CS代考程序代写 {-

Module: Action.

In this file we list some basic functions involving the ‘Step’, ‘Wall’ and ‘Action’ types.
module Action where

import Types
import Cell

— Needed to be able to compare actions. The case of wall equality is more complex because there are
— different combinations of steps that may represent the same wall.
instance Eq Action where
a1 == a2 = case (a1, a2) of
(Move s, Move s’) -> s == s’
(Place ((c1, c2), (c3, c4)), Place ((c1′, c2′), (c3′, c4′))) ->
(c1 == c1′ && c2 == c2′ && c3 == c3′ && c4 == c4′) ||
(c1 == c1′ && c2 == c2′ && c3 == c4′ && c4 == c3′) ||
(c1 == c2′ && c2 == c1′ && c3 == c3′ && c4 == c4′) ||
(c1 == c2′ && c2 == c1′ && c3 == c4′ && c4 == c3′)
_ -> False

Step util.

— Convert step to graph edge.
stepToEdge :: Step -> (Index, Index)
stepToEdge (c, c’) = (cellToIndex c, cellToIndex c’)

— Step to the left.
stepLeft :: Cell -> Step
stepLeft c = (c, cellLeft c)

— Step to the right.
stepRight :: Cell -> Step
stepRight c = (c, cellRight c)

— Step to the top.
stepTop :: Cell -> Step
stepTop c = (c, cellTop c)

— Step to the bottom.
stepBottom :: Cell -> Step
stepBottom c = (c, cellBottom c)

— All steps.
allStepsFrom :: Cell -> [Step]
allStepsFrom c = [stepLeft c, stepRight c, stepTop c, stepBottom c]

— Make steps.
makeSteps :: Cell -> [Cell] -> [Step]
makeSteps c cs = [(c, c’) | c’<-cs] {- Wall util. Picture of walls surrounding cell c: * <- right * * * * * * <- top * c * * * * * * <- bottom * * <- left -} -- Vertical wall on the left. wallLeft :: Cell -> Wall
wallLeft c = (stepLeft c, stepLeft (cellBottom c))

— Vertical wall on the right (used for commands ending in ‘v’).
wallRight :: Cell -> Wall
wallRight c = (stepRight c, stepRight (cellTop c))

— Horizontal wall on the top (used for commands ending in ‘h’).
wallTop :: Cell -> Wall
wallTop c = (stepTop c, stepTop (cellRight c))

— Horizontal wall on the bottom.
wallBottom :: Cell -> Wall
wallBottom c = (stepBottom c, stepBottom (cellLeft c))

— All walls around a cell.
allWallsAround :: Cell -> [Wall]
allWallsAround c = [wallLeft c, wallRight c, wallTop c, wallBottom c]

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