CS代考计算机代写 ; A list is a 1-D array of numbers.

; A list is a 1-D array of numbers.
; A matrix is a 2-D array of numbers, stored in row-major order.

; If needed, you may define helper functions here.

; AreAdjacent returns true iff a and b are adjacent in lst.
(defun are-adjacent (lst a b)
;; TODO: Incomplete function
(list ‘incomplete)

; Transpose returns the transpose of the 2D matrix mat.
(defun transpose (matrix)
;; TODO: Incomplete function
(list ‘incomplete)

; AreNeighbors returns true iff a and b are neighbors in the 2D
; matrix mat.
(defun are-neighbors (matrix a b)
;; TODO: Incomplete function
(list ‘incomplete)

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