程序代写代做代考 gui Java scheme CM10228 Coursework 3
CM10228 Coursework 3
Dungeon of Doom – Part 4
April 7, 2017
1 Introduction
Due Date: 19.00 on 5th May 2017
Overall, your mark in Programming 2 is composed of,
1. 50% coursework,
2. 50% exam.
The coursework component (part 1. above) is made up of three exercises (CW1,
CW2 and CW3) each of which will build upon the last. These are as follows,
1. CW1: Dungeon of Doom Part 2:
Extending code from CM102227 CW2 –or the supplied code- to allow
multiple concurrent, networked agents in one dungeon (Java).
2. CW2: Dungeon of Doom Part 3: Adding a GUI (Java).
3. CW3: Dungeon of Doom Part 4: Reimplementing parts of the game
in C.
This document provides requirements for the third coursework (CW3). CW3 is
worth 2/5th of the coursework component (i.e. 20% of your total mark for the
2 Coursework Specification
2.1 Core Requirements
This assignment asks you to make further extensions to the Dungeon of Doom
game. More specifically, it asks you to write your own unit tests and reimple-
ment parts of the game in C.
Note: it is highly recommended that you write your unit tests first before you
reimplement functionality in C as this will help ensure that your new C code
works as expected.
To meet the core requirements you should implement the following,
1. Unit Tests for GameLogic and Map – Create suitable unit tests for
the GameLogic and Map classes including in the comments why these tests
were chosen. For example, in the given code you should, as a minimum,
include tests for the following methods,
(a) GameLogic
i. addDoDPlayer(int id)
ii. getSpawnLocation()
iii. processCommand(String action, int player)
iv. move(DoDPlayer player, char direction)
v. isAnotherPlayerOccupyingTile(int newX, int newY)
vi. pickup(DoDPlayer player)
(b) Map
i. getMapName()
ii. getMapWidth()
iii. getMapHeight()
iv. getGoldToWin()
v. look(int x, int y)
vi. getTile(int x, int y)
vii. replaceTile(int x, int y, char with)
2. Implement in C the functionality contained in the Map Java
class EXCLUDING the functionality which loads a map from
file – That is,
(a) create a new Java class called MapJNI which contains all of the meth-
ods in Map as native methods e.g.
public native char getTile(int x, int y);
NOTE: you should exclude the methods in Map which provide the
functionality to load a map from a specified file i.e. in the given
code you would exclude the methods readMap(String fileName) and
loadMap(BufferedReader reader)
(b) use the JNI framework to generate a MapJNI.h file
(c) implement the functions in MapJNI.h in your own C file
(d) NOTE: values for the map, map name, map width, map height and
win condition should be hard coded as global variables
(e) finally, replace in GameLogic the instantiation of Map with MapJNI
and test to make sure your new C code works
You can choose to add this new functionality to 1. the code you
submitted for CW1 or 2 in CM10228 or 2. to use the CW2 example
code available on Moodle. NOTE: if you do choose to extend our
example code you can still achieve the maximum marks possible for
this coursework.
2.2 Core Requirements – Automated Testing
Important: The code you submit will be tested using a test suit which, will
check your implementations by running both the DoD client and server. To
allow us to run this test suit your submitted code MUST use the classes below
which are included in our given code on Moodle.
1. DODServerGUI: – launches the server (and if included the server GUI)
using the port number supplied as a default value.
Usage: java DODServerGUI 2. HumanClientGUI – launches the human player client (and if included Usage: java HumanClientGUI 3. BotClientGUI: – launches the bot player client (and if included the bot Usage: java BotClientGUI Failure to follow the submission specifications, would result a -10 3 2.3 Advance Features In order to potentially get full marks on the coursework you will also need to 2.3.1 Implement the functionality which loads a map from file in C 1. that is, add, as appropriate, the remaining methods from the Map class 2. re-generate the MapJNI.h file 3. implement the functionality which loads a map from a specified file such 2.3.2 Implement GameLogic in C That is, 1. create a new Java class called GameLogicJNI where the methods in Game- public synchronized St r ing processCommand } public native St r ing processCommandJNI 2. use the JNI framework to generate a GameLogicJNI.h file 3. implement the functions in GameLogicJNI.h in you own C file 4. finally, replace where appropriate the instantiation of the GameLogic Java 2.4 One Final Suggestion Note that we are not asking for any documentation of your requirements- 4 3 Submission By the date/time specified above, you should upload a zip file. The name of the CW3- The zip file must contain a project folder, titled Project, containing your source 4 Marking Scheme Criteria Max Score Description Unit Tests for 20 suitable unit tests for the GameLogic Implement Map in 20 Implements, in C, the functionality con- Commenting, OO 20 Code uses clean code practices, proce- Advance Features 20 Implement the functionality which Implement the 20 Implements, in C, the functionality con- 5
the client GUI) using the hostname and port number supplied as default
GUI) using the hostname and port number supplied as default values.
penalty applied to the final mark.
implement the advanced features below.
as native methods in your MapJNI class
that you can replace the hard coded variables for the map, map name,
map width, map height and win condition
Logic now call native methods rather then perform any functionality, e.g.
( St r ing act ion , int p layer ){
processCommandJNI ( act ion , p laye r ) ;
( St r ing act ion , int p layer ) ;
class with GameLogicJNI and test to make sure your new C code works
gathering and design for this coursework, but you may find that doing these
properly still helps you perform the tasks above, regardless of whether anyone
looks at the output. You may also want to show these requirements and/or
design documents to the tutors in lab in the early stages of development just to
get feedback about whether you are on the right track.
zip file should be in the form:
e.g. CW3-abc123.zip
code and any resources files needed. You should not include packages or other
subfolders. No compiled code nor non-needed files, i.e. version control files,
should be included.
Core Specifications
GameLogic and
and Map classes, comments detail why
tests were chosen
loading from file
tained in the Map Java class EXCLUD-
ING the functionality which loads a
map from file
design, procedural
design, formatting
and clarity
dural and object-oriented programming
techniques where appropriate, and is
consistently commented.
Implement loading
from file functional-
ity in C
loads a map from file in C
GameLogic class in
tained in the GameLogic Java class