程序代写代做代考 database SQL Data Warehousing and Decision Support

Data Warehousing and Decision Support


Lecture 11

Slides based on “Database Management Systems” 3rd ed, Ramakrishnan and Gehrke


 So far, we have looked at SQL tables

 Relations that are persistent

 Physically stored in the DBMS

 It is also possible to have virtual relations, or views

 Defined by an expression which is a SQL query

 Do not exist physically in DBMS

 Although it is possible to used materialized views

 Views can be queried directly

 In some cases, it is also possible to modify views




Levels of Abstraction


Physical Schema

Conceptual Schema

View 1 View 2 View 3

files and


logical data


define how

users see


Creating a view

CREATE VIEW RegionalSales (category, sales, state)
AS SELECT P.category, S.sales, L.state
FROM Products P, Sales S, Locations L
WHERE P.pid=S.pid AND S.locid=L.locid


Defining Query
(also referred to as
View Subquery)

Base Tables


Querying views

SELECT R.category, R.state, SUM(R.sales)
FROM RegionalSales R GROUP BY R.category, R.state

Querying Views

 Views are queried just like regular tables

 A view is just another relation (albeit a virtual one)

 Queries can involve both views and base tables

 Helps to think of views in terms of analogy with window on data


Views as subqueries

SELECT R.category, R.state, SUM(R.sales)
FROM (SELECT P.category, S.sales, L.state
FROM Products P, Sales S, Locations L
WHERE P.pid=S.pid AND S.locid=L.locid) R
GROUP BY R.category, R.state

Equivalent Query
(without views)



Why are views useful?(1/3)

 Usability

 Certain information must be retrieved from many tables

 View abstraction can get all info in one (virtual) table

 Queries are much easier to write on a single table

 Subqueries that are often used can be included in queries

without need for nesting


Why are views useful? (2/3)

 Compatibility

 Shield users and application developer from changes

 What if a schema changes? Define view that looks like the old


 Users/applications access view, no changes needed in queries

 “Obsolete” tables are preserved using views


Why are views useful? (3/3)

 Security

 Restrict user access to certain data only

 Managers and employees are given different “views” of same data

 Both column- and row-level access control possible

 Column-wise: students can only access Name and Age

columns from a Student table

 Row-wise: access only transactions above $10,000 value


Modifying views

 Is it possible to insert, update, delete tuples in a view?

 Views are virtual …

 … so modifications must be reflected in the base tables

 Why modifying views is a subtle issue?

 Difficulty of translating view modifications in a unique way of

updating base tables

 Must be non-ambiguous in how to trace the base table tuple to update

 Views can be modified subject to restrictions

 These are called updatable views

 Still, many views are not updatable


Updatable Views

 SQL-92 provides formal definition of updatable view:

1. View involves a single relation R. If R is a view, it must also be

updatable (relaxed in SQL-99)

2. Aggregate operations are not present in the view definition

3. The DISTINCT keyword is not specified in SELECT clause

4. All columns in subquery are simple columns, not expressions

5. The WHERE clause must not contain a subquery involving R

6. All attributes in R that are not in the SELECT clause of the

view must not have both NOT NULL restriction and no


Updatable Views (contd.)

 Insertion can be done directly on the base table

 Other attributes in R set to NULL

 Deletion also possible

 Delete tuple from base table

 Both insertion and deletion may cause problems!


Issues with insertion
View Definition

 Now let’s insert a new student

CREATE VIEW TopStudents (sname)
FROM Students S
WHERE S.gpa > 3.0;

INSERT INTO TopStudents VALUES (‘FirstLastName’);

 GPA is set to NULL

 Tuple falls outside view definition!

 Not a mistake, but update will not be reflected in view!

 WITH CHECK OPTION clause disallows such an insertion

 One solution is to include GPA in view definition


Issues with deletion

 Now let’s delete students named Johnson

CREATE VIEW TopStudents (sname)
FROM Students S
WHERE S.gpa > 3.0;

DELETE FROM TopStudents WHERE Name LIKE ‘%Johnson%’;

 Must only affect tuples in the view!

 Outside tuples must be inaccessible (views used for security, too)

 DBMS appends WHERE clause in view definition to statement

DELETE FROM Students WHERE Name LIKE ‘%Johnson%’
AND S.gpa > 3.0;


Deleting views

 View deleted from the schema

 Note that, underlying data still intact

 Contrast this with DROP TABLE!

DROP VIEW RegionalSales;


View Materialization

 Materialized views can help speed up popular queries

 Result has to be maintained when base tables change

 They are stored just like base tables

 But their contents are not “independent”; they must constantly

reflect base tables



Create view ActorSummary that lists for every actor the actor identifier, actor
name, number of movies starred in, and the year of debut (i.e., the year of the
earliest movie(s) the actor starred in). The view will have four columns with
ID, ActorName, MovieCount and DebutYear

CREATE VIEW ActorSummary(ID, ActorName, MovieCount, DebutYear )

SELECT A.actor_id, A.name, COUNT(M.movie_id), MIN(M.year)
FROM Actors A, StarsIn S, Movies M
WHERE A.actor_id = S.actor_id AND S.movie_id = M.movie_id
GROUP BY A.actor_id, A.name;

Example 2

CREATE VIEW ManagerSummary(DeptName, MgrName, MgrID,
MgrSalary, EmpCount) AS

SELECT D.dname, D.managerid, E.ename, E.salary, COUNT(W.eid)
FROM Department D, Employee E, Works W
WHERE D.managerid = E.eid AND D.did = W.did
GROUP BY D.did, D.dname, D.managerid, E.ename, E.salary;

Create a view ManagerSummary that lists for every department the
department name, manager ID and manager name, manager salary and
the number of employees in that department. The view will have five
columns with headings:
DeptName, MgrID, MgrName, MgrSalary and EmpCount.

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