CS代考 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics – cscodehelp代写

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Advanced Microeconometrics
Semester 1, 2020
Online, non-invigilated
Please refer to your personalised timetable
120 minutes; you are allowed to use more time if you need.
This exam is weighted at 50% of your total mark for this course. This is an open book exam – all materials permitted.
Calculator, phone/camera/scanner, bi-lingual dictionary.
Exam window
You have a 24 hour window in which you must complete your exam. You can access and submit your exam at any time within the 24 hour
window. Even though you have the entire 24 hours to complete and submit your exam, the expectation is that it will take most students 2-3 hours.
Reading time
Reading time has not been formally allocated for online exams, however students are encouraged to review and plan their approach for the exam before they start. The total exam time should be sufficient to do this.
Answer all questions and upload your solutions using the submission link provided on Blackboard. Your solutions may be handwritten, and the uploaded file must be clearly legible and in one of the following formats: pdf,doc,docx,jpeg,png.
Who to contact
At the bottom of the submission page there is a free text field entitled ‘Comments’. You may use this field to express any uncertainties that you encountered regarding question interpretation, so that they can be taken into consideration by the marker. You may use this field to include queries you may have made with respect to a particular question, should you have been able to ‘raise your hand’ in an examination room.
If you experience any technical difficulties during the exam, contact the Library AskUs service for advice. You should also ask for an email documenting the advice provided so you can provide this to the course coordinator immediately at
Important exam condition information
This is an open book exam. You will have access to your own notes, course texts, and other materials.
The normal academic integrity rules apply.
 You cannot cut-and-paste material other than your own work as answers.
 You are not permitted to consult any other person – whether directly,
online, or through any other means – about any aspect of this assessment during the period that this assessment is available.

If it is found that you have given or sought outside assistance with this assessment then that will be deemed to be cheating and will result in disciplinary action.
By undertaking this online assessment you will be deemed to have acknowledged UQ’s academic integrity pledge to have made the following declaration:
“I certify that my submitted answers are entirely my own work and that I have neither given nor received any unauthorised assistance on this assessment item”.

Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics
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Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics
Answer ALL questions.
Show all your working. Explain your answers. Marks are as indicated (Total marks: 100)
Question 1: Maximum Likelihood [25 marks]
Consider the random variable Y with Y ∼ Poisson(λ) such that Prob[Y = y] = λye−λ
and E[Y ] = VAR[Y ] = λ. Suppose that we have an independent random sample of size N .
(a) Write down the likelihood function and log likelihood function. (3 marks)
(b) Obtain the maximum likelihood estimator of λ. (7 marks)
(c) Now suppose that there is a single covariate x, and
Y |X = x ∼ Poisson(λ0 + λ1x).
You obtain the STATA output in Figure 1 overleaf for the full model and the model restricting λ1 = 0 respectively. Perform a likelihood ratio test of
H0 :λ1 =0 against a two sided alternative at the 0.05 level.
(d) Perform a Wald test of
H0 :λ1 =0 against a two sided alternative at the 0.05 level.
(e) Explain which additional information you would need to perform a Wald test of
H0 :λ0 =λ1 =0
against a two sided alternative and how you would implement the test at the 0.05
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Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics
FIGURE 1. STATA output for Question 1
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Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics
Question 2: General Method of Moments [25 marks]
Consider the linear model:
y=Xβ+u, E[u|Z]=0
where y is a N × 1 vector of outcomes, X is a N × K matrix of regressors, Z is a N × L matrix of instrumental variables, u is a N × 1 vector of unobserved error terms and β is a K × 1 vector of parameters. Assume throughout that L ≥ K and Z′X has rank K.
(a) Given a L × L symmetric, positive definite, full rank weight matrix WN , the GMM estimator minimizes the objective function
􏰀1 ′ 􏰁′ 􏰀1 ′ 􏰁 NZu WN NZu .
Explain how this objective function relates to the method of moments, and the drawback
of method of moments when L > K. (b) Show that the GMM estimator is
(d) For which Z and WN does the GMM estimator equal the OLS estimator? (3 marks)
(e) For which WN does the GMM estimator equal the two-stage least squares estimator?
(f) If VAR[u|Z] = σ2IN and N = 50, would you favour the two-stage least squares or optimal two-step GMM estimator? Justify your answer. (3 marks)
(g) If VAR[u|Z] = Ω ̸= σ2IN and N = 10,000, would you favour the two-stage least squares or optimal two-step GMM estimator? Justify your answer. (3 marks)
βGMM =(X′ZWNZ′X)−1X′ZWNZ′y. 􏰂
(c) If L = K, explain why any WN leads to the same βGMM.
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Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics
Question 3: Structural Modelling [25 marks]
Consider the production function for a monopolist making widgets:
and the demand function:
Q = ALαV P = Q−1/2
where Q is output, L is labour, P is the unit price, A is a constant and V is firm heterogeneity, which is unobserved by the researcher but observed by the firm. The wage per unit of labour is W , for which firms are price takers (i.e. wages are exogenously determined by local labour market conditions, and are independent of V ). The parameter of interest is α, which is known to satisfy 0 < α < 2. (a) Show that the monopoly profit is given by A1/2Lα/2V 1/2 − W L. (b) Show that the profit maximizing choice of labour is 􏰀 W 􏰁β (α/2)A1/2V 1/2 , β=1. α/2−1 (c) Your colleague has a sample of widget manufacturers of size N = 1, 024, and presents you with the STATA output in Figure 2 overleaf. Your colleague is puzzled, because it is well known that widget manufacture exhibits decreasing returns to scale. Comment on your colleague’s findings. (7 marks) (d) Advise your colleague on how to improve his estimate of α. State any assumptions that you make. (5 marks) (e) Your colleague informs you that they would also like to construct a 0.95 confidence interval for Provide detailed instructions on how this can be achieved. EXAMINATION CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE β=1. α/2−1 Page 5 of 8 Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics FIGURE 2. STATA output for Question 3 EXAMINATION CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE Page 6 of 8 Semester One Final Examination, 2020 ECON7320 Advanced Microeconometrics Question 4: Non-parametric Methods [25 marks] Consider an independent random sample of size N drawn from the continuous population probability density function f(y). (a) Is the function K(u)= 2 1(−1CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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