程序代写代做代考 Haskell scheme compiler COMS22201: Language Engineering

COMS22201: Language Engineering

Coursework 2: weighting 25%

16/03/2017, csxor@bristol.ac.uk

This coursework is released in week 20 so you can begin working on it in the
lab of week 21. It consists of three parts involving one lab exam and two Haskell
implementation exercises. Collectively these are worth 25% of your unit mark.

The lab exam (part 1) will be based on the questions you have already worked
on in the labs. You will need to attend a designated closed-book session in week 23
(the first week back after Easter) for a written exam-style test.

The Haskell exercises (parts 2 and 3) concern the syntax and semantics of a
richer language Proc that extends While with simple blocks and procedures. You
will need to write a parser for Proc together with natural operational semantics
that evaluates programs under various static and dynamic scoping rules. You will
need to submit one file cw2.hs to the CW2p23 unit component in SAFE by 4pm
on Wednesday the 3rd of May in week 24 (the last week of term).

Note, due to popular demand, the deadline for Haskell submission has already
been extended by one week (which means I am now in the process of re-scheduling
the lab exam so you can continue working on your Haskell in the week 23 lab.

Part 1:

The first part of the coursework is is worth 5% of the unit mark and involves a 50
minute lab exam that you will sit in week 23. Detailed instructions including time
and room information will be emailed to you and posted on the course webpage
over Easter. But, in brief, each student will get a script with 3 questions that are
randomly selected from the previous lab sheets (where the examinable questions are
explicitly marked as such on the lab solutions I’ve started releasing). You will need
to write your answers on the paper provided. You will be given a mark in SAFE
and a selection of the best answers will be put online to serve as feedback on good
practice and to assist with your exam revision.


Part 2

The second part of the coursework is worth 8% of the unit mark and involves writing
a compiler for the Proc language, defined as follows (on p.52 of the book):

S ::= x := a | skip | S1 ; S2 | if b then S1 else S2
| while b do S | begin DV DP S end | call p

DV ::= var x := a ; DV | �
DP ::= proc p is S ; DP | �

The idea is that statements can be made into blocks by enclosing them within
the begin and end tokens and specifying a set of variable and procedure declarations
DV and DP ; and procedures can be run using the call keyword.

Although the definitions of arithmetics and Booleans are unchanged from While,
you are asked to use !, & and <= instead of (or as well as) ¬, ∧ and ≤ to represent negation, conjunction and less than. This is because the former are easier to type and less likely to be corrupted during file transfers. Your submission will only be tested on programs using !, & and <= (but if you decide to also support ¬, ∧ and ≤ then make sure your submission runs on a lab machine with no UTF errors). In addition to these changes, we will allow Proc programs to contain parentheses ( ... ) so programmers can specify the intended parse; and, for convenience, we will also allow C-style comments of the form //... and /*...*/ . The aim is to write a parser that compiles Proc code, as defined above, into an abstract syntax tree built from the following Haskell type declarations (which are unchanged from the lab sheets apart from the block and procedure extensions): type Num = Integer type Var = String type Pname = String type DecV = [(Var,Aexp)] type DecP = [(Pname,Stm)] data Aexp = N Num | V Var | Mult Aexp Aexp | Add Aexp Aexp | Sub Aexp Aexp data Bexp = TRUE | FALSE | Neg Bexp | And Bexp Bexp | Le Aexp Aexp | Eq Aexp Aexp data Stm = Skip | Ass Var Aexp | Comp Stm Stm | If Bexp Stm Stm | While Bexp Stm | Block DecV DecP Stm | Call Pname 2 In this way, we can now write source code like the following examples of iterative and recursive implementations of factorial (using loops or procedure calls): /*fac loop (p.23)*/ y:=1; while !(x=1) do ( y:=y*x; x:=x-1 ) //fac call (p.55) begin proc fac is begin var z:=x; if x=1 then skip else ( x:=x-1; call fac; y:=z*y ) end; y:=1; call fac end Your task is to write a function parse :: String -> Stm that takes a string
representation of some Proc source code such as (for the left program above)

“/*fac_loop (p.23)*/
while !(x=1) do (

and returns a Haskell term such as (for the left program above):

(Comp (Ass “y” (N 1)) (While (Neg (Eq (V “x”) (N 1))) (Comp (Ass “y”

(Mult (V “y”) (V “x”))) (Ass “x” (Sub (V “x”) (N 1))))))

You are advised to use the Parsec style of parser combinators from TB1 (and you
may import relevant libraries available on the lab machines). All white space and
comments should be discarded. Use standard precedence and associativity conven-
tions for arithmetic and Boolean operators. Please make statement composition right
associative (so (a;b;c) represents the AST a;(b;c)) and make ‘else’ and ‘do’ greedy
(so the above programs could both be written with or without brackets). You should
aim to spend no more than 10 hours on this part.


Part 3

The third part of the coursework is worth 12% of the unit mark and involves writing
a natural operational semantics for Proc. You are expected to work on your own
by closely following the detailed guidance and implementation hints given in Section
2.5 and Appendix C.3 of the book.

A key aspect of providing a semantics for block structured languages like Proc
(which allow local declarations to effectively hide global declarations of the same
name) involves deciding the scoping rules for variables and procedures. In each case
there is a choice of static scope or dynamic scope to determine which declaration
a reference should be resolved to.

Static scope (early or compile-time binding) means that a reference is resolved
lexically (in terms of the source code) to the declaration made in the innermost
enclosing block. Dynamic scope (late or run-time binding) means that a reference is
resolved temporally (in terms of the execution context) to the declaration made in
the most recently executed block

In this coursework you will explore three combinations that we will call static
(static variables and procedures), mixed (dynamic variables but static procedures),
and dynamic (dynamic variables and procedures) These concepts are illustrated by
the following program which you should be able to see terminates with y=5 for static
scope, y=10 for mixed scope y=6 for dynamic scope:

//scope test (p.53)


var x:=0;

proc p is x:=x*2;

proc q is call p;


var x:=5;

proc p is x:=x+1;

call q;




By following the exposition in the book you are required to implement a natural


semantics for all three combinations. In order to do this you will need to implement
various aspects such as stores, locations and variable and procedure environments.
You may write any semantic functions and auxiliary definitions you like, but you
should include the following types (in addition to those given in the previous part)
and you should implement three semantic functions s_static, s_mixed, s_dynamic
:: Stm -> State -> State that evaluate a given program from a given state under
the specified scoping convention:

type T = Bool

type Z = Integer

type State = Var -> Z

Note that type definitions of the declarations DecV and DecP use standard Haskell
lists. This is simply to avoid introducing two pairs of new constructors ConsV, NilV
and ConsP, NilP that would be isomorphic to the standard list constructors : and
[] but would not benefit from the syntactic sugar that we can exploit here to make
variable and procedure declarations easier to read with no loss of generality.

The marking scheme for this part is not linear as you will need to work harder to
obtain higher marks. An approximate breakdown of marks is shown in the following
table which maps the scoping rules (left to right) against the language features (top
to bottom). The arrows show the direction of increasing difficulty.

Marking scheme (approx) Dynamic Mixed Static Weight
Basic features (While) easiest → 20%
Variable scope (Block) ↓ ↘ 25%
Procedure scope (Proc) 25%

Self recursion 20%
Mutual recursion hardest 10%

Weight 40% 30 % 30% 100%

You need to decide which order to tackle the problem and when to stop. You
should not necessarily aim to get 100% or tackle every feature. The book considers
the three binding types one at a time, moving in turn from, left to right through the
above table. You should aim to spend about 15 hours on this part (although you
may be able to pinch time from the previous parts).

Submission: You should submit one file cw2.hs to the CW2p23 unit compo-
nent in SAFE by 4pm on the 3rd of May. Your file should include your parser and
semantic function(s). You should ensure it loads into GHCI on a lab machine with
no errors. You may loose marks if your submission it is late, incorrectly named,
generates load errors, or if you modify any of the type definitions given above.


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