CS代考计算机代写 Java Haskell module StackLang where

module StackLang where

import Prelude hiding (Num)

— * Syntax of StackLang

— Grammar for StackLang:

— int ::= (any integer)
— bool ::= `true` | `false`
— prog ::= cmd*
— cmd ::= int push a number on the stack
— | bool push a boolean on the stack
— | `+` add the top two integers on the stack
— | `*` multiply the top two integers on the stack
— | `<=` is the top integer LEQ the second integer on the stack -- | `if` prog if the value on the top is true, then run -- `else` prog the first program, else run the second -- `end` -- Examples of real world stack-based languages: -- * Forth -- * Postscript -- * HP programmable calculators -- * Java Virtual Machine -- 1. Encode the above grammar as a set of Haskell data types type Prog = [Cmd] data Cmd = PushI Int | PushB Bool | Add | Mul | LEq | IfElse Prog Prog deriving (Eq,Show) -- 2. Write the following StackLang program as a Haskell value: -- -- 3 4 + 5 <= -- ex1 :: Prog ex1 = [PushI 3, PushI 4, Add, PushI 5, LEq] -- 3. Write a StackLang program that: -- * checks whether 3 is less than or equal to 4 -- * if so, returns the result of adding 5 and 6 -- * if not, returns the value false -- First write it in concrete syntax, then in abstract syntax as a Haskell value. -- -- 3 4 <= if 5 6 + else false end -- ex2 :: Prog ex2 = [PushI 3, PushI 4, LEq, IfElse [PushI 5, PushI 6, Add] [PushB False]] -- 4. Write a Haskell function that takes two arguments x and y -- and generates a StackLang program that adds both x and y to -- the number on the top of the stack. genAdd2 :: Int -> Int -> Prog
genAdd2 x y = [PushI x, Add, PushI y, Add]
— genAdd2 x y = [PushI x, PushI y, Add, Add]

— 5. Write a Haskell function that takes a list of integers and
— generates a StackLang program that sums them all up.
genSum :: [Int] -> Prog
genSum [] = [PushI 0]
genSum (i:is) = genSum is ++ [PushI i, Add]

— This also works, but our stack gets big!

— genSum (i:is) = PushI i : genSum is ++ [Add]

— * Semantics of StackLang (now!)

— 6. Identify/define a semantics domain for Cmd and for Prog.

— Concepts that we need for our semantics
— * We need a Stack with these kinds of elements
— * Int
— * Bool
— * Our stack will change as we execute commands
— * Only things commands do is change the stack: Stack -> Stack
— * Errors:
— * type errors
— * not enough things on the stack

type Stack = [Either Bool Int]

type Domain = Stack -> Maybe Stack

— 7. Define the semantics of a StackLang command (ignore if-else at first).
cmd :: Cmd -> Stack -> Maybe Stack
cmd (PushI i) s = Just (Right i : s)
cmd (PushB b) s = Just (Left b : s)
cmd Add (Right i : Right j : s) = Just (Right (i + j) : s)
cmd Mul (Right i : Right j : s) = Just (Right (i * j) : s)
cmd LEq (Right i : Right j : s) = Just (Left (j <= i) : s) cmd (IfElse t _) (Left True : s) = prog t s cmd (IfElse _ e) (Left False : s) = prog e s cmd _ _ = Nothing -- 8. Define the semantics of a StackLang program. prog :: Prog -> Stack -> Maybe Stack
prog [] s = Just s
prog (c:cs) s = case cmd c s of
Just s’ -> prog cs s’
Nothing -> Nothing

— | Run a program on an initially empty stack.

— >>> run ex2
— Just [Right 11]

— >>> run (genSum [1..10])
— Just [Right 55]

— >>> run [PushN 3, Add, PushN 4]
— Nothing

run = undefined

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