CS代考计算机代写 Fibonacci Numbers:

Fibonacci Numbers:
0: 1
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 5
5: 8
6: 13
7: 21
8: 34
9: 55
10: 89
11: 144
12: 233
13: 377
14: 610
15: 987
16: 1597
17: 2584
18: 4181
19: 6765
20: 10946

— Dumping out all of the variables, after the student code ran:
fib: 20
square: 0
square_size: 10
square_fill: 72
runCheck: 0
countWords: 0
revString: 0
str: ” Hello world
Hello world”
intArray_len: 7
— Testcase end—

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