CS代考计算机代写 python Java Monash Software Solutions has grown from a small start-up into a well-established company. As the number of employees has increased in the past 12 months, the company has decided that it needs to establish a human resource management team (HR team). The team needs to keep track of several human resource activities.

Monash Software Solutions has grown from a small start-up into a well-established company. As the number of employees has increased in the past 12 months, the company has decided that it needs to establish a human resource management team (HR team). The team needs to keep track of several human resource activities.
These activities include:
1.​ ​As the number of employees has increased, the company has decided to implement a more clearly defined organisational structure. To achieve this, several teams have been established, each team is assigned a team number. An employee is assigned to be a member of one team, although not all employees are assigned to a team. Teams with more than 5 members will have a team leader appointed. The members of the team elect the team leader. The company also introduced a mentoring system, whereby a new employee will be paired with someone who has been in the company longer .
2.​ ​To support the growth of their employees, the company provides several in-house training programs. The HR team needs to keep track of the details about who has done which program and when. An employee can complete several training programs. At the completion of training, a certificate will be provided to the employee containing the training course code, name and the completion date .
3.​ ​To attract high calibre talents, the company provides generous remuneration package as well as health insurance support for the employees and their family. To do this, the HR team needs to know the details of the employees’ family members. This means that family information, for each employee, will need to be recorded. Each family member is assigned a family member number within that family.
4.​ ​The employee details that will be recorded are:
a.​ ​Employee number
b.​ ​Full name
c. Address
d.​ ​Date of birth
e.​ ​Tax file number
f. Skill(s). For example, Java, Python, UNIX,
Relational DB, Mongo DB, etc

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