CS代考程序代写 Ex1


Exhibit 1 Consolidated Income Statements for Netscape Communications Corporation
Inception (April 4 to Six Months Ended
December 31, 1994) 六月 30, 1995
Product revenues $ 378,490 $ 15,580,258
Service revenues 317,381 1,045,133
Total Revenues. 695,871 16,625,391
Cost of Revenues:
Cost of product revenues 114,777 1,222,045
Cost of service revenues 104,313 513,767
Total Cost of Revenues. 219,090 1,735,812
Gross profit 476,781 14,889,579
Operating Expenses:
Research and development 2,031,986 6,115,152
Sales and marketing 2,813,689 9,256,066
General and administrative 1,669,193 3,693,005
Property rights agreement and related charges 2,486,688 500,000
Total Operating Expenses 9,001,556 19,564,223
Operating loss (8,524,775) (4,674,644)
Interest income 55,238 495,583
Interest expenses (308) (128,655)
Net loss $ (8,469,845) $ (4,307,716)
Net loss per share $ (0.26) $ (0.13)
Shares used in computing net loss per share 32,256,307 33,000,751


Exhibit 2 Consolidated Balance Sheets for Netscape Communications Corporation
十二月 31, 1994 六月 30, 1995
Cash and short-term equivalents $ 3,243,510 $ 8,868,436
Short-term investments – 16,567,300
Accounts receivable 701,649 8,277,869
Other current assets 67,284 804,971
Total current assets $ 4,012,443 $ 34,518,576
Property and equipment, net 2,447,098 6,761,045
Deposits and other assets 699,100 1,251,582
Total Assets $ 7,158,641 $ 42,531,203
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity
Accounts payable $ 855,068 $ 4,607,174
Accrued compensation and related liabilities 527,340 1,075,066
Other accrued liabilities 667,503 1,897,819
Deferred revenues 2,575,145 14,963,843
Current portion of long-term obligations 725,000 725,000
Installment notes payable – 551,449
Total current liabilities 5,350,056 23,820,351
Long-term obligations 725,000 725,000
Installment notes payable – 1,511,331
Total Liabilities 6,075,056 26,056,682
Preferred stock. $0.0001 par value 701 901
Common stock, $0.0001 par value 451 1,514
Additional paid-in capital 9,552,278 39,683,666
Notes receivable from stockholders – (638,065)
Deferred compensation – (9,812,151)
Accumulated deficit (8,469,845) (12,777,561)
Accumulated translation adjustment – 16,217
Total Stockholders’ Equity 1,083,585 16,474,521
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 7,158,641 $ 42,531,203


Exhibit 3 Comparative Information on Potential Competitors (for year ended June 30, 1995; in $000s except per-share data)
Netscape(a) America Online, Inc Microsoft Corp. Spyglass,Inc
Net revenues 17,321 394,290 5,937,000 9,084
Operating expenses 30,521 143,584 3,899,000 6,745
Operating income (loss) (13,200) (19,294) 2,038,000 2,339
Interest expense (129) – – –
Net income (loss) (12,778) (33,647) 1,453,000 1,509
Earning per share (0.39) (0.99) 2.32 0.41
Weighted average shares outstanding 33,001 33,986 627,000 3,788
Capital expenditures 7,618 57,751 495,000 824,609
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 918 11,136 269,000 161,303
Current assets 34,519 132,856 5,620,000 37,372
Cash and short-term investments 25,436 64,050 4,750,000 34,556
Total assets 42,531 406,464 7,210,000 39,963
Current liabilities 23,820 133,312 1,347,000 2,718
Total liabilities 26,057 188,520 1,877,000 4,368
Net worth 16,475 217,944 5,333,000 35,595
Current ratio 1.45 1.00 4.17 13.75
Debt/total capital 0.18 0.08 – –
Common stock price (close) N/A 22.00 90.38 14.31
P/E ratio N/A N/A 39.00 34.90
Equity beta(b) N/A 0.73 0.72 N/A
(a) Netscape’s financial data reflects the company’s performance since inception in April 1994. Netscape did not begin to ship products or earn significant
product revenues until December 1994.
(b) Bloomberg estimates based on weekly data for the year ended June 30,1885.


Exhibit 4 Historical Data of the IPO Market
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
All IPOs:
Number of companies 166 352 477 604 510
Total dollar amount offered (in $ billions) 4.75 16.01 22.76 30.74 17.98
Average % gain after first day of trading 10.3 11.6 9.4 11.7 8.1
Venture-backed IPOs:
Number of companies 42 122 152 165 136
Average age of companies 6 6 6 7 7
Total dollar amount offered (in $ billions) 1.19 3.9 4.58 4.86 3.35
Average offering size (in $ millions) 28.3 32.0 29.1 29.6 24.8
Average offering valuation (in $ millions) 109.3 118.5 101.7 100.5 86.8


Exhibit 6 Information on Internet- related IPOs ( for the respective fiscal year preceding the IPO)
Netcom Online
Communication Performance Systems Unnet
Services, Inc International, Inc. Spyglass, Inc Technologies Inc.
(year ended 12/31/93) (year ended 12/31/94) (year ended 9/30/94) (year ended 12/31/94)
Financial Data
Net revenues $ 2,411,600 $ 15,214,000 $ 3,629,392 $ 12,413,863
Operating costs and expenses 2,169,600 19,876,000 2,272,662 19,387,821
Operating income 242,000 (4,662,000) 751,520 (6,973,958)
Interest expense (3,400) (731,000) (76,232)
Net income 227,300 (5,342,000) 1,331,262 (6,948,759)
Earnings per share $ 0.04 $ (0.25) $ 0.39 $ (0.35)
Weighted average share outstanding 6,300,600 20,395,000 3,448,952 20,029,824
Capital expenditures 1,027,600 2,563,000 208,567 5,897,309
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 156,900 3,183,000 68,034 1,010,027
Current assets 235,500 5,564,000 3,254,562 6,192,629
Cash and short-term investments 75,500 3,358,000 1,450,651 4,649,737
Total assets 1,347,000 17,055,000 5,296,727 12,024,575
Current assets 789,300 7,118,000 1,406,727 5,755,418
Total liabilities 802,300 11,721,000 3,056,727 6,422,085
Net worth 544,700 5,334,000 2,240,000 5,602,490
IPO Data:
Date of IPO 12/14/94 5/8/95 6/27/95 5/25/95
Price per share offered $ 13.00 $ 12.00 $ 17.00 $ 14.00
Number of shares offered 1,850,000 4,370,000 2,000,000 4,725,000
% of total equity sold 28% 17% 40% 17%
% change in stock price after day of trading 31% 27% 60% 96%
Price per share on August 8, 1995 $36.375 $ 22.00 $ 49.25 $ 46.25

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