CS代考计算机代写 compiler Java javascript Computer Graphics CSI4130 – Winter 2019

Computer Graphics CSI4130 – Winter 2019
Jochen Lang
EECS, University of Ottawa Canada

This Lecture
• Shading
– Textbook: Chapter 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 – Traditional OpenGL shading
• Diffuse shading
• Phong shading – Light sources
• Point lights
• Spot lights
• Directional lights
– Alternative shading models
– OpenGL uniform buffer objects
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Light Reflection
• Light
– electromagnetic wave – flux or power
– radiometry – science of light measurement
• Colour
– wavelength spectrum but human vision is based on
tristimulus colour vision
– Different colour models, e.g., RGB (mixes luminance and chrominance)
• Reflection
– different reflectors, e.g., mirrors, matt surfaces, glossy or
specular surfaces
– colour is a result of different absorption
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Geometry of Reflection
• Definition of viewing vectors:
– light direction l, viewing direction e, surface normal n,
halfway vector h, mirror direction r
– Vectors and
are in a plane
– Vectors are in another
plane (in general)
– Angles and are in
neither of these planes (in general)
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Diffuse Shading:
Lambert Reflection Model
• Completely diffuse behavior (colour ):
– Light is reflected equally in all direction
– Surface appears brighter if lit normal than under oblique
angles (cosine term)
– No illumination from behind the surface
– Reflection depends on light source colour
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Ambient Shading
– Trick to make all surfaces in a scene visible – Approximates diffuse indirect illumination
• Light reaches all surfaces even if they do not directly face a light source.
• illuminates all visible surfaces
• light should not be amplified at a surface
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Phong Shading [Com. of ACM, 1975]
– Adds a specular cosine lobe in the mirror direction to the reflection behaviour
– Used together with a diffuse (Lambert) model – Simple
cosine lobe
diffuse (hemisphere)
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Phong Shading Model
– Lobe in mirror direction
– Exponent controls width of highlight
– Specular constant adjusts relative weight w.r.t. diffuse component
– Originally
– Reflection direction
• Modified Blinn-Phong*) model – Normalized half-way vector
*) Blinn, SIGGRAPH 1977
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Traditional OpenGL Hardware Reflection Model
– Ambient, diffuse and specular component
– Diffuse material colour
– Ambient colour
– Specular material colour – Light colour
• Additionally, in OpenGL
– Separate ambient light colour 􏰆,􏰅, diffuse light colour 􏰄,􏰅
and specular light colour
– Emissive colour
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

“Gouraud” Shading
• Usual meaning:
– Interpolate vertex colors smoothly within a polygon
– In OpenGL we can qualify the output of the vertex shader and input to the fragment shader
• flat, noperspective, smooth
• Aside original meaning:
– Vertex normals are calculated as the average face normal of
neighbouring faces
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Illumination Types: Directional Light Sources
– Infinitely far away light source (e.g., sun). All light rays are assumed to be parallel coming from a specified direction.
– Specify as a homogenous direction vector, e.g., • vec4f( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f )
– is light source in the direction of the viewing*. *Assumes modelview matrix is set to identity.
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Illumination Types: Point Light Sources
• Point Light Sources
– Light source close to scene which shines light in all
directions. The irradiance on a surface decreases with 􏰉 . 􏰇􏰊
– OpenGL full attenuation hardware model is
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Illumination Types: Spot Light Sources
• Spot Light Sources
– Same as point light sources but light is only emitted in a cone of directions. The irradiance in the cone may have a fall-off.
Cut-off angle
Spot light direction
cosine fall-off
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

WebGL Phong Demo
• Phong shader in WebGL 1
– http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~jacobson/phong-demo/ – or at the Uni Marburg
• Lab 7 for WebGL 2.0
• MeshPhongMaterial in Three.js
• OpenGL fixed pipeline demo
– Old but still instructive
– see http://www.xmission.com/~nate/tutors.html
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Limitations of Fixed Pipeline Illumination Model – Reflection
• Blinn-Phong model is known to not match real-world reflection well. Especially for metals, anisotropic materials, complex materials
• Use of programmable hardware enables arbitrary reflection models.
• Reflection Models:
– Cook and Torrance
• Models metals much better than Blinn-Phong
• Physics-based using Fresnel term and material microgeometry
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Other Reflection Models
• Ashikhmin, Premože and Shirley
– Physics-based but with more general model of
microgeometry then Cook and Torrance
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CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Other Reflection Models
• Ward
– Experimental
– Relatively simple to implement in hardware
– Models anisotropic materials well • Lafortune
– Extension of Blinn-Phong to multiple lobes – Efficient to render, increased realism
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Limitations of Fixed Pipeline Illumination Model – Lighting
• Light sources
– area lights and volume lights
– approximating real lights more closely, e.g., neon lights – real lighting environment through image-based lighting
• Indirect lighting
– ambient term is a very crude approximation
– ambient occlusion is simple way to improve appearance
– full indirect lighting requires a global illumination solution (e.g., path tracing)
• Shadows
– Visibility is not taken into account in rasterization
– Different techniques: shadow mapping, shadow volumes or global illumination
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Aside: Setting Light Source and Material Parameters in a Shader
• Different options – plain uniforms
• but there are many parameters – uniforms organized as structure
• structure can be operated on as whole
• must be careful to match layout in C and GLSL – uniformbufferobjectsUBO
• easy transfer, just as any other buffer object • but a bit involved to set up
CSI4130 Computer Graphics

Uniform Structures
• Each light source has many uniform parameters
• Organize in a structure
• Fragment shader Example:
struct LightSource {
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
vec3 spot_direction;
float spot_exponent;
float spot_cutoff;
float constant_attenuation;
float linear_attenuation;
float quadratic_attenuation;
uniform LightSource lights[2];
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics

Setting Uniforms in Structures
• Need to find the location of each variable in the array of structures
// need to find the location of all entries in the
// structure
let locA = gl.getUniformLocation(program,
let ambient =
glMatrix.vec4.fromValues( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 );
gl.uniform4fv(locAmb, ambient);
// Different types need different calls
let locE = gl.getUniformLocation(program,
gl.uniform1f(locE, spot_exponent);
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics
let spot_exponent = 1.0;

Using Uniform Blocks
• Uniforms (as well as in and out variables) can be grouped in a block
• In the example below only one uniform is grouped
• Looks pointless but …
struct Material {
vec4 emissive;
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
};float shininess;
layout (std140) uniform MaterialBlock {
};uniform Material materials[4];
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics

Uniform Buffer Objects

• •
Uniform blocks can be filled from an uniform buffer object (UBO)
UBOs are like any other buffer object Corresponding javascript code
let ubo = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo); gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, matArraySize,
gl.STATIC_DRAW ); // reserve the memory
Setting the buffer content can be done either with
gl.bufferData, gl.bufferSubData
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics

Linking the UBO to the Uniform Block
• Uniform blocks have an id and can be linked to an uniform buffer object (UBO)
• Javascript example
let bI = gl.getUniformBlockIndex(gl_program, ‘MaterialBlock’); gl.uniformBlockBinding( g_program, bI, 0); gl.bindBufferBase(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, ubo);
layout (std140)
uniform MaterialBlock
UniformBlockIndex bI
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics
Uniform Block
Binding Point 0

Memory Layout of Uniforms
• Uniform blocks can be layout differently
• Options are:
– Shared (default)
• GLSL compiler finds an efficient layout such that the buffer can be shared between multiple GLSL programs
• Need to use glGetUniformIndices and glGetActiveUniforms to get information on the layout
– std140
• Shading language 1.4 version that uses a fixed aligned layout (simple rules, see OpenGL ES spec or red book)
– std430 (not in WebGL) – packed (not in WebGL)
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics

Memory Buffer
• std140 layout for our array of structures
• vec4 is 4 floats (4 bytes each)
• Offset is the size of the largest data member (vec4)
struct Material {
vec4 emissive;
vec4 ambient;
vec4 diffuse;
vec4 specular;
float shininess;
//Offset //0
// 16
// 32
// 48 // 64
Size Padded Size 16 16
16 16
16 16
16 16 4 16
CSI4130 – Computer Graphics

Efficient Transfer
• Copy a properly padded Javascript-array at once
• Javascript example setting one structure at a time of an
array of size 10
let material = [];
for ( let i=0; i<10; ++i ) material.push(new Float32Array(20)); let fsize = Material.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; // Loop over Array for (let i=0; i

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