程序代写代做代考 Java javascript 1


Programming Assignment 1

Taste of Visual Analytics: Mapping Reported Crimes in Penn State


Required by federal laws, Penn State makes the public aware of reported crimes on campus. Relevant

information is provided on a website: http://police.psu.edu/daily-crime-log. While people can browse

the website to know what crimes have been reported, when and where they happened, it is still a

challenge for people who try to understand more about on-campus crimes, such as the distribution of

the crimes across campus.


Your assignment is to build a map-based tool to show the locations of these reported crime. Figure 1

shows a result of this assignment.

Figure 1: A result of the assignment.

In this figure, each reported crime is represented as a marker , and the location of the marker

indicates the location of the reported crime. When the cursor is over a marker, the name of its location

pops out.


The crime data used for this assignment can be found in the PSU_ReportedCrimes.txt document under

the folder of


An HTML document should be submitted to the CANVAS dropbox.



Grading rubrics (10 points total)

 Display a map in the browser (1 point)

 The map is centered on PSU UP campus (2 points)

 Markers are correctly displayed (3 points, no partial credit)

 Showing the location of a marker in its tip when moving cursor over it (3 points, no partial


 Sufficient comments for JavaScript statements (1 point)

Bonus (2 points)

Each crime record contains more information than what a marker tip can show. One way to help people

know more about crimes is to the location, time, and detailed crime when a marker is clicked, as shown

in Figure 2:

Figure 2: Clicking a marker to show more information.

You will earn 2 bonus points for implementing this function.

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