CS代考计算机代写 compiler assembly mips Procedures

COMP273 McGill 1

á HLL Functions -> MIPS Procedures ± Passing arguments
± Function calls
± The stack
± Nested functions
± Register Conventions
á Be aware:
± There are many ways to program
± This might be the most complicated topic in MIPS COMP273 McGill

HLL Functions to MIPS Procedure
//asimplefunction inC
int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;
void main () {
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; }
How do we convert this into MIPS assembly?
á What instructions can accomplish this?
á What information must compiler / programmer keep track of?
COMP273 McGill 3

int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;

The parent/caller needs to
á Save arguments to child/callee
void main () { á
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; }
Save return address to child/callee á Branch to child/callee
main is the parent/caller sum is the child/callee
The Caller and the Callee

The child/callee needs to
á Save the return value for parent/caller
á Branch back to parent/caller
COMP273 McGill

Register Conventions on Passing Arguments
á Registers play a major role in keeping track of information
á Register conventions
int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;
± Arguments ± Return value
$a0, $a1, $a2, $a3
$v0, $v1
void main () {
á Parent/Caller should save the arguments in $a0, $a1, $a2, $a3 á Child/Callee should save the return values in $v0, $v1
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; }
COMP273 McGill 6

# Save argument to $a1
COMP273 McGill
Register Conventions on Passing Arguments
int sum (int x, int y ) {
return x + y ;
# Add $a0 + $a1
# Save the result in $v0
void main () {
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; …
# Save argument to $a0
add $v0, $a0, $a1
li $a0, 3
li $a1, 6

// C code
# MIPS code
int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;
Sum: add $v0, $a0, $a1 j AfterSum
# $t0 = $a0 + $a1 # jump to AfterSum
void main () {
Main:li $a0,3 li $a1,6
#$a0=3 #$a1=6
# jump to sum
addi$s0,$v0,3 #a=sum(3,6)+3
int a; // $s0
a = sum(3,6) + 3;
j sum

First Try… with Jump

// C code
int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;
If Sum has multiple callers, how does it return to the right place?
void main () {
# MIPS code
Sum: add $v0, $a0, $a1 # $t0 = $a0 + $a1
int a; // $s0
a = sum(3,6) + 3;
j ???
# jump to ???
int b; // $s1
b = sum(4,8) + 7 ; }
Not perfect!

j AfterSum Main:li $a0,3
li $a1,6 j sum
#$a0=3 #$a1=6
# jump to sum
AfterSum: addi $s0, $v0, 3 # a = sum(3,6) + 3
Label = Address of the Instructions
# MIPS code from the
last example
# $t0 = $a0 + $a1 # jump to AfterSum
0x1000 Sum: add $v0, $a0, $a1

Sum: add $v0, $a0, $a1 j 0x200C
Main: li $a0, 3 li $a1, 6 j 0x1000
#$a0=3 #$a1=6
# jump to sum
AfterSum: addi $s0, $v0, 3 # a = sum(3,6) + 3
Label = Address of the Instructions
# MIPS code from the
last example
# $t0 = $a0 + $a1 # jump to AfterSum
Save the return address of the caller, so we can jump back

Register Conventions for Jump á Registerforthereturnaddress$ra
int sum (int x, int y ) { return x + y ;
void main () {
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; }
á Parent/Caller saves the returning address in $ra before jumping á Child/Callee jumps to the $ra after done
COMP273 McGill

Jump Register Operation á JumpRegisterjr
± Syntax: jr register j label
jr $ra
Jr takes an address
J takes a label (fixed location)
(variable location)
± Only useful if we know exact address to jump to
± Rarely applicable in situations other than return from function
COMP273 McGill 14

int sum (int x, int y ) {
return x + y ;
0x1008 jr 0x2000 Main: li
$ra $a0, 3
# jump to address $ra
void main () {
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ;

0x2004 0x2008 0x200C 0x2010
li $a1, 6
li $ra, 0x2010
j Sum
# $a0 = 3
# $a1 = 6
# save address to $ra # jump to sum
COMP273 McGill
Jump Register Operation
# MIPS code
Sum: add $t0, $a0, $a1 # $t0 = $a0 + $a1
Need to find the address of the next instruction

COMP273 McGill
Main:li li la
$a0,3 $a1,6
$ra, AfterSum Sum
# load address to $ra # jump to sum
Load Address
á Pseudo-instruction: Load Address la Register Label
Sum: add jr
$t0, $a0, $a1
# $t0 = $a0 + $a1
# jump to address $ra

Jump and Link Instruction
á JumpandLinksyntax:jallabel
± Step 1 (link): Save address of next instruction into $ra (Why next?)
± Step 2 (jump): Jump to the given label
± jal should really be called laj (}å ^o]vl v iμuâ_
á Very useful for function calls:
± jal stores return address in $ra ± jr jumps back to that address
COMP273 McGill 18

int sum (int x, int y ) {
return x + y ;
void main () {
A little bit simpler than jr and jal
# MIPS code
int a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ; …
COMP273 McGill
Main:li $a0,3 li $a1,6
#$a0=3 #$a1=6
# jump to sum
Jump and Link Instruction
Sum: add $t0, $a0, $a1 jr $ra
# $t0 = $a0 + $a1
# jump to address $ra
jal Sum

int square (int x ) {
return x * x ;
void main () {
á SumSquare calledsquare, but $ra will be overwritten when calling square
What about Nested Procedures?
int sumSquare (int x, int y ) {
á maincalledsumSquare, save the returning address in $ra
return square(x) + y ;
int a = sumSquare ( 3, 6 ) ;

COMP273 McGill

COMP273 McGill
Memory Layout
Where Instructions are stored (.text in MARS)
Statically allocated variables (.data in MARS) Dynamically decleard variables.
Explicitly created space, e.g., malloc(); new;
Space for local variables and registers in procedure calls

COMP273 McGill
Memory Layout
Size of the text and data are fixed once the program is compiled
Heap starts at lower address and grows downward toward higher memory locaion
Stack starts at a fixed address and grows upward toward lower memory location

COMP273 McGill
Stack v.s Heap
Stack is very organized. It is used to save data for procedures

á Stack is used to support subroutines
á Register $29 or $sp is used as a Stack Pointer points to the top of the stack
á The elements on the stack are words
COMP273 McGill

COMP273 McGill
Push and Pop for Stack
á Push: add an item on the top of the stack
á Pop: take the top element and remove it from the stack
á Stack pointer $sp always points to the last used space in the stack.

Push the Stack
á Register $sp always points to the last used space in the stack.
á To push, decrement this pointer by 4, then fill it with data.
# move the stack pointer down
addi $sp, $sp, -4
# store the content of $s0 into address $sp sw $s0, 0($sp)
COMP273 McGill 27

Pop the Stack
á Register $sp always points to the last used space in the stack.
á To pop, load the data and increment the stack pointer by 4
# load the content in address $sp to $s0
lw $s0, 0($sp)
# move the stack pointer up
addi $sp, $sp, 4
COMP273 McGill 28

Nested Call
á If you are a subroutine that will call another subroutine, follow this convention
± Before you call anyone, push the return address in $ra on the stack
± When you are done calling, pop the return address of the stack into $ra
COMP273 McGill 29

COMP273 McGill
Nested Call
# 1.
push $ra onto the stack
// Nested functions in C
# 2. jal
# 3. add
# 4.
addi #5.
jr $ra
# move stack pointer # store $ra
int square (int x ) { return x * x ;
int sumSquare (int x, int y ) {
return square(x) + y ;
void main () {
int a = sumSquare ( 3, 6 ) ; …
li $a0, 3
li $a1, 6
jal Sum
$sp, $sp, -4
$ra, 0($sp)
Jump to Square ($ra is overwritten) Square
Return from Square. $v0 has the result $v0, $v0, $a1 # Calculate square(x) + y pop $ra so we can return to the main $ra, 0($sp)
$sp, $sp, 4 # move stack pointer jump back to main
some code here

int a
int b
int c
= 2 ; // Use $s0 for a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ;
= a + b;
… }
COMP273 McGill
Save Variables in Procedure
int sum (int x, int y ) {
int z = 5 ; // Use $s0 for z return z + x + y ;
á What if the callee needs some registers for local variables?
void main () {
á Canwemakesurethat
the callee does
not overwrite important data?

int a
int b
int c
= 2 ; // Use $s0 for a = sum ( 3, 6 ) ;
= a + b;
… }
COMP273 McGill
Save Variables in Procedure
int sum (int x, int y ) {
int z = 4 ; // Use $s0 for z return z + x + y ;
For the Callee:
1. Pushtheregisterstothestack 2. Executethecalleeinstructions
void main () {
3. Beforereturningtothecaller, restore the registers from the stack

int sum (int x, int y ) { intz=5;//Use$s0forz return z + x + y ;
#Fo1.r tphusehC$asl0leteo: the stack addi $sp, $sp, -4
void main () {
#2.2.EExxecute cthaleleine’sstriuncstirounctsions
# jump back to main
int a = 2 ; // Use $s0 for a int b = sum ( 3, 6 ) ;
int c = a + b;
add $v0,$s0,$a1 #$v0=z+x+y # 3.sRtaesctkore $s0 for the caller
COMP273 McGill

Save Variables in Procedure
1. Pushtheregisterstothestack
sw $s0, 0($sp) # Store $s0
li $s0,5 #$s0=5
3. Beforereturningtothecaller,
add $s0,$s0,$a0 #$s0=z+x restore the registers from the
sw $s0, 0($sp) addi $sp, $sp, 4 jr $ra
# Restore $s0

Assembly Variables: Registers (from slide 08)
COMP273 McGill 37

Register Conventions in Procedure Call
If the callee is going to use some saved registers, it must save those saved registers on the stack
The callee }êv[ö v ö} ê¿ öZ temporary registers If the caller wants to preserve the temporary registers, it
must save those tempororay registers on the stack
COMP273 McGill 38

2. Assignargument(s),ifany 3. JumpandLinkjal
2. 3.
Use the saved registers
4. Restoretempvariable(s)from stack
Restore the values of saved registers from stack
Steps for Procedure Call
Caller Callee
1. Pushthetempvariable(s)if needed onto stack
Push the saved registers onto stack if needed
COMP273 McGill
Jump back with jr $ra

COMP273 McGill
returning. dZö[ê ¡Z« öZ«[å called saved registers. 40
Wåêå¿ }v  ooM2
No, they are expected to contain return values NoU öZ« å åPμuvöê2
No, any procedure may change them at any time
$v0-v1 $a0-$a3 $t0-$t9
YES. If the callee changes these registers, it must restore the original values before
Preserved on Call?

COMP273 McGill
Wåêå¿ }v  ooM2
Yes. The stack pointer must point to the same place before and after the jal ooU }å oê öZ ooå ¡}v[ö be able to restore values from the stack.
Yes, until the next jal call NoU öZ« å åPμuvöê2 Always 0
Preserved on Call?

á Each register has a purpose and limits to its usage. Learn öZê v (}oo}¡ öZuU ¿v ]( «}μ[å ¡å]ö]vP all the code yourself
á If every developer follows the same standard, it would be easier to exchange code or build large software
COMP273 McGill

á Functionsarecalledwithjalandjr á Stack is your friend
á Text Section 2.8
Arithmetic Memory Decision Unconditional Branches
add, addi
lw, sw
beq, bne, slt, slti, sltu, sltiu j, jal, jr
COMP273 McGill

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