计算机代考程序代写 python Hive COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling – cscodehelp代写

COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling
Lab 7: End to End Record Linkage

Objectives of this lab
¡ñ Today¡¯s lab is the last in a series of five labs where in the past four labs we have implemented the different steps of a complete record linkage program.
¡ñ In this lab we will be experimenting and testing how all the different parameters and choices can affect the outcomes of a record linkage project.
¡ñ Also, we will be learning how we can write the linkage outcome into a file.

Outline of this lab
¡ñ How to build a complete record linkage system
¡ñ Explore how different parameter settings and
choices of techniques affect the overall performance
¡ñ Write a linkage outcome into a file
¡ñ Summary

¡ñ Go back over the work from previous labs and remind yourself what we were doing and how the overall program is structured.
¡ñ Before you begin, complete any outstanding task or implementations from the previous labs.
¡ñ You can download the evaluation module with sample solutions in week 5 and use it with your RL program if you find difficulties implementing the required evaluation measures.

Build a complete record linkage system
¡ñ In this lab you are given with extra set of data sets for experiments. Download from Wattle the comp3430_comp8430-reclink-lab7- datasets.zip archive.
¡ñ The zip archive includes data sets with different sizes and quality levels (clean to very dirty).
¡ñ See if you modify the main program to run the RL program with different settings including these data sets.
¡ñ Experiment with different choices in each of the different components (blocking, comparison, and classification) and different parameter settings for thresholds, different weightings, and so on.

Write linkage result into a file
¡ñ Write the output (the record id pairs of predicted true matches) of each parameter setting and function choices into a file.
¡ñ You can use the Python program saveLinkResult.py which can be downloaded from Wattle to write the linkage output into a file.
¡ñ Have a look at the function save_linkage_set() to see what the inputs and outputs are of this function.
¡ñ Call this function from the main Python program recordLinkage.py to write the result into a file.

Questions to consider
¡ñ For different evaluation metrics, which parameter settings produce the best results?
¡ñ Do these best settings behave differently for the different data sets with different sizes and different data quality (corruption) levels?
¡ñ Do some of these parameter settings trade-off one evaluation metric against another?
¡ñ See the tutorial document for more questions that we recommend you to explore.

¡ñ In this lab we experimented our RL program with different parameter settings and different data sets.
¡ñ We also learnt how we can write the linkage output into a file.

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