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CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Fall 2021 1 Truth Tables Determine whether the following equivalences hold, by writing out truth tables. Clearly state…
Part A: Short Answer (49 marks) For the following short answer questions, a text file called q1.txt has been provided for you to fill in…
Part J: Assembly Language, part 1 (12 marks) In the spaces provided below, write the assembly language instruction(s) that perform the following tasks. Full marks…
Part B: Transistors (16 marks) For each of the gates and devices below, draw a transistor circuit that implements its behaviour in the spaces provided.…
Part L: Assembly Language, part 3 (24 marks) For this question, three text files called q12a.asm, q12b.asm and q12c.asm have been provided for you to…