CS代考 CS6233, from Tanenbaum & Bo, Modern Operating Systems:4th ed., (c) 2013 Pre – cscodehelp代写

Professor G. slides adapted by G. Sandoval for CS6233, from Tanenbaum & Bo, Modern Operating Systems:4th ed., (c) 2013 Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Also from Slides by -Gavitt

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 The kernel is a program at the core of the operating system.
 User space is where ordinary programs run; must trap to the kernel (via a system call) to do anything that requires privilege
 User space communicates with the kernel via system calls.

 XV6 is a UNIX like operating system developed at MIT
 Reimplements UNIX version 6 (1975)
 Small enough to cover in a semester
 Few system calls
 Lacks many features (networking, users,
security features, etc. )

Simulating a PC
 Real operating systems are difficult to debug
 If something goes wrong, the whole machine crashes
 At a minimum you need two computers

Simulating a PC
 To get around this, we will use a PC emulator called QEMU
 QEMU simulated PC hardware in software
 We will call the machine doing the simulating the “host” and the machine being simulated the “guest”

 We will briefly cover some XV6 aspects: ▪ Command Line arguments
▪ File I/O
▪ Pipes and redirection

 When we launch an executable the OS sets up it’s environment to run
 For traditional UNIX style C Programs this includes a list of command arguments
 Command line args are passed to the main function
intmain(intargc,char *argv[])

Example: suppose you execute
argv[0] = ? argv[1] = ? argv[2] = ?

Example: suppose you execute
argv[0] = “wc” argv[1] = “README”
argv[2] = NOTHING argc = 2

 At a Minimum you will need
▪ Types.h – basic data types used in XV6
▪ User.h – defines the API accessible by programs running in user mode
 If you want to find out what to include to get a particular function: grep function *.h

 A File Descriptor is a small integer representing a “kernel managed” object that a process can read/write to.
 A process can obtain a FD by: opening file, directory, or device or creating a pipe.
 The FD interface abstracts away differences between files, pipes and devices making them all look like a stream of bytes.

 The shell always ensures that any process has 3 file descriptors open:
 The 3 standard file descriptors: ▪ stdin(0),
▪ stdout(1), ▪ stderr(2)

 In XV6 you have the open syscall:
 The mode argument is a set of flags (defined
 Returns a file descriptor, or -1 if there is an error (e.g., file not found)

Once you have open file descriptor, it can be used with various other APIs:
int printf(int fd, char *format, …) int read(int fd, void *buf, int n) int write(int fd, void *buf, int n)

Data to read or write
Once you have open file descriptor, it can be used with various other APIs:
int printf(int fd, char *format, …) int read(int fd, void *buf, int n) int write(int fd, void *buf, int n)

Once you have open file descriptor, it can be used with various other APIs:
int printf(int fd, char *format, …) int read(int fd, void *buf, int n) int write(int fd, void *buf, int n)
Number of bytes to read or write

 At the command line, a program’s std input and output can be redirected to or from a file
▪ Input with the ‘<‘ character ▪ Output with the ‘>’ character
 Example: search for the word ‘the’ in the file README
▪ Grep the README
 Now save the results to a file “found.txt”
▪ Grep the < README > found.txt
Takes place of stdin Takes place of stdout 21

 Since input and output use the general notion of a file descriptor, we can do interesting things.
 This way of connecting programs is called a pipe –it hooks up the output of one program to the input of another

 Examples:
▪ Count the lines, words, and characters in a file:
▪ cat README | wc
▪ Search the dictionary for words containing “cat” and return
only the first 10
▪grep cat /usr/share/dict/words | head

 cat doesn’t know where it’s reading from
 Use of file descriptors and the convention that fd 0 is input and fd 1 is output allows for a simple implementation of cat.
 When using redirection the shell takes care of this

 User and kernel space  Processes
 System Calls
 Address spaces
 Files & file descriptors
 Users, groups, permissions (UNIX)

 The kernel is where we’ll spend most of our attention
 User space is where ordinary programs run; must trap to the kernel (via a system call) to do anything that requires privilege

 distinguishes several types of operating systems  Some types proposed over the years:
▪ Monolithic
▪ Microkernel ▪Virtual machine

 Monolithic kernels are effectively one large program; any piece of the kernel can talk to any other by simple function calls
 This is the most common kind in use today – Windows, Linux, and OS X are all monolithic
 Downside: any mistake in the kernel can bring down the entire machine

Core idea: bugs per lines of code seems to be roughly constant
fewer bugs? write less code!
Corollary: make the kernel as small as possible

 OS is structured as a collection of servers running in user space
 Kernel-mode component just does scheduling and inter-process communication
 Stability benefits: your video driver can crash without bringing down the whole OS

 Communication between processes requires a context switch – and this is expensive on current hardware
 Lots of work has been done to make this. But it still appears to be inherently slower than a monolithic kernel

 Some modern OSes do have microkernel-like aspects  Windows
▪ Some subsystems (e.g. the local security manager, LSASS) are regular user processes
▪ In early versions of Windows NT (up until 4.0), the graphics subsystem was entirely in userspace
▪ But this was later moved into the kernel (win32k.sys) for performance reasons

 Definition: A program in execution.
 A process is the basic unit of execution in an
Operating System
 Each process gets its own CPU context and
 The operating system switches between them, saving and restoring their context

Each process gets its own memory and cannot access the memory of others
▪Except through special mechanisms such as shared memory regions
▪This is enforced by the Operating System

Two ways of accomplishing Isolation of Address Spaces:
▪Naming: make sure that a process has no way of referencing the memory of another process; i.e., it can’t form a memory address that refers to memory outside its own space
▪Trapping: ensure that every access to someone else’s memory causes a trap to the kernel

 One of the most fundamental units in most operating systems
 Usually just a plain array of bytes with some associated metadata
 Programs can obtain a reference to a file from the operating system (called a file descriptor or file handle)
 All access to the file data is done by asking the OS and providing it the descriptor

UNIX takes the mentality that “everything’s a file”
Some hardware resources can be accessed by user programs by operating on files instead
For example: in Linux, /dev/ttyS0 is a file that gives you access to the serial port, /dev/hda is a file that refers to the actual hard drive

 Even program input and output is treated as a file: ▪ Standard input is assigned to file descriptor 0
▪ Standard output is assigned to file descriptor 1 ▪ Standard error is assigned to file descriptor 2

 We may want to allow multiple people to use the same system
 So the OS needs to track the owners of resources such as files
 It may also be convenient to have files accessible to a group of users

 Each file has an owner, a group, and permissions
 Permissions divided into three sections: user, group, and others
Permissions Owner Group
-rw-r–r– -rwxr-xr-x -rw-r–r–
1 moyix staff 1 moyix staff 1 moyix staff
8388608 Sep 1 18:00 vga.vram 8496 Sep 14 07:34 x
290 Sep 14 07:34 x.c

User GroupOther
 If the file is owned by the current user, use the user permissions to determine if access is
 Otherwise, if the user is a member of the group of the file, use the group permissions
 Finally, anyone else will be allowed access according to the other permissions
 In this example, the file’s owner can read, write, and execute the file; the group and others can only read and execute it but not modify it
 When you see a – (dash) in user, group or owner it means the particular permission has NOT been granted.

 Use the chmod command to change file permissions.  Take a look at the file first. At the shell prompt type:
 ls –l foo.txt  This displays:  Now type:
ls -l foo.txt
-rw-rw-r– 1 user user 150 Mar 19 08:08 foo.txt
chmod o+w foo.txt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 user user 150 Mar 19 08:08 foo.txt

u — the user who owns the file (that is, the owner) g — the group to which the user belongs
o — others (not the owner or the owner’s group)
a — everyone or all (u, g, and o)
r — read access
w — write access
x — execute access
+ — adds the permission
– — removes the permission
= — makes it the only permission

 Abstractions that OS provides to interact with it.  Are usually machine dependent
 Written in assembly code
 Library procedures are used in C/C++.
 Let’s trace the read system call:
▪ Count = read(fd, buffer, nbytes)

The 11 steps in making the system call
read(fd, buffer, nbytes).

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