CS代考计算机代写 PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation


Design & Creativity

Lesson Preview

Design & configuration

Plan refinement

Connections to earlier topics

height :
total-width :
total-length :
util-closet-width :
util-closet-length :
stairwell-width :
stairwell-length :
bathroom-width :
bathroom-length :
rooms :
Total area must equal sum of areas of individual rooms.
All rooms must be rectangular.
Utility closet and stairwell must each be at least 100 square feet.
No length or width can be under 10 feet.

Length is 44, width is 30.
Bathroom must be at least 200 square feet.
Two other rooms, each at least 400 square feet.
length :
width :
length :
width :

Configuration: A problem-solving activity that assigns values to variables to satisfy constraints.

Abstract and
Partial Solutions
Expanded and
Refined Solutions

Specification Space
Configuration Space
Component Hierarchy
Abstraction Hierarchy
Arrangement Model
Additional Specifications
Specification to
Structure Mapping
Solution Refinement and Expansion

Image credit:


mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :
Chair Legs
count :
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Seat
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Arms
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Back
size :
material :
cost :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :
A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs.

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : 4
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 13 Chair Legs count : 4 size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 14 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5 Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 15 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5.00 Chair Seat size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Arms size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Back size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 16 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5.00 Chair Seat size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Arms size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Back size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : 250g cost : $20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 17 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 18 Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 19 Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 20 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 21 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 22 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 23 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Vertebrate Bird Reptile Mammal Bluebird Penguin Eagle Classification and configuration are both hierarchical. Configuration leverages classification’s notion of prototype concepts. Configuration suggests starting with a prototype concept and assigning values to variables. Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Chair mass : cost : legs : seat : arms : back : Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 25 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Configuration suggests starting with a prototype concept and assigning values to variables. Case-based reasoning suggests starting from a specific chair and tweaking it as needed. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 26 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : The result of a planning task can lead to a prototype that can subsequently be configured for similar problems with differing constraints. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 27 Assignment How would you use configuration to design an agent that could answer Raven’s progressive matrices? To recap… Design Defining configuration Process of configuration Connections to earlier topics /docProps/thumbnail.jpeg

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CS代考计算机代写 PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation


Design & Creativity

Lesson Preview

Design & configuration

Plan refinement

Connections to earlier topics

height :
total-width :
total-length :
util-closet-width :
util-closet-length :
stairwell-width :
stairwell-length :
bathroom-width :
bathroom-length :
rooms :
Total area must equal sum of areas of individual rooms.
All rooms must be rectangular.
Utility closet and stairwell must each be at least 100 square feet.
No length or width can be under 10 feet.

Length is 44, width is 30.
Bathroom must be at least 200 square feet.
Two other rooms, each at least 400 square feet.
length :
width :
length :
width :

Configuration: A problem-solving activity that assigns values to variables to satisfy constraints.

Abstract and
Partial Solutions
Expanded and
Refined Solutions

Specification Space
Configuration Space
Component Hierarchy
Abstraction Hierarchy
Arrangement Model
Additional Specifications
Specification to
Structure Mapping
Solution Refinement and Expansion

Image credit:


mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :
Chair Legs
count :
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Seat
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Arms
size :
material :
cost :
Chair Back
size :
material :
cost :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : {3, 4, 5}
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :
cost :
legs :
seat :
arms :
back :
A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs.

Image credit:


Chair Legs
count : 4
size : {5 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Seat
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Arms
size : {0 – 50g}
material : {}
cost :
Chair Back
size : {10 – 100g}
material : {}
cost :
Materials Table
Material Cost per gram
Plastic $0.01
Wood $0.05
Metal $0.10

mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 13 Chair Legs count : 4 size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 14 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5 Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : <$5 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : <$5 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 15 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5.00 Chair Seat size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Arms size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Back size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass :>200g
cost :<$20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 16 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 25g material : wood cost : $5.00 Chair Seat size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Arms size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Chair Back size : 50g material : metal cost : $5.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : 250g cost : $20 legs : seat : arms : back : Order: A chair that weighs over 200g, costs at most $20 to make, and has 4 legs. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 17 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 18 Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 19 Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 20 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 21 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Materials Table Material Cost per gram Plastic $0.01 Wood $0.05 Metal $0.10 Chair mass : cost :<$16 legs : seat : arms : back : Fill this order: A chair that costs at most $16 to make and has a 100g metal seat. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 22 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 23 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Vertebrate Bird Reptile Mammal Bluebird Penguin Eagle Classification and configuration are both hierarchical. Configuration leverages classification’s notion of prototype concepts. Configuration suggests starting with a prototype concept and assigning values to variables. Chair Legs count : {3, 4, 5} size : {5 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Seat size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Chair Arms size : {0 – 50g} material : {} cost : Chair Back size : {10 – 100g} material : {} cost : Chair mass : cost : legs : seat : arms : back : Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 25 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : Configuration suggests starting with a prototype concept and assigning values to variables. Case-based reasoning suggests starting from a specific chair and tweaking it as needed. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 26 Chair Legs count : 4 size : 10g material : metal cost : $4.00 Chair Seat size : 100g material : metal cost : $10.00 Chair Arms size : 0g material : N/A cost : $0.00 Chair Back size : 20g material : metal cost : $2.00 Chair mass : 160g cost : $16 legs : seat : arms : back : The result of a planning task can lead to a prototype that can subsequently be configured for similar problems with differing constraints. Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chair_4a.jpg 27 Assignment How would you use configuration to design an agent that could answer Raven’s progressive matrices? To recap… Design Defining configuration Process of configuration Connections to earlier topics /docProps/thumbnail.jpeg

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