程序代写 Imperial College London Department of Computing – cscodehelp代写

Imperial College London Department of Computing
MRes AI & Machine Learning, entry 2022
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your application to the MRes in AI & Machine Learning programme. As part of the application journey, every applicant is required to take our admissions tests, and this is to provide you with more information about our MRes Admissions tests and the links to the online tests.

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**We ask that you please do not share or distribute any details about or related to the Admissions tests, and put trust in you that you adhere to this rule**
Part 1: Information about the Admissions tests
There will be 4 admission tests in total.
A. Maths tests: 20 multiple choice questions, 50min allowed time B. Programming test: 20 choice questions, 50min allowed time
C. AI Test: 20 multiple choice questions, 50min allowed time
D. Scientific reading comprehension exercise, 50min allowed time
A: Generally speaking, successful applicants to our programme would have a good understanding of linear algebra, differentiation and probability theory, so the Maths test will assume knowledge of those, for example.
B: In terms of programming skills, the tests will assume knowledge of key computer science concepts such as variables & data types, implementation of data structures, algorithmic complexity, as well as types of programming languages.
C: The AI test will focus on topics in machine learning, and will assume knowledge of concepts such as supervised learning, unsupervised dimensionality reduction, model validation techniques, evaluation metrics, and overfitting.
D. For the research paper critical reading exercise you would be sent a research paper so you can answer brief essay style questions. The questions will check on your understanding and critical thinking of the article. Answers should be kept brief and concise.
Tests A-C are scored and will be included in the review process of your application.
Test D is not marked, but will be sent to potential supervisors, so the supervisor can get to know the applicant better in respect to their paper critique skills.
Part 2: Taking the Admissions tests (online)
Preliminaries applicable to all tests
o You can take the tests at any time of your convenience until the date stated in the email to you. The tests do not have to be taken consecutively, but once you start a test you need to finish it as the system has limitations in allowing saving or pausing.
o The submission system will record how much time is spent on each test: the clock starts when you submit your first response.
o Please get in touch and let us know if there is any circumstances that may affect your ability to complete the tests in the prescribed times (e.g. power cuts, equipment failures, health reasons, work or caring commitments or disability, pandemic-related reasons).
Links to the online Admissions tests
A. Maths tests: 20 multiple choice questions, 50min allowed time
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B. Programming test: 20 choice questions, 50min allowed time https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/
C. AI Test: 20 multiple choice questions, 50min allowed time https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/
D. Scientific reading comprehension exercise, 50min allowed time
Before you start accessing the online system, please read the journal article; a pdf copy is attached to this email.
It is high-impact example of AI for Healthcare research, but also for the principles behind our Centre. The critical reading assessment, is fundamental for us and the potential supervisors to understand a candidates ability to synthesise knowledge from a research paper, the limitations of the approaches and critically questioning the findings, and understand how the research fits into a broader context.
The Link to the journal paper is here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-018-0213-5 A pdf copy attached to the email.
Link to online test: https://imperial.eu.qualtrics.com/
Please get in touch if you have questions or feel something is unclear at MRes AI and ML Admissions
Best of success with the tests Kind regards
MRes programme Team
The paper is called ¡°The Artificial Intelligence Clinician learns optimal treatment strategies for sepsis in intensive care.¡±, by , . Celi, , . Gordon & A.
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