CS代考 WiSe 2021/22 – cscodehelp代写

WiSe 2021/22
Machine Learning 1/1-X
Lecture 1 Intro + Bayes

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Introduction: Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning?
� Designing algorithms (machines) that efficiently convert finite sets of data (observations) into models with predictive capability.
Why Machine Learning?
� Autonomous Decision Making: Substitute/support human decision making for achieving gains in efficiency in practical applications.
� Knowledge Discovery: Finding laws that explain empirical phenomena.

Autonomous Decision Making
Modern economies involve taking good decisions in com- plex multi-dimensional problems. In many cases, for effi- ciency reasons, it is necessary that these decisions are taken autonomously, or with the help of predictive models.
� Supply Chain Management (demand forecasting, planning)
� End-User Services (recommendations, personalization,
translation, monitoring)
� Manufacturing
(quality control, materials
� Finance/Insurance
(risk management, forecasting)

Autonomous Decision Making
Modern economies involve taking good decisions in com- plex multi-dimensional problems. In many cases, for effi- ciency reasons, it is necessary that these decisions are taken autonomously, or with the help of predictive models.
� Supply Chain Management
(demand forecasting, planning)
� End-User Services (recommendations, personalization,
translation, monitoring)
� Manufacturing
(quality control, materials
� Finance/Insurance
(risk management, forecasting)
Demand Forecasting
Source: IBM

Autonomous Decision Making
Modern economies involve taking good decisions in com- plex multi-dimensional problems. In many cases, for effi- ciency reasons, it is necessary that these decisions are taken autonomously, or with the help of predictive models.
� Supply Chain Management (demand forecasting, planning)
� End-User Services (recommendations, personalization,
translation, monitoring)
� Manufacturing
(quality control, materials
� Finance/Insurance
(risk management, forecasting)
Elderly Care
Adapted from Islam et al. (2020) Deep Learning Based Systems Developed for Fall
Detection: A Review

Autonomous Decision Making
Modern economies involve taking good decisions in com- plex multi-dimensional problems. In many cases, for effi- ciency reasons, it is necessary that these decisions are taken autonomously, or with the help of predictive models.
� Supply Chain Management (demand forecasting, planning)
� End-User Services (recommendations, personalization,
translation, monitoring)
� Manufacturing
(quality control, materials
� Finance/Insurance
(risk management, forecasting)
Surface Inspection
Source: MvTec

Autonomous Decision Making
Modern economies involve taking good decisions in com- plex multi-dimensional problems. In many cases, for effi- ciency reasons, it is necessary that these decisions are taken autonomously, or with the help of predictive models.
� Supply Chain Management (demand forecasting, planning)
� End-User Services (recommendations, personalization,
translation, monitoring)
� Manufacturing
(quality control, materials
� Finance/Insurance
(risk management, forecasting)
Forecasting (prices/claims)
Image source: https://www.kaggle.com/robikscube/m5- forecasting-starter-data-exploration

1st-Gen Decision Systems
� The human programs the decision system by hand (e.g. using if/else controls) in a way that it replicates his own decision strategy.
� If the system performs as expected on the few available test cases, it is then run autonomously on new instances.
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/keremitgsnotes

1st-Gen Decision Systems
� The human programs the decision system by hand (e.g. using if/else controls) in a way that it replicates his own decision strategy.
� If the system performs as expected on the few available test cases, it is then run autonomously on new instances.
� What if the user is not able to translate his own decision behavior into an actual program? (e.g. how does one detect objects in natural images?)
? wood scratch

2nd-Gen Decision Systems
Idea: The human collects a dataset of examples, and la- bels them according to his own decision strategy:
Good examples: Examples with scratches:
A machine learning model is trained to map each example (i.e. the array of pixels received as input) to the correct class.

Bayes Decision Theory

Bayesian Decision Theory
A theoretical framework for building decision models that:
� Yields optimal classifiers (under some favourable conditions). � Helps us to understand how
� properties of the data distribution (e.g. Gaussian-distributed),
� prior probabilities of classes,
� the criterion to optimize (e.g. maximum classification accuracy),
affect the classifier qualitatively and quantitatively.

Bayes Decision Theory
Example: (from the book Duda et al. 2000) � Fishes of various species (salmon and
sea bass) arrive on a conveyor belt.
� Sensors placed on the conveyor belt produce a collection of measurements for each observed fish (e.g. length, lightness).
� We would like to build a decision model that assign each fish to one of the two possible classes (salmon and sea bass).

Bayesian Decision Theory
� ω1,ω2,… set of classes (e.g. salmon, sea bass, …),
We are also given the probability laws:
� P(ωj ): probability of being of class j,
� p( | ωj ): density function of measurements for each class,
� p( ): density function of measurements (marginalized),
but what we are truly interested in is:
� P(ωj | ): probability of being of a certain class after observing .
∈ Rd vector of observations (e.g. x1 is the length and x2 is the lightness).

Bayesian Decision Theory
Bayes Theorem:
P(ωj| )=p( |ωj)·P(ωj) p( )
Image source: Duda et al. (2000)

Optimally Accurate Classifier
optimal decision function: arg max P (ωj | ) j
Image source: Duda et al. (2000)

Optimally Accurate Classifier
optimal decision function: arg max P (ωj | ) j
Alternate formulations of the decision:

Multivariate Normal Distributions
p( |ωj)=� 1 exp�−1( −μ)�Σ−1( −μ)� (2π)ddet(Σj) 2 j j j
� μj is the mean (center of the data distribution)
� Σj is the covariance (elongation of the data distribution and correlation between dimensions).
Image source: Duda et al. (2000)

Classifier for Gaussians (Σ1 = Σ2)
Recall: The optimal classifier is arg maxj [log p( |ωj ) + logP(ωj)], and we have the data distributions:
p( |ωj)=� 1 exp�−1( −μ)�Σ−1( −μ)� (2π)ddet(Σj) 2 j j j

Classifier for Gaussians (Σ1 = Σ2)
Image source: Duda et al. (2000)
� Decision boundary is linear and oriented by mean and covariance. � Offset is controlled by class prior probabilities.

Classifier for Gaussians (Σ1 �= Σ2)
� When covariances Σ1 and Σ2 are not the same, the decision boundary is quadric instead of linear. Quadrics include circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, and degenerate forms.
Image source: Duda et al. (2000)

Classifying Non-Numerical Data
Example: Spam Classifier
� Observation: Messages M that need to be handled by the spam classifier come as text and not as numerical vectors.
� Common approach: Represent a message M as a collection of binary predicates testing for typical spam
∈ {0, 1}d 
 1{“claim”∈M}  .
words, and forming a vector containing these predicates:
 1{“gift”∈M}
 1{“relief ”∈M} = 1{“pain”∈M}

Classifying Binary Data
� Assume that our data is binary, i.e. ∈ {0, 1}d , with each dimension generated independently according to some Bernoulli distribution:
P(xi =0|ωj)=1−qij P(xi =1|ωj)=qij
where qij are the parameters.
� The probability of the whole multivariate observation can be written as:
P( |ωij)=�d �qijxi +(1−qij)·(1−xi)� i=1
� Question: How to express the optimal decision boundary
argmaxP(ωj| ) j

Classifying Binary Data
Recall: The optimal classifier is arg maxj [log p( |ωj ) + logP(ωj)], and we have the data distributions:
P( |ωj)=�d �qijxi +(1−qij)·(1−xi)� i=1

Minimum Cost Decisions
Example: Buying a Car
� Suppose you would like to purchase a second-hand car. After observing the car (collecting a vector of measurements ), you assess that it has a defect with probability
P(defect | ) = 0.1 P(no defect | ) = 0.9
� Concretely, the decision you need to take is not to classify the whether the car has a defect or not, but whether to buy the car or not.
� For this, we need to evaluate the cost of each scenario, e.g.
cost ( buy | defect ) = 100.0 cost ( buy | no defect ) = −20.0
cost(not buy | defect) = 0.0 cost(not buy | no defect) = 0.0
and take the action with the lowest expected cost.

Minimum Cost Decisions
General problem formulation:
� Let (αk )k be the set of actions. The expected cost “λ” of taking a certain action is given by
whereλ(αk|ωj)isthecostoftakingactionαk giventheclassωj. � The optimal action to take is therefore: arg mink λ(αk | )
λ(αk|ωj)P(ωj| )

Minimum Cost Decisions
General problem formulation:
� Let (αk )k be the set of actions. The expected cost “λ” of taking a certain action is given by
� The optimal action to take is therefore: arg mink λ(αk | ) Car example: (cf. previous slide)
λ(αk| ) = whereλ(αk|ωj)isthecostoftakingactionαk giventheclassωj.
λ(αk|ωj)P(ωj| )

Classification Accuracy Special Case
Show that the problem of maximum accuracy classification is a special instance of expected cost minimization with a particular set of actions (αk)k and a particular cost function λ(αk |ωj ).
Recall: λ(αk| )=
λ(αk|ωj)P(ωj| )

Measuring Classification Error
� So far, we have studied what the decision boundary should be in order to predict optimally.
� However, in certain cases, it is also important to determine what is the expected error of the classifier (e.g. to determine whether the classifier is good enough for practical use).
� The expected error is the probability that the data is of a different class than the one predicted, e.g. for a binary classifier:
P(Err| )=� P(ω1| ) if “decideω2” P(ω2 | ) if “decide ω1”
� For the Bayes optimal classifier, this reduces to
P(Err| ) = min{P(ω1 | ),P(ω2 | )}

Measuring Classification Error
� The expected error of this maximally accurate classifier is computed as the integral of its error probability over the distribution p( ).
P(Err) = � P(Err | )p( )d
= min{P(ω1 | ), P(ω2 | )}p( )d
This is also known as the Bayes error rate.
� Generally, this integral cannot be solved analytically, because of the min function. Error must instead be evaluated numerically/empirically, or it can also be bounded analytically.

Bounding the Error of the Classifier
Very basic bound
� Observe for binary classification that P(ω2 | ) = 1 − P(ω1 | ).
� The error of an optimal binary classifier can be bounded as:
P(Err) = � min{P(ω1 | ), P(ω2 | )}p( )d =� min{P(ω1| ),1−P(ω1| )}p( )d
≤ 0.5p( )d
i.e. the classifier predicts the correct class at least 50% of the time.
� Note that, unlike an empirical evaluation, this result is general and independent on the data distributions.

Bounding the Error of the Classifier
Another simple bound
P(Err) = � min{P(ω1 | ), P(ω2 | )}p( )d
=� min{P(ω1| )p( ),P(ω2| )p( )}d
Recall: P(ωj | )p( ) = p( |ωj)P(ωj)
= � min �p( | ω1)P(ω1), p( | ω2)P(ω2)�d
≤ � min ��j {p( | ωj )}P(ω1), �j {p( | ωj )}P(ω2)�d
= ��j � {p( | ωj )}d � · min{P(ω1), P(ω2)}
= 2 · min{P(ω1), P(ω2)}
Additional insight: The optimal classifier improves its accuracy when one class prior probability is strongly dominant over to the other class.

Machine Learning
� Paradigm that provides a solution to the practically highly relevant problem of autonomous decision making.
� Avoids to the user the task of specifying the decision function at hand, and instead, infers it automatically from the data.
Bayes Decision Theory
� Framework that allows to build optimal machine learning classifiers, assuming we have full knowledge knowledge about the class probabilities and the data distributions.
� Bayesian decision theory highlights the effect of class priors, parameters of the data distribution, and specification of the cost function, on the optimal decision function and the expected cost.

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