计算机代考程序代写 SQL python javascript database compiler Java Popa & Wagner Spring 2016 – cscodehelp代写

Popa & Wagner Spring 2016
CS 161 Computer Security
Midterm 1
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You may consult one sheet of paper (double-sided) of notes. You may not consult other notes, textbooks, etc. Calculators, computers, and other electronic devices are not permitted. If you think a question is ambiguous, choose the most reasonable assumption and document your assumption clearly.
You have 90 minutes. There are 7 questions, of varying credit (100 points total). The questions are of varying difficulty, so avoid spending too long on any one question.
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Problem 1 True or False, and Fill-me-in (12 points) In parts (a) and (b), circle True or False. In parts (c), fill in the blank. Do not justify your answer.
(a) True or False: A problem with iframes is that if a user visits an attacker’s website, that website could load a bank website inside