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CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
Lincoln School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
CMP3110M/CMP9057M Parallel Computing
Introduction to OpenCL
1 Introduction to Workshop Sessions
The aim of these workshops is to introduce you to practical aspects of parallel programming using
the OpenCL framework. There are 4 tutorial sessions for this module in total, each designed to take
2 weeks or 4 hours. Each session is meant to serve as a tutorial for a particular topic in parallel
programming with explanations and additional practical tasks which should help you to understand
the theory covered during lectures. These practical tasks are indicated by Task4U label and are
highlighted in italics. These tasks are not assessed, but are designed in a way which should lead you
to the solutions required in the practical assessment for this module. To make the most out of these
sessions, discuss your answers with your colleagues and/or ask demonstrators for feedback.
2 Tutorial
2.1 What is OpenCL?
OpenCL is an open standard for parallel programming of different devices and hardware platforms
(https://www.khronos.org/opencl/). It is a C-like programming language which allows the same
programs to be run on different parallel hardware. OpenCL also specifies API which allows for the
management and control of devices, and scheduling of the execution of parallel programs. The API is
available in different programming languages including C++/Python/Java, etc. We are going to use
C++ in our tutorials. The following document summarises all functionality available through the C++
API and should be used as a practical reference during our sessions: https://www.khronos.org/
2.2 Programming Environment
OpenCL is a specification only and each major manufacturer of parallel hardware including Intel,
NVidia and AMD has their own implementation of the standard, which runs on their hardware
products. To execute an OpenCL program, one needs dedicated run-time drivers, which are typically
installed with device drivers (e.g. graphics driver for NVidia cards). To develop the code, one needs a
dedicated compiler and libraries which are also supplied by each manufacturer. The computers in
our lab have already run-time drivers installed for CPU and GPUs. For development we are going to
use Intel OpenCL SDK which is integrated into Visual Studio programming environment. If you would
like to have a similar setup on your PC at home, refer to the instructions included in Section 4 of this
2.3 Basic concepts
Programming in OpenCL consists of writing two different types of code: the device code in so called
“kernels”which is executed on the device, and the host code which is responsible for managing
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
devices, dispatching of kernels, data flow between the host and devices, etc. The host is always the
main CPU and it can only be a single device. The host code is more or less standard C++ code and in
majority consists of boilerplate code. Whilst not very friendly for beginners, it can be reused with
little modification for different applications.
Figure 1 OpenCL hardware architecture: host and devices (after https://www.khronos.org/opencl/).
The kernel code is the actual program executed on parallel devices. The devices range from CPUs,
GPUs, FPGAs, DSP and so on (see Fig. 1). By default, OpenCL kernels are loaded and compiled at run-
time in a process, similar to the execution of Java programs, called “just-in-time” compilation. This
way the same code can be executed on different platforms without the necessity of its rebuilding for
each device. Therefore, the code built with one OpenCL toolkit (e.g. from NVidia) can be run on
other devices (AMD, Intel), as long as the run-time drivers for these devices are present.
2.4 Running the code
Let us start with some simple code example written in OpenCL – a vector addition C = A + B should
serve well our purpose. Download the sources for Tutorial 1 from Blackboard (“Study
Materials/Week B2”), unpack the archive into a directory and open the solution file “OpenCL
Tutorials.sln”. To run the code, first build the solution (“Build/Build Solution” or press “F7”) which
contains a command line application. The most flexible way of executing this application is by using a
separate command line window (search for “cmd” and open the Command Prompt application).
Then navigate to the directory containing your builtproject (e.g. cd “C:DesktopOpenCL
Tutorialsx64Debug”) and then run the compiled application (“Tutorial1.exe”). You should see a line
with a short description of the hardware executing the code and three lines of numbers representing
two input vectors A and B and their element-wise sum contained in vector C. Nothing particularly
special but the addition operation was performed on a parallel device! If you make any
modifications, you have to repeat this procedure: build the solution first and then run the
application from a command line. Let us now go through the code and try to understand how it
The host program is included in “Tutorial 1.cpp” file. The main function starts first with checking the
provided command line arguments which define the behaviour of our program (Part 1). You can set
for example a specific device on which you want to run the code, list all existing devices, etc. Part 2 is
responsible for host operations: here you select the computing device, load & build device code, etc.
Part 3 allocates memory both on the host and device. We will use host buffers to manually provide
input values (vectors A & B) and read the results of the operation (vector C), whilst the device
buffers will be used by device code/kernels – in general, an OpenCL device cannot access the host’s
memory! Part 4 communicates directly with the device and consists of copying initial values of
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
vectors A and B to device memory, executing the kernel code and copying the result vector C back to
the host so we can check its content. The header file “Utils.h” contains additional helper functions
which wrap up some more cumbersome OpenCL functionality. That is a general overview of the
code. In the remainder of this tutorial, we will try to understand more specific details about this
simple application.
2.5 OpenCL concepts
There are several key concepts which form the basis of the OpenCL framework. The first one is a
“platform”. The OpenCL platform is simply a specific implementation of the standard by individual
hardware vendors. On a single computer there might be several OpenCL platforms/implementations
(e.g. CPU supported by the Intel platform and GPU by the AMD platform). The next term is “device”
which is an actual hardware device supporting OpenCL. A “device” will run its code on “computing
units” (e.g. a single core of a modern CPU, an NVidia’s GPU streaming multiprocessor) which in turn
consists of “processing elements” (e.g. ALU in CPU, an NVidia’s GPU streaming processor) (see Fig.
2). Each platform can support multiple devices (e.g. Intel platform can support a CPU device and an
integrated GPU device which are both present in the modern Core family of Intel processors).
Multiple devices from the same platform can be then assembled into different “contexts” which
enable flexible configurations on machines with multiple devices (e.g. consisting of 4 GPUs). In our
case, we will constraint ourselves to basic setups consisting of a single device and therefore will not
have to worry too much about that aspect of OpenCL. The final term is a “queue”. A queue is
associated with a specific context (i.e. a specific device in our case) and allows the programmer to
interact with the device. This is realised by sending different commands to the queue. For example,
a command can request a copy operation between the host and device (see Part 3 and 5) or an
executionof a specific kernel (see Part 4). All these terms will become more familiar after we start
implementing our own programs.
Figure 2Each OpenCL device consists of at least 1 Compute Unit, which in turn contains one or more Processing Elements
(after https://github.com/HandsOnOpenCL).
Let us now explore the available OpenCL platforms and devices present on a PC in front of you. Our
program accepts different command line arguments – you can see all supported arguments by
specifying “-h” option when calling the program from the command line. For example, option “-
l”lists all the platforms and devices present with additional technical information. Run the program
now with this option enabled and inspect all platforms and devices present on your PC. You should
also see different capabilities listed such as available device memory, clock speed, number of
computing units, etc. By default, our vector summation program is performed on the first available
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
platform and device. You can select a different platform/device by using options “-p” and “-d”
Check the values in vector C after running the code on different devices – they should all be the
same! The vectors used in our program are very short and therefore there should not be any
noticeable difference between executing the code on different platforms. In general, we will not rely
on our senses only and will measure the execution time by additional functionality provided by
2.6 Basic Profiling
OpenCL enables the measurement of execution time (i.e. profiling) by the use of so called events.
The events are attached to different queue commands and collect information about the timing of
the respective command. Let us now profile the kernel execution time with the use of events for
which we will need to make the following modifications in our host code:
1. Enable profiling for the queue:
cl::CommandQueue queue(context, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE);
2. Create an event and attach it to a queue command responsible for the kernel launch:
cl::Event prof_event;
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_add, cl::NullRange,
cl::NDRange(vector_elements), cl::NullRange, NULL, &prof_event);
3. Display the kernel execution time at the end of the program:
std::cout<< "Kernel execution time
This time we will not care too much about the vector values and therefore leave the vectors
initialised to 0. You can also comment out the lines of code printing out the vectors – these are long
and not particularly informative.
Task4U: Profile your code for different vector lengths (e.g. 10K, 100K, 1M values)ona CPU and GPU
device. When does the performance of the GPU device exceed 2x and 10x that of CPU device? What is
the maximum allowed length of vectors A, B and C for each of the device? How would you calculate
sums of vectors longer than those allowed by the max limit?
Our profiling so far has considered only the kernel execution time. Most likely the performance on
aGPU is much better than that on CPU for longer vectors. However, copying large arrays between
host and device does not come for free and has to be taken into considerations when assessing the
overall performance of the system. We can add additional events to measure upload time (from host
to device) for input vectors A and B and download time (from device to host) for the output vector C.
For example, a line of code for profiling a copy operation on vector A would look like this:
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(buffer_A, CL_TRUE, 0, vector_size, &A[0], NULL,
The total time required for all memory transfers is equal to the sum of all time periods reported by
the three vector events. The overall operation time is then a sum of the memory transfers and
kernel execution.
Task4U: How do memory transfer time compares to kernel execution time on CPU/GPU and for
different vector lengths? What is the difference between the overall operation time for GPU and CPU
devices? Are the memory operations between the host and a CPU device (which is exactly the same
hardware) performed without any additional cost?
2.8 Kernels
Let us look at the kernel code now. Kernel (or device) code is provided in a separate file
“my_kernels.cl”. At the moment, the file contains a single kernel function only called add.
__kernel void add(__global constint* A, __global constint* B, __global int* C){
int id = get_global_id(0);
C[id] = A[id] + B[id];
You can see that this is an ordinary C function with some extra qualifiers. __kernellabel indicates
that this is an OpenCL kernel function and __globallabel indicates that the input parameters are
located in the main memory of the device (we will discover other types of device memory in the
following sessions). Ouradd function takes pointers to two input integer vectors A and B (since we
only read them there is a const qualifier in front) and a pointer to output vector C to which we store
the result of the addition operation. The parallel add consist of a single line of code which adds
individual elements of vectors A and B and stores the sum in a corresponding element of vector C
indicated by the id variable. As you see, there is no for loop here which would normally go through
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
all elements of a vector. The kernel function is launched in parallel on as many computing units as
available and as many times as necessary. Each launch gets a separate and unique id which is
obtained by get_global_id(0) function. The total number of kernel launches is equal to the vector
length which is specified as a parameter for the
Task4U: Let us try to modify the kernel code. Revert to the original input vectors consisting of 10
values only. Change the kernel code so it does multiplication instead of addition (you don’t need to
change the function name at this point). Run the code again and check if the output results are as
Each “.cl” file can contain multiple kernel functions. Let us now revert back to our original kernel
code which does parallel addition and create a separate function called mult which will perform a
parallel multiplication operation. You can now choose which kernel function to call from the host
code by specifying the kernel function name in the cl::Kernel declaration (i.e.
cl::Kernel(program, “mult”)).
More complex parallel programs usually involve running multiple kernels to achieve the intended
outcomes. Let us now create a program which will launch two separate kernels in a sequence: first
we will perform vector multiplication and then vector addition corresponding to the following
operation: C=A*B+B. First, create another kernel variable called kernel_mult in a similar way to
kernel_add. The next step will require setting up the kernel function arguments which can be done
in the following way:
kernel_mult.setArg(0, buffer_A);
kernel_mult.setArg(1, buffer_B);
kernel_mult.setArg(2, buffer_C);
Then you need to change the input arguments for the addition kernel so that the first argument is an
intermediate vector C: kernel_mult.setArg(0, buffer_C). The result of parallel addition will
simply override the values originally stored in vector C.
Then you need to add the kernel launches into the queue in the right order:
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_mult, cl::NullRange,
cl::NDRange(vector_elements), cl::NullRange);
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_add, cl::NullRange,
cl::NDRange(vector_elements), cl::NullRange);
In our current setup, both kernels will be executed in a sequence so first multiplication and then,
when the results are ready, the addition operation. Run the code and check the results of the
Task4U: A kernel can perform more complex functions rather than just a single arithmetic operation.
To illustrate that, implement our previous operation C=A*B+B in a single kernel function called
multadd. Check if the results are exactly the same as in the previous task where two kernels were
called separately. Then compare the overall performance and kernel execution times of both
methods on CPU and GPU devices for different vector lengths (e.g. small, medium, large). Which
version is more efficient, in what circumstances and why?
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
So far, our kernels worked on integer values only. It is fairly easy to change the desired data type
(e.g. to float) but this has to be done both in the host and kernel code. On the host side, vectors A-
C needs to be specified as the new type (e.g. float) and also vector_size variable needs to reflect
the size of the new data type (so sizeof(float) in our case). The kernel code needs changing type
of the input parameters (vectors A-C) too which again in our case will require changing from int to
float. Thatisit!
Task4U: Create a new kernel called addf which will perform parallel addition of two vectors
containing floating point values (float). Make necessary adjustments in the host code including
changing the name of the executed kernel. Is there any difference in performance of different devices
for large vector sizes between int and float data types? Next, repeat the same task but this time
for double precision vectors (double), perform the comparisons and note the differences. Note: not
all OpenCL devices support double variables: if this happens, your program will not execute correctly
and report an error.
3 ** Additional Tasks
The following tasks are designed for those eager students who finished all tasks and would like an
extra challenge – the instructions provided are deliberately sparse! These tasks are optional and not
necessary to progress further in the following tutorials.
Task4U: Implement and profile a pure serial version of the vector equation: C=A*B+B. You can use
any programming language you like for this task. You will need to use a loop and some system timing
functions. Then compare the overall performance of the serial implementation to the parallel
implementation run on CPU and GPU for different vector lengths (e.g. small, medium, large). Does
the parallel solution bring any performance boost?
Task4U: Add an additional command line parameter to the OpenCL program performing C=A*B+B
operation which will specify the length of the vectors. This way, you will not need to recompile the
program every time you want to change this value. Then collect the profiling info (overall
performance) for CPU and GPU devices and different size of vector length (at least 10 different
values) and plot the values in a graph (e.g. in Excel or Matlab). Repeat the same thing with the serial
code and add the results to the graph.
Task4U: Adopt the tutorial project so it can be built and run on Linux or OS X. What changes were
necessary to make the project fully multi-platform?
4 Additional Information
4.1 Installation Instructions
These additional instructions might be helpful if you decide to develop OpenCL code on your PC at
home. The above code was tested on Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015 and Intel SDK for OpenCL
Applications. However, with some small modifications, it should be possible to run it on different
operating systems, programming environments and OpenCL SDKs. The following instructions provide
only a short summary of necessary steps but if you are interested in more details please check the
following link: http://streamcomputing.eu/blog/2015-03-16/how-to-install-opencl-on-windows/.
CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 1
4.1.1 Run-time drivers
The runtime drivers are necessary to run the OpenCL code on your hardware. Both NVidia and AMD
GPUs have OpenCL runtime included with their card drivers. For CPUs, you will need to install a
dedicated driver by Intel (https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/opencl-drivers) or APP SDK for
AMD processors (http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/opencl-zone/amd-accelerated-parallel-
processing-app-sdk/). You can check the existing OpenCL support on your PC usingGPU Caps Viewer
4.1.2 OpenCL SDK
The OpenCL SDK enables you to develop and compile the code. In our case, we use Intel SDK for
OpenCL Applications (https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-opencl). After installation, you should
be able to build and run the tutorial code in Visual Studio without any problems.You are not tied to
that choice, however, and can use SDKs by NVidia or AMD. Each SDK comes with a range of
additional tools which make development of OpenCL programs much easier.