CS代考计算机代写 — Group members:

— Group members:
— * Jiayu Han (932-907-189)
— * Han-Hsing Pao (933-651-943)

— Grading note: 15pts total
— * 2pts Expr data type
— * 2pts expression examples
— * 2pts prettyExpr
— * 3pts Cmd data type
— * 2pts macro bodies
— * 3pts prettyCmd
— * 1pt boxes program

module HW3 where

import Data.List (intercalate)

— * Part 1: Expressions

— ** Syntax

— | Variable names.
type Var = String

— | Expressions.
data Expr
= Lit Int
| Ref Var
| Add Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
deriving (Eq,Show)

— ** Examples

— | 2 + 3 * x
expr1 :: Expr
expr1 = Add (Lit 2) (Mul (Lit 3) (Ref “x”))

— | 2 + 3 * x + 4
expr2 :: Expr
expr2 = Add (Lit 2) (Add (Mul (Lit 3) (Ref “x”)) (Lit 4))

— | (x + 2) * 3 * y
expr3 :: Expr
expr3 = Mul (Mul (Add (Ref “x”) (Lit 2)) (Lit 3)) (Ref “y”)

— | (x + 2) * (y + 3)
expr4 :: Expr
expr4 = Mul (Add (Ref “x”) (Lit 2)) (Add (Ref “y”) (Lit 3))

expr5 :: Expr
expr5 = Lit 1

— ** Pretty printer

— | Pretty print an expression.

— >>> prettyExpr expr1
— “2 + 3 * x”

— >>> prettyExpr expr2
— “2 + 3 * x + 4”

— >>> prettyExpr expr3
— “(x + 2) * 3 * y”

— >>> prettyExpr expr4
— “(x + 2) * (y + 3)”

prettyExpr :: Expr -> String
prettyExpr (Lit n) = show n
prettyExpr (Ref x) = x
prettyExpr (Add a b) = (prettyExpr a) ++ ” + ” ++ (prettyExpr b)
prettyExpr (Mul a b) = (prettyBra a) ++ ” * ” ++ (prettyBra b)

–show brackets for mul only when it`s needed
prettyBra :: Expr -> String
prettyBra (Add a b) = “(” ++ (prettyExpr (Add a b)) ++ “)”
prettyBra c = prettyExpr c

— * Part 2: Commands

— ** Syntax

— | Macro names.
type Macro = String

— | The arguments to be evaluated and passed to a macro.
type Args = [Expr]

— | A sequence of commands.
type Block = [Cmd]

— | The mode of the pen.
data Mode = Down | Up
deriving (Eq,Show)

— | Commands.
data Cmd
= Pen Mode
|Move Expr Expr
|Call Macro Args
|For [Char] Expr Expr Block
–based on the prettyCmd case4, the first par in for loop is a [char]

deriving (Eq,Show)

— ** Examples

— | The body of the box macro.

— >>> putStrLn (prettyBlock boxBody)
— {
— pen up;
— move(x, y);
— pen down;
— move(x + w, y);
— move(x + w, y + h);
— move(x, y + h);
— move(x, y)
— }

boxBody :: Block
boxBody = [Pen Up,
Move (Ref “x”) (Ref “y”),
Pen Down,
Move (Add (Ref “x”) (Ref “w”)) (Ref “y”),
Move (Add (Ref “x”) (Ref “w”)) (Add (Ref “y”) (Ref “h”)),
Move (Ref “x”) (Add (Ref “y”) (Ref “h”)),
Move (Ref “x”) (Ref “y”)]

— | The body of the main macro.

— >>> putStrLn (prettyBlock mainBody)
— {
— for i = 1 to 15 {
— box(i, i, i, i)
— }
— }

— the main body is for loop following by a call, based on prettyCmd case3, call is able to
— create the box(…)
mainBody :: Block
mainBody = [For “i” (Lit 1) (Lit 15) [Call “Box” [(Ref”i”), (Ref”i”), (Ref”i”), (Ref”i”)]]]

— ** Pretty printer

— Some functions that might be useful for you:

— concat :: [[a]] -> [a]
— Concatenates a list of lists into a single list. Useful for
— concatenating a list of strings into a single string.
— Imported from the Prelude.

— intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
— Insert a list between every list in a list of lists, then concatenate
— the results. Useful for inserting separators between every string in
— a list of strings, then concatenating the whole thing into one string.
— Imported from Data.List.

— | Pretty print the pen mode.

— >>> prettyMode Down
— “down”

— >>> prettyMode Up
— “up”

prettyMode :: Mode -> String
prettyMode Down = “down”
prettyMode Up = “up”

— | Pretty print a command.

— >>> prettyCmd (Pen Down)
— “pen down”

— >>> prettyCmd (Move (Lit 2) (Add (Ref “x”) (Lit 3)))
— “move(2, x + 3)”

— >>> prettyCmd (Call “foo” [Lit 2, (Mul (Ref “x”) (Lit 3))])
— “foo(2, x * 3)”

— >>> prettyCmd (For “i” (Lit 1) (Lit 10) [])
— “for i = 1 to 10 {}”

prettyCmd :: Cmd -> String
prettyCmd (Pen x) = “pen ” ++ prettyMode x
prettyCmd (Move x y) = “move” ++ “(” ++ prettyExpr x ++ “, ” ++ prettyExpr y ++ “)”
prettyCmd (Call x y) = x ++ “(” ++ concat [intercalate “, ” (map prettyExpr y)] ++ “)”
prettyCmd (For a b c d) = “for ” ++ a ++ ” = ” ++ prettyExpr b ++ ” to ” ++ prettyExpr c ++ ” ” ++ prettyBlock d

— | Pretty print a block of commands.

— >>> prettyBlock []
— “{}”

— >>> putStrLn (prettyBlock [Pen Up, Move (Lit 2) (Lit 3), Pen Down])
— {
— pen up;
— move(2, 3);
— pen down
— }

prettyBlock :: Block -> String
prettyBlock [] = “{}” — special case for empty blocks
prettyBlock cs = “{
” ++ indent (prettyCmds cs) ++ “
indent = concatMap (c -> if c == ‘
’ then “
” else [c])
prettyCmds = intercalate “;
” . map prettyCmd

— * Part 3: Programs

— | The parameters of a macro are a list of variables that will be bound to
— the arguments passed to the macro when it is called.
type Pars = [Var]

— | A macro definition.
data Def = Define Macro Pars Block
deriving (Eq,Show)

— | A program is a list of macro definitions plus the block of the main macro.
data Prog = Program [Def] Block
deriving (Eq,Show)

— | The entire example program.

— >>> putStrLn (pretty boxes)
— box(x, y, w, h) {
— pen up;
— move(x, y);
— pen down;
— move(x + w, y);
— move(x + w, y + h);
— move(x, y + h);
— move(x, y)
— }
— main() {
— for i = 1 to 15 {
— box(i, i, i, i)
— }
— }

boxes :: Prog
boxes = Program [Define “box” [“x”, “y”, “w”, “h”] boxBody] mainBody
–based on prettyDef and pretty,
— boxes = program [Def] Block
— = program [Define Macro Pars Block] Block
–based on the information provided in pretty, Block in program should be the mainBody

— | Pretty print a macro definition.
prettyDef :: Def -> String
prettyDef (Define m ps b) =
concat [m, “(“, intercalate “, ” ps, “) “, prettyBlock b]

— | Pretty print a program.
pretty :: Prog -> String
pretty (Program ds b) =
concat [intercalate “
” (map prettyDef ds), “
main() “, prettyBlock b]

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