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In this problem set we will work with SparkSQL and DynamoDB. In the first part of this problem set we will re-evaluate some of the
problems from earlier in the course and see how they are easier to do with SparkSQL. In the second part we will explore how a
document-based JSON database can be used to solve some problems with more flexibility than a SQL database.
Remember that crazy dataset with the lines that look like this:
2015-12-10T08:40:10Z fnard:-1 fnok:-1 cark:-1 gnuck:-1
Yes, you remember it. It’s still stored in Amazon S3:
$ aws s3 ls s3://gu-anly502/A1/
2017-01-07 15:15:41 5244417004 quazyilx1.txt
2017-01-07 13:19:28 19397230888 quazyilx2.txt
2017-01-08 19:16:19 39489364082 quazyilx3.txt
Your job is to do a better job analyzing one of these files than before.
It turns out that quazyilx1.txt has 100,000,000 lines. On the Amazon m4.2xlarge computer it takes nearly 20 minutes to
analyze the file, even when it is stored in HDFS. So we contacted Amazon tech support and were told that we were building our
clusters the wrong way for this problem. Amazon recommended the following configuration:
1 Master m3.xlarge
2 Core m3.xlarge
4 Task m3.xlarge
Using this configuration, we were able to read the entire quazyilx1.txt file into an RDD in 59 seconds. This demonstrates how
important it is to tune your cluster to your problem!
We recommend that you use the .cache() method as necessary.
1. Create a class called Quazyilx in the file quazyilx.py that processes a line and returns it as a slotted structure, with
attributes for the .time , .fnard , .fnok and .cark . A test program called quazyilx_test.py has been
provided for you.
2. You will need to turn the Quazyilx object into a Row() object. You can do that with a lambda, like this:
lambda q:Row(datetime=q.datetime.isoformat(),fnard=q.fnard,fnok=q.fnok,cark=q.cark,gnuck=q.gnuck))
Alternatively, you can add a new method to the Quazyilx class called .Row() that returns a Row. All of these ways are more or
ANLY 502 Assignment 5 version 1.2
Due Sunday, April 2nd, 11:59pm
SparkSQL and NoSQL
Question 1: Quazyilx again!
less equivalent. You just need to pick one of them. You may find it useful to look at this documentation.
3. Modify the file quazyilx_run.py to read the file s3://gu-anly502/A1/quazyilx0.txt into an RDD of Row() objects (created
above). Convert that RDD into a dataframe using the spark.createDataFrame method, register it as the SQL table
quazyilx with the method .createOrReplaceTempView .
4. You should probably be doing this all in iPython (or, specifically, ipyspark –files quazyilx.py ). You can now evaluate
SQL commands at the command line using the spark.sql object. For example, if you want to know how many rows are in
the quazyilx table, you can type:
In [3]: spark.sql(“select count(*) from quazyilx”).collect()
Out[3]: [Row(count(1)=1000000)]
In [4]:
Experiment with the SQL and figure out how to generate:
The number of rows in the dataset
The number of lines that has -1 for fnard , fnok , cark and gnuck .
The number of lines that have -1 for fnard but have fnok>5 and cark>5
The first datetime in the dataset, and the first datetime that has -1 for all of the values.
The last datetime in the dataset, and the last datetime that has a -1 for all of the values.
Each of these should be calculated with an SQL query. We’ve given you the prototype of a program in quazyilx_run.py to help
you get going. Get each SQL query working within ipython . Then paste the query into the program quazyilx_run.py . When
you are finished, you can run the program with spark-submit and the output will be generated.
1. Run this program and save the output in the file quazyilx_run.txt . In fact, you should be able to type
make quazyilx_run.txt on your Master node and have everything “just work.” (Look at the Makefile to see how the magic
Note: in our testing, processing quazyilx1.txt required 79 partitions, with each partition requiring approximately 210 seconds.
Not all of the partitions can run at the same time, of course. The total time to compute count(*) of the Quazyilx objects was just
under 15 minutes. Once that RDD was in memory, the other SQL statements ran in seconds. We’ve asked you to work with this whole
dataset so that you can experience the difference.
Recall that the file s3://gu-anly502/logs/forensicswiki.2012.txt is a year’s worth of Apache logs for the forensicswiki website. Each line
of the log file correspondents to a single HTTP GET command sent to the web server. The log file is in the Combined Log Format.
Our goal in this part is to write a map/reduce programs using SparkSQL that will report the number of hits for each month. This time
you will set up the entire program on your own, but we will give you the SQL statement to generate the output that we desire.
For your reference, here is the form of the desired output:
2010-01 10000
2010-02 20000
Where 10000 and 20000 are replaced by the actual number of hits in each month.
And here is the SQL statement that you should use to get it:
Question 2: Forensicswiki again!
SELECT SUBSTR(datetime,1,7),COUNT(1) from logs GROUP BY 1
We have given you a partially-completed fwiki.py module in which to put your program, and fwiki_test.py to test your log
file parser. Your job is to finish fwiki.py and finish fwiki_run.py so that it produces the requested output.
This question is a simple question regarding JSON. You can solve it on your laptop using only Python.
The Consumer Financial Protection Board allows a sanitized version of its consumer complaints database to be downloaded from
http://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/consumer-complaints/#download-the-data. (Please note that you can download the
data using either a http:// or a https:// URL.
The dataset of credit card complaints can be downloaded from http://data.consumerfinance.gov/api/views/7zpz-7ury/rows.json. The
dataset is in a strange format; if the JSON object is in a dictionary called data[] , then the rows are in data[‘data’] and the
metadata, including the column definitions, are in data[‘meta’] . The column definitions are in
data[‘meta’][‘view’][‘columns’] .
Write a Python program that:
1. Downloads the dataset into a Python string.
2. Uses the json package to turn the JSON string into Python dictionary.
3. Compute the number of compaints for each year.
Your output should look like this:
2013 XXX
2014 XXX
Where the first column is the year and the XXX represents the number of complaints in the year.
You should turn in a program called complaints.py with the output in complaints.txt .
Extra Credit Option #1: (0.25 point): How many complaints were there against PayPal Holdings, Inc? Put your answer in
Extra Credit Option #2: (1 point): Have your program run on Apache SparkSQL, by loading the dataset into a table and
computing the result with an SQL query. Call this program complaints_spark.py .
Extra Credit Option #3: (1 point): Have your program create and then store the results into a DynamoDB table, and then use
DynamoDB to calculate the results. Please use your Georgetown NetID for the name of the table. Call this program
complaints_dd.py .
To get you going, here is the code for downloading the dataset into the variable data :
data = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(“http://data.consumerfinance.gov/api/views/7zpz-7ury/rows.json”).read())
Question 3: JSON