程序代写代做代考 IOS

University of Technology Sydney

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
School of Software

41889 – Application Development in the iOS Environment
42889 – iOS Application Development
Autumn 2018

## Continuous Integration Instructions

1. Create a [GitHub](https://github.com/) account
2. Sign up for the [Student Developer Pack](https://education.github.com/pack)
3. Join the “uts-ios-dev” GitHub classroom using this link:
4. Select your Student ID
![Select ID](class_room_roster.PNG)
5. Accept the calc project
6. Go to http://travis-ci.com/ and select “Sign in with GitHub” (note that travis-ci **.com** is for private repositories, and travis-ci **.org** is for public repositories)
7. Select “Authorize travis-pro”
8. On Travis, go to your [profile](https://travis-ci.com/profile) page and enable this project
9. Now when you upload code to this repo, you can see the project compile and test on Travis.

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