CS代考程序代写 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (140 unread)

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (140 unread)
No valid move scenario
Since we always have to make a move on our turn, we will never be given a test case in which we cannot move, correct?
For example, our agent is black and all of the pieces are still in the camp. White has a two-layered wall in front of black preventing us from making any valid move.
Updated 10 days ago by Ryan Thomas
the students’ answer, where students collectively construct a single answer
Click to start off the wiki answer
the instructors’ answer, where instructors collectively construct a single answer
You are correct. The test case will never be so mean.
Updated 10 days ago by Bo Wang
followup discussions for lingering questions and comments
This was marked a duplicate to the question/note above by Toy Leksut 8 days ago “”
Anonymous 8 days ago Valid Input
Should we consider the input as valid always?
Pedram Safi 8 days ago see @350 Ryan Thomas 8 days ago Yes.

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