程序代写代做代考 decision tree data mining database algorithm KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge:

KDD Cup 2013 – Author-Paper Identification Challenge: Second Place Team Dmitry Efimov Moscow State University Vorobievy Gory, 1 Moscow, Russia +74959391801 diefimov@gmail.com Lucas Silva PWH…

程序代写代做代考 Excel Microsoft Word – EEET2349-Project Proposal Marking Form_2017.docx

Microsoft Word – EEET2349-Project Proposal Marking Form_2017.docx EEET2349 Project Marking Form – Project Proposal (25% of the total mark for the course)  Project Title 1 :  Name:  Supervisor :    ID:  Assessment criteria  Mark  Comments  1. Suitability2       Mark available  Category…