CS代考程序代写 dns ER 2/26/2021

CS 118 Discussion Week 8: Intra-Domain Routing and the Link Layer
Slides by Eric Newberry, UCLA

• Any questions from last week’s material or Project 2?
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Making Routing Scalable
• Routing protocols spread information about how to reach destinations throughout the network
• What are some limitations of the routing protocols we discussed last time?
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Autonomous Systems (ASes)
• Split Internet up into regions under one administrative control – each one is an “autonomous system” (AS)
• Can be thought of as a domain, as in DNS
• Assigned unique number by a central authority • UCLA would be an autonomous system (AS 52)
inter-AS routing
3b AS3
1a intra-AS
2a routing 2b
routing 1b 1d
Source: Kurose & Ross, 8th Edition Slides

Intra-AS Routing
• Problem: How do we route inside an AS?
• Solution: Use link-state or distance-vector (like before)
• Perhaps with some optimizations
• Examples of intra-AS routing protocols:
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP) – distance-vector, mostly no longer used
• Enhance Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) • Formerly proprietary distance-vector protocol
multiple possible link metrics (how costs/weights are determined)
• Can be hierarchical, limiting advertisement flooding to “areas” and having “border routers” that provide connectivity between areas
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
• Basically just like the link-state protocol we learned last week, but with added security,

Inter-AS Routing: BGP
• Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
• Route for “policy” (economics) instead of lowest cost
• E.g., prefer customer routes more because they make money vs using links where we are customer and have to pay for traffic
• “Path-vector” routing – send AS path to reach destination to neighbors
• E.g., [AS 52, AS 3, AS 32578, AS 673, AS 7933]
• Can also detect loops if we see same AS multiple times in path!
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Internet Control Message Protocol
• Special protocol used by IP hosts to communicate network diagnostic information
• Ping uses ICMP (“Echo” results in an “Echo Reply”) • Traceroute uses ICMP
• Essentially pings with increasing time-to-live (TTL), resulting in a “TTL expired” message back from each hop

The “Narrow Waist”

The Link Layer
• How do we send packets from one host to another over some medium
• Medium: e.g., copper wire, the air, fiber optics • Why is it separate from the Network layer?
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Network Layer vs. Link Layer
• We need an identical protocol that runs on all hosts – the IP protocol • One protocol to tie them all together – the “narrow waist”
• However, we need to communicate between *physically adjacent* hosts over various types of links
• Don’t want to have to change the network layer protocol on all hosts when adding a new type of link
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Link Layer Protocols
• Ethernet • Wi-Fi
• LTE (4G) • 5G
• Satellite links
mobile network
enterprise network
national or global ISP
datacent network
Source: Kurose & Ross, 8th Edition Slides 11

• What do we call units of data sent over each layer? • Transport – Segment
• Network –Datagrams (Packets)
• Link – Frames
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Link Layer Services
• Framing
• Split datagrams up into “frames”
• Need to split to fit in MTU of link – “Maximum Transmission Unit”
• Link access (sometimes)
• If physical link is shared by multiple hosts (i.e., can overhear transmissions not
intended for us), need to make sure don’t transmit over others • Identify sender and receiver (on Ethernet, “MAC” addresses)
• Reliable delivery (sometimes)
• Need to make sure packets actually get to other end of link
• Needed on links with high probably of corruption or loss (e.g., Wi-Fi)
• Why would be have reliability if TCP already provides end-to-end reliability?
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Link Layer Services
• Flow Control
• Don’t send too quickly and overwhelm remote host
• Error detection and (optionally) correction
• Use checksums to make sure packets that get to other end of link without
being corrupted by noise, etc.
• Optionally, receiver can correct single or few bit errors with “error correcting codes”
• Duplex
• Half-duplex – only one host can transmit on link at once • Full-duplex – all hosts can transmit on link at once
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Cyclic Redundancy Checks

Broadcast Links vs. Point-to-Point
• Point-to-point is where two hosts, and only two hosts, are directly connected by a link
• E.g., Modern Ethernet
• Broadcast mediums have multiple hosts sharing the same medium that can overhear each other’s transmissions, even if not intended for them
• E.g., Wi-Fi, cellular networks, classical Ethernet (that nobody uses anymore)
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The Downsides of Broadcasting
• What if multiple hosts transmit at once?
• Collision! The bits get garbled and nobody gets understood
• Have to devise a way to share the medium without talking over each other“Media Access Control” (MAC)
• In practice, two main types of approaches:
• Everyone transmits at specified and different times, frequencies, etc.
• E.g., time-division multiple access (TDMA), frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) • No collisions, but less efficient use of bandwidth – what if division goes unused?
• Random access protocols
• E.g., everyone tries to transmit whenever – allows collisions, but *recovers* from them

Ethernet Media Access Control: CSMA/CD
• Listen to see if anyone currently transmitting. If so, wait and try again
• If nobody transmitting, begin transmitting but listen for other signals
on the wire
• If detect another transmission on top of yours, back off for a random period of time and try again
• If keeps happening, keep expanding the range of time your timer can last for
• Also send a special “jam” signal to alert everyone on the link about collision • Must be a minimum of 64 bytes to ensure all hosts on the entire span of link know

Modern Ethernet: Point-to-Point
• As link speeds increase, collisions become more costly to handle • Need greater jam packet sizes to ensure all nodes know at low latencies
• Moreover, can still only do half-duplex
• Therefore, modern Ethernet uses only point-to-point links between
• Wi-Fi protocol is based largely on Ethernet but still uses shared medium (the air), so uses a related mechanism called CSMA/CA
• Will cover this later when we get to wireless networks
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Link-Layer Identifiers
• IP addresses uniquely identify hosts at network layer
• But we also need to uniquely identify hosts at link layer
• Many link-layer protocols predate IP and used different identifiers
• Different requirements – IP intended to bridge links of different types
• For Ethernet, use globally-unique 48-bit identifiers called MAC addresses
• Represent in hexadecimal, e.g., AB-12-CD-34-EF-56
• Usually “burned into” physical interface cards at time of manufacture
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Address Resolution Protocol
• Great, we have MAC addresses! But how do we find out who has what MAC address?
• Enter the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
• Maps IP addresses to MAC addresses on a local link
• Super simple!
• Don’t know mapping of IP on same linkMAC? Ask “who has IP address
• Host responds “I have IP address x.y.z.a and my MAC address is AA-BB-CC-DD- EE-11”
• Store this mapping for future use (expire at some point in case mapping changes)

ARP in Action A4-87-8C-E0-93-11
C 89-3F-C1-77-4B-CD
A: Who has C (_______________)?
C: I have _____________ at MAC address __:__:__:__:__:__ 7C-A8-35-7B-FC-90
A’s ARP Table
IP Address
MAC Address

Router Project Notes

Forwarding process outline – handlePacket()
• Receive Ethernet frame in SimpleRouter::handlePacket()
• Check if frame destined for us or for FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF – if not, drop
• Check if EtherType field is IP – if not, return
• Validate IP header checksum – if invalid, return
• Decrement TTL by 1 – if now == 0, return
• Recompute IP header checksum and insert into header
• Check if IP packet destined to a local interface
• If so…
• CheckifprotocolfieldinIPheader==ICMP–ifnot,return • Respondtopingpacket
• If not…
• Perform next hop lookup and send packet

Next hop lookup and send
• Check routing table for longest-prefix matching next hop entry for destination IP address
• Includes “next hop” IP address, information about interface to send on
• Set Ethernet frame source address to MAC address of interface to
send on
• Check if existing ARP table entry for MAC address of “next hop”
• If so, set as Ethernet frame destination address and send packet on next hop interface with sendPacket()
• If not, queue packet for ARP request with m_arp.queuePacket()
• OurcodewillhandleactuallysendingoutanyqueuedpacketswhenARPresponse received

Responding to a ping packet
• Check if ICMP code field == Echo Request – if not, return
• Change ICMP code field to Echo
• Recompute ICMP checksum (note that covers from start of ICMP header to end of packet buffer)
• Swap IP source and destination addresses
• Set IP TTL to 64
• Recompute IP checksum and insert in packet
• Perform longest-prefix routing and send as if a normal packet
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