CS代考 COMP 424 – Artificial Intelligence Local search for optimization – cscodehelp代写

COMP 424 – Artificial Intelligence Local search for optimization
Instructor: Jackie CK Cheung and Readings: R&N Ch. 4.1 (3rd or 4th ed)

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• It’s not so hard to find a solution (though it might be terrible).
• We want a good solution, or even an optimal solution
• Today’s lecture: solve this by search!

Uninformed search
• Assumes no knowledge about the problem.
• BFS, DFS, Iterative deepening
Informed search
• Use knowledge about the problem, in the form of a heuristic.
• Best-first search, heuristic search, A* (and extensions)
Search for optimization problems:
• Search over large-dimensional spaces
• Iterative improvement algorithms:
1. Hill climbing
2. Simulated annealing
3. Parallelism and beam search
4. Genetic algorithms

Search and Optimization
• Search so far:
• Finding the solution with the minimal cost, where the cost is the
sum of edge weights (e.g., A* search)
• Case where solution cost is some arbitrary function (Eval(X))
• Want to find best solution (X*) – optimization problem

Optimization problems are everywhere
• Given: a set of tasks to be completed, with durations and mutual constraints (e.g. task ordering, joint resources).
• Goal: generate shortest schedule (assignment of start times to tasks.)
Digital circuit layout
• Given: a board, components and connections.
• Goal: place each component on the board such as to maximize
energy efficiency, minimize production cost, …
User customization
• Given: customers described by characteristics (age, gender, location, etc.) and previous purchases.
• Goal: find a function from characteristics to products that maximizes expected gain.

Types of search for optimization problems
1. Constructive methods: Start from scratch and build up a solution.
• This is the type of method we have seen so far.
2. Iterative improvement/repair methods: Start with a solution (which may be broken / suboptimal) and improve it.
• Focus of today’s lecture

• An optimization problem is described by:
• A set of states (= configurations)
• An evaluation function
• For interesting optimization problems, the state space is too big to enumerate all states, or the evaluation function is too expensive to compute for all states.
• In iterative improvement, a state is a candidate solution, not a description of the world!
• It might be a partial or incorrect solution; if so, should be reflected in evaluation function.

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)
• Given: a set of vertices and distance between pairs.
• Goal: construct the shortest path that visits every vertex exactly once (a tour)
• e.g., consider these seven cities on a map
• A state in the iterative improvement paradigm is a candidate tour; the evaluation function would be length of the tour.
• X1 (above) is a tour, but not an optimal one.
• Provably very hard (NP-complete) to find the best solution

Visualizing iterative improvement
• Intuition: Consider all possible solutions laid out on a landscape. We want to find the highest (or lowest) point.
• This landscape is often very high-dimensional.

A generic local search algorithm
• Start from an initial configuration X0.
• Repeat until satisfied:
• Generate the set of neighbours of Xi and evaluate them.
• Select one of the neighbours, Xi+1.
• The selected neighbor becomes the current configuration.

A generic local search algorithm
• Start from an initial configuration X0.
• Repeat until satisfied:
• Generate the set of neighbours of Xi and evaluate them.
• Select one of the neighbours, Xi+1.
• The selected neighbor becomes the current configuration.
Important questions:
1. How do we choose the set of neighbours to consider?
2. How do we select one of the neighbours?
• Defining the set of neighbours is a design choice (like choosing the heuristic for A*) and has crucial impact on performance.

What moves should we consider?
• Case 1: Search for high ground
• Start with initial state = random position.
• Move to an adjacent position.
• Terminate when goal is reached.
• Case 2: Traveling Salesman Problem
• Start with initial state = a random (possibly incomplete/illegal) tour.
• Swap cities to obtain a new partial tour.
• Terminate when constraints are met.

Hill climbing
• Also called greedy local search
• In continuous state space, related to gradient ascent
Start from an initial configuration X0 with value E(X0) X  X0 , and E  E(X0)
Repeat until satisfied:
Generate the set of neighbours of Xi and their value E(Xi).
Let Emax = maxi E(Xi) be the value of the best successor,
i* = argmaxi E(Xi) be the index of the best successor. if Emax  E:
return X (we are at an optimum) else:
let X  Xi* , and E  Emax. (take a greedy step)

Properties of hill climbing
• Very popular in AI:
• Trivial to program!
• Requires no memory of where we’ve been (no backtracking).
• Can handle very large problems.
• Neighbourhood function is important
• Small neighbourhood: fewer neighbours to evaluate, but possibly
worse solution.
• Large neighbourhood: more computation, but maybe fewer local optima, so better final result.

Local vs. Global Optimum
• Global optimum: The optimal point over the full space of possible configurations.
• Local optimum: The optimal point over the set of neighbours. One of the (possibly many) optimums.

Example: TSP
• What neighbours should we consider?
• How many neighbours is that?

Example: TSP swapping 2 nodes

Example: TSP swapping 3 nodes

Problems with hill climbing
• Can get stuck in a local maximum or in a plateau
objective function
global maximum
local maximum
“flat” local maximum
• Relies heavily on having a good evaluation
current state
state space

Improvements to hill climbing
• Quick fix:
• When stuck in a plateau or local maximum, use random re-starts.
• Slightly better fix:
• Instead of picking the next best move, pick any move that
produces an improvement. (Called randomized hill climbing.)

Improvements to hill climbing
• Quick fix:
• When stuck in a plateau or local maximum, use random re-starts.
• Slightly better fix:
• Instead of picking the next best move, pick any move that
produces an improvement. (Called randomized hill climbing.)
• But sometimes we need to pick apparently worse moves to eventually reach a better state.

Simulated annealing

Simulated annealing
Similar to hill climbing, but:
• allows some “bad moves” to try to escape local maxima.
• decrease size and frequency of “bad moves” over time.
• Start from an initial configuration X0 with value E(X0).
• Repeat until satisfied:
• Let Xi be a random neighbour of X with value E(Xi).
• If Ei > Emax, let Xi*  Xi and let Emax = Ei (we found a new better sol’n). • IfEi >EthenXXi and EEi .
• Else, with some probability p, still accept the move: X Xi and E  Ei .
• Return Xi* .

What value should we use for p?
• Many possible choices:
• A given fixed value.
• A value that decays to 0 over time.
• A value that decays to 0, and gives similar chance to “similarly
bad” moves.
• A value that depends on on how much worse the bad move is.

What value should we use for p?
• If the new value Ei is better than the old value E, move to Xi.
• If the new value is worse (Ei < E) then move to the neighboring solution with probability: p = e-(E-Ei)/T (Boltzmann distribution) • T > 0 is a parameter called the temperature, which typically starts high, then decreases over time towards 0.
• If T is very close to 0, the probability of moving to a worse solution is almost 0.
• We can gradually decrease T by multiplying by constant 0 <  < 1 at every iteration. Properties of simulated annealing • What happens when T is high? • Algorithm is in an exploratory phase (even bad moves have a high chance of being picked). • What happens when T is low? • Algorithm is in an exploitation phase (the “bad” moves have very low probability). Properties of simulated annealing • If T decreases slowly enough, simulated annealing is guaranteed to reach the optimal solution (i.e., find the global maximum). • But it may take an infinite number of moves! This result is not practically useful. TSP example: Searching configurations TSP Example: Energy Simulated annealing in practice • Very useful algorithm, used to solve hard optimization problems. • E.g. Protein design, scheduling large transportation fleets. • The temperature annealing schedule is crucial (design choice!) • Cool too fast: converge to sub-optimal solution. • Cool too slow: don’t converge. • Simulated annealing is an example of a randomized search or Monte-Carlo search. • Basic idea: run around through the environment and explore it, instead of systematically sweeping. Very powerful idea! Mitigating the local optimum problem • Even simulated annealing can get stuck in local maxima! • More strategies to find a good solution: • Parallel search • Beam search • Genetic algorithms Parallel search • Run many separate searches (hill climbing or simulated annealing) in parallel. • Keep the best solution found. • Search speed can be greatly improved by using many processors (including, most recently, GPUs). • Especially useful when actions have non-deterministic outcomes (many possible successor states). Local beam search • Similar to parallel search; run many instances of local search or simulated annealing at the same time • Key difference: information sharing across searches • Algorithm: • Start k searches in parallel • At each step, keep the top k solutions in the sets of neighbourhoods, discard the remaining • k is called the beam width Local beam search schematic Image source: , http://slideplayer.com/slide/4897669/ Evolutionary computing • Refers generally to computational procedures patterned after biological evolution • Many solutions (individuals) exist in parallel • Nature looks for the best individual (i.e., the fittest) • Evolutionary search procedures are also parallel, perturbing probabilistically several potential solutions Genetic algorithms • A candidate solution is called an individual. • In a traveling salesman problem, an individual is a tour • Each individual has a fitness • fitness = numerical value proportional to quality of that solution • A set of individuals is called a population. • Populations change over generations, by applying operations to individuals. • operations = {mutation, crossover, selection} • Individuals with higher fitness are more likely to survive & reproduce. • Individual typically represented by a binary string: • allows operations to be carried out easily. • A way to generate desirable features that are not present in the original population by injecting random change. • Typically, mutation just means changing a 0 to a 1 (and vice versa). • The mutation rate controls prob. of mutation occurring • We can allow mutation in all individuals, or just in the offspring. • Combine parts of individuals to create new individuals • Single-point crossover: • Choose a crossover point, cut individuals there, swap the pieces. E.g. 101|0101 101|1110 011|1110 011|0101 • Implementation: • Use a crossover mask, which is a binary string E.g. mask = 1110000 • Multi-point crossover can be implemented with arbitrary mask Encoding operators as binary masks Typical genetic algorithm GA(Fitness, threshold, p, r, m) • Initialize: P  p random individuals • Evaluate: for each h  P, compute Fitness(h) • While maxh Fitness(h) < threshold • Select: Probabilistically select (1-r)p members of P to include in Ps • Crossover: Probabilistically select rp/2 pairs of individuals from P. For each pair (h1, h2), produce two offspring by applying a crossover operator. Include all offspring in Ps. • Mutate: Invert a randomly selected bit in m*p randomly selected members of Ps • Update: P  Ps • Evaluate: for each h  P, compute Fitness(h) • Return the individual from P that has the highest fitness. Selection: Survival of the fittest • As in natural evolution, fittest individuals are more likely to survive. • Several ways to implement this idea: 1. Fitness proportionate selection: Can lead to crowding (multiple copies being propagated). 2. Tournament selection: Pick i, j at random with uniform probability. With prob p select the fitter one. Only requires comparing two individuals. 3. Rank selection: Sort all hypothesis by fitness. Probability of selection is proportional to rank. 4. Softmax (Boltzman) selection: • Elitism: separately, store the best solution ever encountered 43 Genetic algorithms as search • States: possible solutions • Search operators: mutation, crossover, selection • Relation to previous search algorithms: • Parallel search, since several solutions are maintained in parallel • Hill-climbing on the fitness function, but without following the gradient • Mutation and crossover should allow us to get out of local minima • Very related to simulated annealing. Example: Solving TSP with a GA • Each individual is a tour. • Mutation swaps a pair of edges (many other operations are possible and have been tried in literature.) • Crossover cuts the parents in two and swaps them. Reject any invalid offsprings. • Fitness is the length of the tour. • Note that GA operations (crossover and mutation) described here are fancier that the simple binary examples given before. Example: Solving TSP with a GA TSP example: Initial generation TSP example: Generation 15 TSP example: Generation 30 The good and bad of GAs • Intuitively appealing, due to evolution analogy. • If tuned right, can be very effective (good solution with few steps.) • Performance depends crucially on the problem encoding. Good encodings are difficult to find! • Many parameters to tweak! Bad parameter settings can result in very slow progress, or the algorithm is stuck in local minima. • With mutation rate is too low, can get overcrowding (many copies of the identical individuals in the population). • Optimization problems are widespread and important. • It is infeasible to enumerate lots of solutions. • Goal is to get a reasonable (not necessarily optimal) solution. • Apply a local search and move in a promising direction. • Hill climbing always moves in the (locally) best direction • Simulated annealing allows some moves towards worse solutions • Parallelism and beam search can be exploited to improve results; find a better local optimum • Genetic algorithms are an alternative related to simulated annealing which has an analogy to biological evolution 程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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