CS代考程序代写 10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)

10/21/2019 CSCI 561 (139 unread)
Single move
What is the goal for Single move? It is mentioned in the assignment that single move should not return any invalid move. So when the agent is playing for Single move the only goal is to return a valid move?
Updated 13 days ago by Anonymous
the students’ answer, where students collectively construct a single answer
My read form assignment is “any move” as long as it does not exceed the time limit and is a “legal” move. And it happens 10 times ( with ten different inputs ). That’s why we earn only 1/100 points for it. 🙂 It is not that complicated compared to playing full games ( worth 10 points )
In the examples given at the end the agent not only plays a legal move but plays probably the best possible move. We do not have to do best possible move necessarily to earn single move games credit but the agents you design have to be at least as smart as the ones shown in the examples otherwise they are going to have a hard time in the full games. right? 🙂
~ An instructor (Bo Wang) endorsed this answer ~
Updated 12 days ago by Pedram Safi
the instructors’ answer, where instructors collectively construct a single answer
Updated 11 days ago by Bo Wang
followup discussions for lingering questions and comments
Anonymous 12 days ago
Homework mentioned the word “correct”. I’m not quite sure if it means valid or valid and smart.

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