class GameBoard attr_reader :max_row, :max_column def initialize(max_row, max_column) @max_row = max_row @max_column = max_column end # adds a Ship object to the GameBoard # returns…
open P3.Nfa open P3.Regexp let string_of_int_list lst = “[” ^ String.concat “;” ( string_of_int lst) ^ “]” let string_of_int_list_list lst = “[” ^ String.concat “;”…
[course] id = 236847 name = “CMSC330” term = “Spring 2021” [assignment] id = 1086846 name = “Project 3” files = [ “src/”, “src/” ]
open OUnit2 open Disc3 let test_sanity _ = assert_equal “abc” (concat “ab” “c”) ~msg:”Custom error message” let suite = “student” >::: [ “sanity” >:: test_sanity…
val tf1 : string -> int val tf2: ‘a -> ‘b -> ‘b -> bool val tf3: ‘a list -> ‘a list -> ‘a val…
Shilpa Roy, 98 Minya Rancic, 58 Pavan Ravindra, 48 Vinnie Caprarola, 09 ANwar Mamat, 85 David Van Horn, 85 Alex Eng, 101 Shruti Ray: 87…
# Discussion 3: Introduction to OCaml ## Introduction This exercise consists of a few short functions to help you familiarize yourself with OCaml. You can…
def fib(n) raise Exception “Not Implemented” end def isPalindrome(n) raise Exception “Not Implemented” end def nthmax(n a) raise Exception “Not Implemented” end def freq(s) raise…