ENGD3104 Communication Networks 2
Coursework Assignment
Study of UDP, TCP and CDN
(Maximum Marks: 60)
Issue date: 28/01/2020
Submission deadline: 17/03/2020
Feedback date: 31/03/2020
What to submit: Your coursework must be submitted as a report in Word format to Turnitin. All Matlab scripts used must be included as appendices at the end of the report. All code lines must be commented to explain them. All sources used in the report must be cited as appropriate. All references must be in IEEE format. Please note that 5 marks will be allocated to the presentation and organisation of your report.
Part I) UDP
Write a Matlab function that takes the UDP pseudoheader as input and returns its checksum as output. With the help of a Matlab script, give an example that illustrates the operation of your function.
[20 marks]
- Use the Matlab TCP/IP client to connect to four different remote hosts. Study the effect of the Timeout and the ConnectTimeout parameters. Discuss the results.
[10 marks]
- Use the Matlab read function to read data from a host and the write function to write data to a host. Discuss your experiment.
[10 marks]
CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) have been successfully used to serve content to a client. Explain how CDNs work, explaining why they were introduced and describing their key technologies and architectures. Maximum length: 500 words.
[15 marks]