CS代考程序代写 .data

fin: .asciz “data.txt”
buffer: .align 2

.globl file_read

# Open the file for reading
li a7, 1024 # system call for open file
la a0, fin # output file name
li a1, 0 # Open for reading (flags are 0: read, 1: write)
ecall # open a file (file descriptor returned in a0)
mv s6, a0 # save the file descriptor
# Write to file just opened
li a7, 63 # system call to read from the file
mv a0, s6 # file descriptor
la a1, buffer # address of buffer to which we write
li a2, 10000 # hardcoded buffer length
ecall # write to file
# Close the file
li a7, 57 # system call for close file
mv a0, s6 # file descriptor to close
ecall # close file

# data from the file is read as a ASCII chatater, this routine converts it into intergers
la s0, buffer
mv s3, s0
add s1, x0, x0
li s4, 1023
add s2, x0, s4
addi s5, x0, 57 # digit 9
# for loop which iters 1024 times
addi t0, x0, 10
add t1, x0, x0
addi t2, x0, 1
add t3, x0, x0 # to hold number of digits in a number
addi t4, x0, 10 # separator: ‘

conv: lbu t5, 0(s0)
beq t5, t4, sep
bgt t5, s5, garbage # anything greater than digit 9 is considered as garbage
addi t6, x0, 48
sub t5, t5, t6
blt t5, x0, done
mul t1, t1, t0
add t1, t1, t5
addi s0, s0, 1
addi t3, t3, 1
jal x0, conv

addi s0, s0, 1
jal x0, conv

sw t1, 0(s3) # store the integer number
addi s3, s3, 4 # next word address for store
addi s0, s0, 1 # next byte
addi s1, s1, 1 # loop increment
ble s1, s2, loop

la a3, buffer
mv a4, s3

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