CS代考计算机代写 DNA 12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)
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keew slaniF – 0202 llaF
maxe laniF / maxe laniF / 1-131ICSMOC-F02 / setis yM ELCC
TREGGE-1-131ICSMOC- 0202llaF

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)
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.stuptuo golorP UNG taht stluser eht dna ,desu uoy taht yreuq golorP eht wohS .3/m fo yreuq etairporppa eht htiw reterpretni eht gninnur yb
:24 sdleiy margorp lmaCO gniwollof eht taht etartsnomed ot reterpretni siht esU
04 g ni b f ni n = b tel = n g tel ni
n + b = n f tel ni 2 = b tel
.)R ,]fC|laV=X[ ,E(m ,)laV ,C ,A(m ,))fC,E,X(nuf ,C ,F(m
-: )R ,C ,)A,F(llac(m .))C,E,X(nuf ,C ,)E,X(nuf(m
.)R ,]C | 1V=raV[ ,E(m ,)1V ,C ,laV(m
-: )R ,C ,)E,laV,raV(tel(m
-: )R ,C ,2E+1E(m .)C ,laV=raV(rebmem -: )laV ,C ,raV(m .)E(regetni -: )E ,_ ,E(m
.tesbus LM na rof scitnames larutan sʼrebbeW fo tnairav a si sihT .lmaCO fo tesbus a rof scitnames lanoitarepo sevig hcihw ,3/m etaciderp golorP gniwollof eht dessucsid ew erutcel nI
.2V+1V si R ,)2V ,C ,2E(m ,)1V ,C ,1E(m
00.51 fo tuo stnioP ELderCewsCna tey toN 6 noitseuQ

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/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)

1 :selif fo rebmun mumixam ,BG2 :ezis elif mumixaM

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)



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1 :selif fo rebmun mumixam ,BG2 :ezis elif mumixaM
.3/m ni gub a ot eud ,4 sdleiy osla margorp lmaCO lacitnedi eht taht ”etartsnomed“ ot 3/m esU
00.5 fo tuo stnioP ELderCewsCna tey toN 7 noitseuQ

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)



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1 :selif fo rebmun mumixam ,BG2 :ezis elif mumixaM
.skrow xif ruoy yhw yas dna ,3/m ni gub ”4 evorP“ eht xiF
00.01 fo tuo stnioP ELderCewsCna tey toN 8 noitseuQ

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)



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1 :selif fo rebmun mumixam ,BG2 :ezis elif mumixaM
.yhw dna gnorw seog tahw nialpxe ,ton fi ;era snoitatimil eht tahw dna skrow ti woh nialpxe ,os fI ?)kcartkcab uoy fi ,P rof srewsna elpitlum ro( P rewsna elbisnes a teg dna ”?24 sdleiy P margorp tahW“ ,ksa ot 3/m yreuq uoy nac ,elpmaxe roF ?noitacificeps sti morf margorp lmaCO na evired ot 3/m esu uoy naC
00.6 fo tuo stnioP derewsna tey toN 9 noitseuQ

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/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)

12/18/2020 Final exam (page 4 of 8)



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1 :selif fo rebmun mumixam ,BG2 :ezis elif mumixaM
.ssalc ni desu noitatnemelpmi tekcaR eht no nur dluohs edoc ruoY .)!4 ton( 24 snruter margorp lmaCO emas eht taht evorp ot reterpretni ruoy esu ot woh wohS .seod 3/m taht gub eht evah ton dluohs reterpretni ruoY .3/m yb deterpretni si taht lmaCO fo tesbus emas eht rof emehcS ni reterpretni na etirW
00.03 fo tuo stnioP ELderCewsCna tey toN 01 noitseuQ

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▶ mretdim elpmaS
…ot pmuJ
murof noissucsiD ◀

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