base deriving (Show)

getVarsExp :: Exp -> Set L.Var
getVarsExp (Var s) = Set.singleton $ L.Var s

getVarsExp (Num _) = Set.empty

getVarsExp (Plus e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsExp (Minus e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsExp (Times e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsBExp :: BExp -> Set L.Var

getVarsBExp (Bool _) = Set.empty

getVarsBExp (And e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsBExp e1
vs2 = getVarsBExp e2

getVarsBExp (Or e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsBExp e1
vs2 = getVarsBExp e2

getVarsBExp (Lte e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsBExp (Gte e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsBExp (Eq e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVarsBExp (Neq e1 e2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVarsExp e1
vs2 = getVarsExp e2

getVars :: Stmt -> Set L.Var

getVars Skip = Set.empty

getVars (Assign x e) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = Set.singleton $ L.Var x
vs2 = getVarsExp e

getVars (Seq s1 s2) = Set.union vs1 vs2
vs1 = getVars s1
vs2 = getVars s2

getVars (SeqList ss) = Set.unions $ map getVars ss

getVars (If e s1 s2) = Set.unions [vse, vs1,vs2]
vse = getVarsBExp e
vs1 = getVars s1
vs2 = getVars s2

getVars (While b e s) = Set.unions [vsb, vse, vss]
vsb = L.get_vars b
vse = getVarsBExp e
vss = getVars s

getVars (Assume b) = L.get_vars b

getVars (Assert b) = L.get_vars b
expToBase :: Exp -> L.Exp
expToBase _ = error “TODO: FILL THIS IN”

bexpToBase :: BExp -> L.Base
bexpToBase (Bool b)
| b==True = L.Or []
| b==False = L.And []

bexpToBase _ = error “TODO: FILL THIS IN”

— | Parsing ESC/JAVA

— | `isNano` is a predicate that describes the **syntactic subset**
— of ECMAScript3 that comprises `Nano`.

class IsNano a where
isNano :: a -> Bool

instance IsNano InfixOp where
isNano OpLAnd = True — @&&@
isNano OpLOr = True — @||@
isNano OpLEq = True — @<@ isNano OpGEq = True -- @>@
isNano OpSub = True — @-@
isNano OpAdd = True — @+@
isNano OpMul = True — @*@
isNano OpEq = True — @==@
isNano OpNEq = True — @!=@
isNano _ = False

instance IsNano (LValue a) where
isNano (LVar _ _) = True
isNano _ = False

instance IsNano AssignOp where
isNano OpAssign = True
isNano x = error $ show $ text “Not a Nano AssignOp!” <+> prettyPrint x

instance IsNano (Expression a) where
isNano (BoolLit _ _) = True
isNano (IntLit _ _) = True
isNano (VarRef _ _) = True
isNano (InfixExpr _ o e1 e2) = isNano o && isNano e1 && isNano e2
isNano e = error $ show $ text “Not Nano Expression!” <+> prettyPrint e

instance IsNano (Statement a) where
isNano (EmptyStmt _) = True — skip
| isSpecification s = True
isNano (ExprStmt _ e) = isNanoExprStatement e — x = e
isNano (BlockStmt _ ss) = isNano ss — sequence
isNano (IfSingleStmt _ b s) = isNano b && isNano s
isNano (IfStmt _ b s1 s2) = isNano b && isNano s1 && isNano s2
isNano (WhileStmt _ b s) = isNano b && isNano s
isNano (VarDeclStmt _ ds) = all isNano ds
isNano e = error $ show $ text “Not a Nano Statement!” <+> prettyPrint e

instance IsNano a => IsNano (Maybe a) where
isNano (Just x) = isNano x
isNano Nothing = True

instance IsNano [Statement a] where
isNano = all isNano

isNanoExprStatement :: Expression a -> Bool
isNanoExprStatement (AssignExpr _ o lv e) = isNano o && isNano lv && isNano e
isNanoExprStatement e = error $ show $ text “Not Nano ExprStmt!” <+> prettyPrint e

instance IsNano (VarDecl a) where
isNano (VarDecl _ _ (Just e)) = isNano e
isNano (VarDecl _ _ Nothing) = True

toNanoBexp :: Expression a -> BExp
toNanoBexp _ = error “TODO: FILL THIS IN”

toNanoExp :: Expression a -> Exp
toNanoExp _ = error “TODO: FILL THIS IN”

toNanoStmt :: Statement a -> Stmt
toNanoStmt _ = error “TODO: FILL THIS IN”

toNanoStmt s
| isAssume s = Assume $ fromJust $ getAssume s
| isAssert s = Assert $ fromJust $ getAssert s
| isInv s = Skip

mkNano :: [Statement SourcePos] -> Maybe [Stmt]
mkNano smts = fmap concat $ sequence $ map mkNanoFun smts

mkNanoFun :: Statement a -> Maybe [Stmt]
mkNanoFun (FunctionStmt l f xs body)
| all isNano body = Just $ nano
| otherwise = Nothing
nano = map toNanoStmt body

mkNanoFun s = error $ show $ text “Conversion error” <+> prettyPrint s

— | Helpers for extracting specifications from @ECMAScript3@ @Statement@

— Ideally, a la JML, we’d modify the parser to take in annotations for
— * assert(p)
— * assume(p)
— * invariant(p)
— For now, we hack them with function calls.

isSpecification :: Statement a -> Bool
isSpecification s = not $ null $ catMaybes $ ($ s) <$> specs
specs = [getAssert, getAssume, getInv]

getInvariant :: Statement a -> L.Base
getInvariant = getSpec getInv . flattenStmt

flattenStmt (BlockStmt _ ss) = concatMap flattenStmt ss
flattenStmt s = [s]

getAssume :: Statement a -> Maybe L.Base
getAssume = getStatementPred “assume”

isAssume :: Statement a -> Bool
isAssume = isJust . getAssume

getAssert :: Statement a -> Maybe L.Base
getAssert = getStatementPred “assert”

isAssert :: Statement a -> Bool
isAssert = isJust . getAssert

getInv = getStatementPred “invariant”

isInv :: Statement a -> Bool
isInv = isJust . getInv

getStatementPred :: String -> Statement a -> Maybe L.Base
getStatementPred name (ExprStmt _ (CallExpr _ (VarRef _ (Id _ f)) [p]))
| name == f = Just $ bexpToBase $ toNanoBexp p
getStatementPred _ _ = Nothing

getSpec :: (Statement a -> Maybe L.Base) -> [Statement a] -> L.Base
getSpec g stmts = L.And $ catMaybes $ map g stmts

— | Command Line Configuration Options

data Config = Config {
files :: [FilePath] — ^ source files to check
} deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq)

— ———————————————————————
— — | Top-level Parser
— ———————————————————————
parseNanoFromFile f =
do s <- parseJavaScriptFromFile f return $ fromMaybe err (mkNano s) err = error $ show $ text "Invalid Input File" ------------------------------------------- test :: IO () ------------------------------------------- stmt <- parseNanoFromFile "tests/pos/while5.js" putStr $ "Parsed the file : " ++ (show stmt) 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email:

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