CS代考程序代写 algorithm 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
hint about the problem
This problem is so hard..
Can we get some hint like hint about TA’s solution?
Updated 13 days ago by Anonymous
the students’ answer, where students collectively construct a single answer
The goal is to implement minimax with alpha beta pruning. I hope this helps someone.
~ An instructor (Daniel Link) endorsed this answer ~
Updated 12 days ago by Pedram Safi and Anonymous
the instructors’ answer, where instructors collectively construct a single answer
What kind of hints are you looking for?
The TA’s agents adapt their minimax depth to the time available.
Updated 12 days ago by Daniel Link
followup discussions for lingering questions and comments
Anonymous 12 days ago
yeah, I feel like unlike assignment 1, there is a far greater gap between what we are being asked to implement here and what was taught in lecture.
Daniel Link 12 days ago I can only answer specific questions, sorry.

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
Anonymous 12 days ago Yes, it seems much more difficult than what we have learned! Daniel Link 12 days ago See above.
Anonymous 12 days ago I agree. I think the problem is that the instructions for the assignment appears to be somewhat vague, especially as it pertains the minimax algorithm itself. HW 1 featured specific commentary on the various algorithms that needed to be implemented, whereas HW 2 does not. Is it possible to get additional commentary regarding the minimax algorithm to make the instructions for HW 2 easier to grasp?
Daniel Link 12 days ago We need specific questions. What exactly is missing? What is vague? Minimax is well documented. Nathaniel Potrepka 12 days ago The Wikipedia page for alpha-beta pruning has very good pseudocode!
Anonymous 12 days ago
I think finding all legal moves alone is harder than HW1.
Anonymous 12 days ago It is definitely not harder than HW1 but time consuming nonetheless.
Anonymous 12 days ago
Like how deep the TA’s solution will check in Min-max.
If it is not that deep, why we don’t just use the evaluate function to evaluate each step instead of minimal. if it is very deep, my solution in min-max just can’t meet the time/space limitation.
Anonymous 12 days ago a typo, the first line is instead of min-max I mean Daniel Link 12 days ago It¡¯s against the rules to discuss the solution.

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