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COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling
Lecture 3: Data extraction and storage, data warehousing
(Lecturer: )

Lecture outline
● How to extract data ● Data storage
● Data warehousing

Data extraction
● The process of retrieving data out of data sources for further processing and storage
● There are various data sources, some internal and some external to an organisation
● Unstructured data sources include emails, Web pages, PDFs, scanned and OCRed text (optical character recognition), audio reports (speech- to-text), etc.
● Different sources require different extraction methods
● Certain sources might be poorly structured or even unstructured
● The process of extracting data from the Web is called Web scraping

Extraction, transformation and loading (ETL)
● ETL is an integral part of data warehousing (more on DW later)
● Extraction involves retrieving data from disparate sources, such
as transactional databases in an organisation or external sources
● In the loading phase, the extracted data are loaded into a staging (temporary) area of a data warehouse, where extraction logic (rules and pattern matching) are applied to ensure only suitable data are added to the warehouse
● In the transformation phase the selected data are transformed so they conform to the structure and formats of the data warehouse

Extracting data from PDF files
● Many documents online and within organisations are stored in the portable document format
● Documents often contain valuable information, such as tables with structured data, so extracting them might be required
Note: Try to find the same data in a suitable format (for example as comma separated values, CSV, text file)
● Various PDF extraction tools, and modules/packages in different programming languages (often needs several modules in combination) – Python see: https://pypi.python.org/ (Python package index)
– R see: https://cran.r-project.org/ (R package archive)

Data storage
● Various ways to store data: databases, data warehouses, document management systems, files (text, binary, multimedia, proprietary formats), cloud storage, etc.
● Data storage should be:
– Persistent (over time)
– Robust (redundant storage, RAID)
– Secure (access regulated, distributed, cannot be manipulated) – Consistent and normalised
– Available (with high performance)
● Often: Garbage-in garbage-out principle

Data warehousing (1)
● A data warehouse is a decision support database that is maintained separately from an organisation’s operational databases(s)
● Provides a solid platform of consolidated, historical data for analysis and mining
● Organised around major subjects, like customers, products, or sales (provides a simple and concise view around these entities)
● Often constructed by cleaning, standardising and integrating
multiple heterogeneous data sources
● To ensure consistency in coding, naming, measurements, etc.

Data warehousing (2)
● Longer time horizon than operational systems (that are used for
transaction processing)
● Historical data are important for analysis and mining
● Separate data warehouse due to performance, data representation,
consistency, integration, and data quality
● Databases: OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing)
● Data warehouses: OLAP (On-Line Analytic Processing)
● Only two operations: Initial loading and querying of data (read) ● While transaction processing systems have reads, writes and updates
Contains a time element

● New data are, for example, loaded into a data warehouse every week

Data warehousing (3)
● Data warehouse architecture
● Data cubes (multi-dimensional aggregated
data views)
● Dimension tables (details of the dimensions)
and fact tables (values and names of the facts, e.g. items_sold, as well as keys into dimension tables)
● Data are stored at different levels of details (e.g. country / state / city, or item / item_group / item_category
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Data warehousing (4)
● Concept hierarchies
● Defines a sequence of mappings from a set of low-level concepts to
higher-level, more general, concepts
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Data warehousing (5)
● Concept hierarchies can be created by discretising or grouping numerical values
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Data warehousing (6)
● For data warehouses, a multi-dimensional data model is most popular
● Compared to entity-relationship model for relational databases
● Implemented as:
● Star schema (a large central fact table containing bulk of the data, and a
set of smaller dimension tables)
● Snowflake schema (variant of star schema with normalised dimension
● Fact constellation schema (multiple fact tables who share dimension
tables), can be viewed as a collection of star schemas

Star schema
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Snowflake schema
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Fact constellation schema
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Data warehouse operations (1)
● Data warehouse operations
● Roll-up (summarise data)
● Drill-down or roll-down (get detailed view)
● Slice and dice (project and select)
● Pivot (also known as rotate), re-orient the cube, 2D to 2D visualisation
● Example applications of data warehousing:
● Information processing (basic statistics, reporting, tables, charts, graphs,
Web-based reporting, etc.)
● Analytic processing (further drill down, multi-dimensional analysis, on both
summarised and detailed data)
● Data mining: A clean, stable, high-quality source for data mining algorithms

Data warehouse operations (2)
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)

Data warehouse architecture
Other sources
OLAP Server
Serve Warehouse
Operational Extract DBs Transform
Load Refresh
Analysis Query Reports Data mining
Data Sources
Data Marts Data Storage
OLAP Engine
Front-End Tools
Source: Han and Kamber, DM Book, 2nd Ed. (Copyright © 2006 Elsevier Inc.)
Monitor & Integrator

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