计算机代考程序代写 algorithm COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling – cscodehelp代写

COMP3430 / COMP8430 Data wrangling
Lecture 16: Record pair comparison (2) (Lecturer: )

Lecture outline
● Comparing strings for record linkage
● Approximate string comparison functions – Q-gram based (Jaccard and Dice coefficient) – Edit and bag distances
– Jaro-Winkler
● Statistical linkage key SLK-581

Comparing strings for record linkage
● Strings (text) are the most commonly used attributes (fields)
when comparing records
– Names: Title; first, middle, and last name; name suffix and prefix, etc.
– Addresses: Street name and type, postcode/zipcode (e.g. in the UK: “CB3 0EH”),
suburb/town name, state/territory and country names
– Telephone numbers, emails, credit card numbers, drivers license numbers, etc.
● The aim is to calculate a normalised similarity between two strings with 0 ≤ simapprox ≤ 1
● Many different techniques available
– Some general to any types of strings, others specific to certain types (such
as personal names or long genome sequences)

Q-gram based string comparison (1)
● Convert a string into its set of q-grams
– Often with q = 2 (bigrams) or q = 3 (trigrams)
– For example, with bigrams: “peter” → [“pe”, “et”, “te”, “er”]
● Calculate the similarity between two strings based on counting the number of q-grams that occur in both strings
– Jaccard similarity: simJacc(s1,s2) = |intersection(Q1,Q2)| / |union(Q1,Q2)| – Dice coefficient: simDice(s1,s2) = 2 * |intersection(Q1,Q2)| / (|Q1|+|Q2|)
– Qx is the set of q-grams extracted from string sx
– intersection(Q1,Q2) is the set of q-grams that occur in both strings – |..| denotes the number of elements in a set

Q-gram based string comparison (2)
● For example, with s1= “peter” and s2 = “pete” and q = 2:
– Q1 = [“pe”,“et”,“te”,“er”], Q2 = [“pe”,“et”,“te”], |Q1| = 4, |Q2| = 3
– intersection(Q1,Q2 ) = [“pe”,“et”,“te”] and union(Q1,Q2 ) = [“pe”,“et”,“te”,“er”] – simJacc(s1, s2 ) = | [“pe”,”et”,”te”] | / | [“pe”,”et”,”te”,”er”] | = 3 / 4 = 0.75
– simDice(s1, s2 ) = 2*3 / (3+4) = 6 / 7 = 0.857
● Questions: Which one is correct? Which one is better?
What are the Jaccard and Dice similarities between
s1=“peter”ands2 =“pedro”forq=1,2,and3?

Edit distance (1)
● Idea: Count how many basic edit operations are needed to convert
one string into another (known as Levenshtein edit distance)
– Insertion of a character: “pete” → “peter”
– Deletion of a character: “miller” → “miler”
– Substitution of a character: “smith” → “smyth”
– Transpositions of two adjacent characters: “sydney” → “sydeny” (known as Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance)
● Questions: What is the Levenshtein edit distance between “peter” and “petra”, and between “gayle” and “gail”?

Edit distance (2)
● Convert an edit distance into a similarity 0 ≤ simedit_dist ≤ 1 by calculating simedit_dist(s1, s2 ) = 1 – edit_dist(s1, s2 ) / max(len(s1 ), len(s2 ))
● For example, with s1= “peter” and s2 = “petra”: simedit_dist(s1, s2 ) = 1 – 2 / max(5, 5) = 1 – 2 / 5 = 3 / 5 = 0.6
● Edit distance can be calculated using a dynamic programming
algorithm based on the edit matrix
– Which has a quadratic complexity in the lengths of the two strings
(i.e. requires len(s1 ) * len(s2 ) computational steps)

Edit distance (3)
● Matrix shows the number of edits between sub-strings (for example, between “ga”’ and “gayle” → 3 inserts)
“gail” → substitute “i” with “y”, then insert “e” → “gayle” (final edit distance is 2)
● Question: Calculate edit distance between s1= “peter” and
s2 = “petra”

Bag distance
● Main drawback of edit distance is its quadratic complexity in the lengths of the two strings, i.e. len(s1 ) * len(s2 ) computational steps
● A fast approximation of edit distance is bag distance
– A bag is a multi set of the characters in a string: “peter” → [“e”,”e”,”p”,”r”,”t”]
● Bag distance is defined as:
bag_dist(s1,s2) = max(|x – y|, |y – x|), where x = bag(s1 ) and y = bag(s2 )
● It has been shown that always: bag_dist(s1, s2 ) ≤ edit_dist(s1, s2 ), and
therefore: simbag_dist(s1, s2 ) ≥ simedit_dist(s1, s2 )
– If simbag_dist(s1, s2 ) is below a threshold then edit distance does not need
to be calculated

Jaro-Winkler string comparison (1)
● Developed by the US Census Bureau specifically to compare personal name strings, taking various heuristics into account that are based on extensive practical experiences of name matching
● A combination of q-gram and edit distance string comparison
● Basic idea of the Jaro comparison function:
– Count c, the number of agreeing (common) characters within half
the length of the longer string
– Count t, the number of transposed characters (‘pe’ versus ‘ep’) in
the set of common strings
– Calculate simJaro(s1, s2 ) = (c / len(s1 ) + c / len(s2 ) + (c – t) / c) / 3

Jaro-Winkler string comparison (2)
● Further modifications, named Jaro-Winkler, aim to improve name
matching further
– Increase similarity if the first few characters (p, with p ≤ 4) are the same:
simJaro_Winkler(s1, s2 ) = = simJaro(s1, s2 ) + (1 – simJaro(s1, s2 )) * p/10
For example, for s1= “peter” and s2 = “petra”: p = 3 (“pet”)
– Further increase the similarity if both strings are at least 5 characters long and contain two common characters besides the prefix
– Adjust similarity if certain similar character pairs (like in Soundex) occur in two strings (for example “w” ↔ “v” or “s” ↔ “z”)

Statistical linkage key SLK-581 (1)
● Developed by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare http://meteor.aihw.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/349895
● Aims to identify records that likely correspond to the same person
● Combines blocking and comparison functionalities ● Basic idea:
– Take the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th letters of a record’s family name (surname)
– Take the 2nd and 3rd letters of the record’s given name (first name)
– Take the day, month and year of the person, concatenated in that order
(ddmmyyyy) to form the date of birth
– Take the gender of the person (1=male, 2=female, 9=unknown)
– If names too short use 2, if full name component missing use 999

Statistical linkage key SLK-581 (2)
● Examples: (spaces added for illustration only)
– “marie miller”, 13/04/1991, “f” → “ile ar 13041991 2” – “john smith”, 31/03/2001, “m” → “mih oh 31032001 1” – “ashley lee”, 11/12/1963, “u” → “ee2 sh 11121963 9”
● Question: Calculate SLK-581 for yourself

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