CS代考计算机代写 flex javascript Java python data structure ECS 150 – Project 2

ECS 150 – Project 2
Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine
UC Davis – 2020/2021
Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /
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Assignment released today Due in two weeks: Feb 12th Two parts
Queue API
User-level thread library
Two options:
1. Keep the same partner as P1 2. Change partner
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Goal #1: queue API
Most pieces of software need typical data structure implementations
Lists, stacks, queues, hashtables, dictionaries, etc.
In many languages, directly included in language itself
Python (mylist = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”]), Javascript, Perl, etc.
In some other languages, usually need to develop them from scratch Especially true in C and in system programming
Linux: Glibc: GCC:
Need very robust containers: Clear API,
No memory leaks, Stable,
For this project, implement a queue library which API is provided
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void *, a special kind of pointer
void* is an untyped pointer
Contains an address, but can’t assume the type of the pointed content
int queue_enqueue(queue_t queue, void *data); int queue_dequeue(queue_t queue, void **data);
void myfunc(queue_t q)
/* Various objects */
short int a = 2;
char *b = “P2 will teach me threads”; struct {
int stuff;
char thing;
} c = { 10, ‘c’ };
int *d = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
/* Push in queue */
queue_enqueue(q, &a);
queue_enqueue(q, b);
queue_enqueue(q, &c);
queue_enqueue(q, d);
/* Retrieve from queue */
short int *e;
char *f;
queue_dequeue(q, (void**)&e); queue_dequeue(q, (void**)&f); …
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Double pointers
A double pointer is simply the address of a pointer.
int a = 2; int b = 4;
void change_ptr(int **ptr)
*ptr = &b;
void change_val(int *ptr)
*ptr += 1;
int main(void)
int *c = &a;
”, *c);
”, *c);
”, *c); return 0;
2 3 4
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Variables vs pointers (1)
void swap(int x, int y) {
int tmp = x; x = y;
y = tmp;
int a = 2, b = 4; printf(“%d, %d
”, a, b); swap(a, b);
printf(“%d, %d
”, a, b);
void swap(int *x, int *y) {
int tmp = *x; *x = *y;
*y = tmp;
int a = 2, b = 4; printf(“%d, %d
”, a, b); swap(&a, &b); printf(“%d, %d
”, a, b);
2, 4 2, 4
2, 4 4, 2
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Variables vs pointers (2)
void swap(void *x, void *y) {
void *tmp = x; x = y;
y = tmp;
int a = 2, b = 4;
int *c = &a, *d = &b; printf(“%d, %d
”, *c, *d); swap(c, d);
printf(“%d, %d
”, *c, *d);
void swap(void **x, void **y) {
void *tmp = *x; *x = *y;
*y = tmp;
int a = 2, b = 4;
int *c = &a, *d = &b; printf(“%d, %d
”, *c, *d); swap(&c, &d);
printf(“%d, %d
”, *c, *d);
2, 4 2, 4
2, 4 4, 2
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Goal #2: uthread library
Write a thread library at user level.
Kernel sees and schedules one process
Inside the process, can schedule multiple threads of execution
User Kernel
int thread_b(void) { /* Do stuff… */
return 0; }
int thread_a(void) {
uthread_t tid = uthread_create(thread_b); /* Do stuff… */
uthread_join(tid, NULL);
return 0;
int main(void) {
uthread_start(0); uthread_join(uthread_create(thread_a), NULL); uthread_stop();
return 0; }
uid gid ctxt files …
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ECS 150 – Project 2
Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine
UC Davis – 2020/2021
Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /
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Queue implementation
Demystify void *
Step 1
If struggling with void * for your implementation Copy queue.{c,h} elsewhere
Temporarily replace all void * with int
Implement a queue of integer with the suggested API
int queue_enqueue(queue_t queue, int data); int queue_dequeue(queue_t queue, int *data); int queue_delete(queue_t queue, int data); …
Step 2
Once your implementation is solid Replace by
Copy back into project 2
:%s/int/void */g
void *
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API vs implementation
Uthread library
In directory libuthread API in headers
private.h, queue.h, uthread.h Implementation of API in C file
context.c, preempt.c, queue.c, uthread.c
Local Makefile generates a static library that contains the compiled code
At first, add only queue.o Then, add the other objects
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API vs implementation
In directory apps
Applications written by “external” users using the API Access to library through its public API
No access to the library’s internals
Otherwise implementation can never evolve without breaking compatibility with existing applications
Goal is that the applications should work with any implementation
NEVER include C files in the applications
Makefile combines the library with the applications’ code
-L/path/to/libuthread -luthread
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API vs implementation
Illustrated summary
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Testing the queue
Test the API
Verify that the implementation actually respects the API
E.g., enqueue item, then dequeue it and verify it’s the same Build various scenarios, from very simple to complex
Error management
Explore all the possible “mistakes” a user could do and check the implementation behaves according to the specs
E.g., try to enqueue a NULL item, see if function returns proper error code Overall
Should come up with 10 to 20 different unit tests Ideally get to 100% coverage
Look at /home/cs150jp/public/p2/queue_tester_example.c to get an idea
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Testing the queue
Debug Printing
1. Add static helper function in queue.c (eg, queue_print()), call it from the other functions.
2. Temporarily add helper function in public API, call it from the applications. Remove entirely when done debugging.
Breakpoints, step-by-step execution
make D=1
## Debug flag
ifneq ($(D),1) CFLAGS += -O2 else
CFLAGS += -g endif
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join() mechanism
Simple example
1. main runs until join
Creates thread1 which is added to the ready queue
Gets blocked in join 2. thread1 runs entirely
Next available thread in ready queue Context switch from main
Exits with return value 5
3. main() runs until the end
When thread1 died, unblocked main
Retrieved return value
Main is added back to the ready queue and scheduled
Resume previous execution
int thread1(void)
return 5; }
int main(void)
int ret;
uthread_t tid; uthread_start(0);
tid = uthread_create(thread1);
uthread_join(tid, &ret);
printf(“thread1 returned %d
”, ret);
return 0; }
$ ./a.out
thread1 returned 5 $
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join() mechanism
Complex example
main cannot be joined
For other threads, the parent/child relationship is not relevant
The uthread library doesn’t care about the return values, just provides the transmission mechanism
uthread_t tid[2];
int thread2(void)
int ret;
”); uthread_join(tid[0], &ret); printf(“thread1 returned %d
”, ret); return 2;
int thread1(void)
tid[1] = uthread_create(thread2); printf(“thread1
return 1;
int main(void)
int ret;
tid[0] = uthread_create(thread1);
uthread_join(tid[1], &ret);
printf(“thread2 returned %d
”, ret);
return 0; }
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