CS代考程序代写 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (203 unread)

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (203 unread)
does calibrate have access to the input.txt file
To view the total time of the game
Updated 2 days ago by Anonymous
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1. 5 mins will be given to run calibrate before the game. It’s not a part of the total time of the game.
2. The main goal of calibrate program is to measure how long it takes to expand some fixed number of search nodes. 3. We will not block this behavior if the input file is there.
Updated 2 days ago by Bo Wang
followup discussions for lingering questions and comments
Anonymous 2 days ago
WILL the input file (for the beginning of the game) be there? That’s the question I’m asking.
Bo Wang 2 days ago Sorry, I cannot tell you because the script has not been finalized.
And given the information above, I don’t see any relation between the usage of calibrate and necessity of reading the total time for play.
Anonymous 1 hour ago
Question on the same lines-
1. will the input.txt be present when we run calibrate.xxx, as we would need some input board for which we could expand nodes to find out how long it takes to expand.
2. Also, will calibration.txt thus created be available to all the plays in that game?

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (203 unread)
3. can we write to playdata.txt from calibrate.xxx and then use that for all the plays in that game?
Primarily will calibration.txt and playdata.txt, once created – can we assume your setup agent, for the plays within the game, will not delete these files?
Bo Wang 1 hour ago For 1, 2, 3, it’s already mentioned in this post and the HW description. Please read that.
The last question, the master agent will not delete that until the end of a game.
Anonymous 30 minutes ago @Bo – its not quite clear from this post and HW description whether calibrate.xxx would have access to input.txt, hence raising the question. Also I see you had mentioned “the script has not been finalized” and “We will not block this behavior if the input file is there.” is not quite explanatory.
Bo Wang 21 minutes ago Since it’s not finalized, I don’t know if the input file will be copied first or the calibrate will be run first. But I don’t see any necessity of reading input file. The game will be always start from the initial position. That’s why I say so.

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