程序代写代做代考 Review COMP90007 Internet Technologies – cscodehelp代写

Review COMP90007 Internet Technologies
Lecturer: Semester 2, 2021
© University of Melbourne 2021

Medium Access Control (1)
 MAC sub-layer is used to assist in resolving transmission conflicts
 Static channel allocation
 Time division multiplexing
 Frequency division multiplexing

Medium Access Control (2)
 Contention
 ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA
 Carrier Sense Multiple Access: 1-persistent, non- persistent, p-persistent, with collision detection
 Collision Free: bit map, binary countdown
 Limited Contention: adaptive tree walk
 Wireless LANs: MACA

Data Link Layer
 Reliable, efficient communication of “frames” between two adjacent machines.
 Functions of the data link layer:
 Provide a well-defined service interface to network
 Handling transmission errors  Data flow regulation

 Methods:
 Character (Byte) count
 Flag bytes with byte stuffing
 Start and end flags with bit stuffing
 Most data link protocols use a combination of character count and one other method

Error Control
 Error Control
 Detecting errors
 Parity
 Checksum
 Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)
 Correcting errors  Hamming Code

Flow Control
 The fast senders vs slow receivers problem requires a solution
 Feedback based flow control: ack
 Stop and wait
 Sliding window: go-back-N, selective repeat

Go-Back-N vs. Selective Repeat
 Trade-off between efficient use of bandwidth and data link layer buffer space

Physical Layer
 The physical layer is concerned with the electrical, timing and mechanical interfaces of the network
 Timing: data rate, latency
 Mechanical: different media …
 Electrical: modulations, voltage levels, signal strength …

Network Protocol Hierarchies (1)
 Layers, protocols and interfaces
Consider the network as a stack of layers
Each layer offers services to layers above it through interface
Protocol is an agreement between the communicating parties on how communication is to proceed

Network Protocol Hierarchies (2)
 Information flow supporting virtual communication in layer 5

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