CS代考 (P49) 4.2.2 Exercise : Change the definition of the eval function in th – cscodehelp代写

(P49) 4.2.2 Exercise : Change the definition of the eval function in the
arith implementation to the big-step style introduced in Exercise 3.5.17.

Read the definition of big-step evaluation (described in textbook 3.5.17).

Copyright By cscodehelp代写 加微信 cscodehelp

Refer to Chapter 4 and the code implementation of small-step evaluation and
multi-step evaluation below to complete the implementation of big-step evaluation.

open Format

(* Data type definitions *)
| If of t * t * t
| Succ of t
| Pred of t
| IsZero of t

exception NoRule

let rec isNumber t =
match t with
| Zero -> true
| Succ t1 -> isNumber t1
| _ -> false

let isValue t =
match t with
| True -> true
| False -> true
| t when isNumber t -> true
| _ -> false

(* small-step evaluator *)
let rec eval t =
match t with
| If (True, t2, _) -> t2
| If (False, _, t3) -> t3
| If (t1, t2, t3) ->
If (eval t1, t2, t3)
| Succ t’ -> Succ (eval t’)
| Pred Zero -> Zero
| Pred (Succ t’) ->
if isNumber t’
else Pred (eval (Succ t’))
| Pred t’ -> Pred (eval t’)
| IsZero Zero -> True
| IsZero (Succ t’) ->
if isNumber t’
then False
else IsZero (eval (Succ t’))
| IsZero t’ -> IsZero (eval t’)
| _ -> raise NoRule

(* multi-step evaluation *)
let rec evalAll t =
let t’ = eval t in
evalAll t’
with NoRule -> t

(* printer function *)
let rec pr t =
match t with
| True -> printf “True”
| False -> printf “False”
| If (t1, t2, t3) ->
(printf “If(“;
pr t1; printf “, “;
pr t2; printf “, “;
pr t3; printf “)”)
| Zero -> printf “Zero”
| Succ t’ ->
(printf “Succ(“; pr t’; printf “)”)
| Pred t’ ->
(printf “Pred(“; pr t’; printf “)”)
| IsZero t’ ->
(printf “IsZero(“; pr t’; printf “)”)

Exercise: complete the code for big-step evaluator.
As an example, the code implementation of XX rule in big-step evaluator
has been given. Please complete the code implementation of other rules
and verify whether your implementation is correct in unit test.

let rec evalBig t =
match t with

(* ======================= unit test ========================== *)
let e = Pred (Succ (Pred Zero))
let d = evalBig e
let _ = pr e
let _ = printf “

let _ = pr d
let _ = printf “
let _ = printf “

exercise: finish the remaining test cases and give the results.
Todo: e = IsZero Zero
Todo: e = IsZero (Pred (Succ (Succ Zero)))
Todo: e = If ( False, False, Pred (Succ (Pred Zero)))

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: cscodehelp QQ: 2235208643 Email: kyit630461@163.com

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