程序代写代做代考 python Java matlab chain COMP9334 Project, Session 1, 2018:

COMP9334 Project, Session 1, 2018:

Server setup in data centres

Version 1.1
Due Date: 11:00pm Sunday 20 May 2018.

This version: 22 April 2018

Updates to the project, including any corrections and clarifications, will be posted on the
subject website. Make sure that you check the course website regularly for updates.

Change log

Note: New text is shown in red coloured font. Deleted text is retained and shown as strikethrough,
e.g. this is deleted text.

• Version 1.1. (22 April 2018) Changes in: Table 4, Section 3.1.2, Section 5.2.3.

1 Introduction and learning objectives

This project is inspired by the research work reported in the article Exact analysis of the M/M/k/setup
class of Markov chains via recursive renewal reward [1]. The paper studies a dilemma faced by
data centre operators on trading off energy consumption and latency. The key question that the
paper asks is whether one should turn an idling server off. The advantage of turning off an idling
server is that it can save a lot of energy. However, if an off server is needed again, it has to be
setup and this adds latency to job processing. In this project, you will use simulation to try to
answer a similar research question.

In this project, you will learn:

1. To apply discrete event simulation to a performance analysis problem

2. To use statistically sound methods to analyse simulation outputs

2 Support provided

If you have problems doing this assignment, you can post your question on the message board
on the subject website. We strongly encourage you to do this as asking questions and
trying to answer them is a great way to learn. Do not be afraid that your question
may appear to be silly, the other students may very well have the same question!

3 Description of the computer system

Figure 1 depicts the computer system to be considered in this project. The system consists of a
dispatcher as its front-end and m servers at its back-end. There is only one queue and it is located
at the dispatcher; there are no queues at the computer servers. You can assume that:




Server 1

Server 2

Server m

Figure 1: Architecture of a computer system. The front-end consists of a dispatcher and the
back-end has a number of computer servers. There is a queue at the dispatcher. There are no
queues at the servers.

• The dispatcher has sufficient memory so the number of waiting room for queueing can be
considered to be infinite.

• The communication between the dispatcher and the server is fast. This means that once a
server has finished working on a job, it can inform the dispatcher immediately. It also means
that it takes the dispatcher negligible time to send a job to a server.

• The dispatcher takes negligible time to make a decision.

We discussed the multi-server queue in Week 3’s lecture. In the setup in Week 3, all servers
remain on at all times. A server can only have two states: busy or idle. An arriving job will be
served immediately if there is an idling server, otherwise it will join the queue at the dispatcher.
Once a server has finished processing a job, it will serve the job at the front of the queue if there
is one. In particular, if the inter-arrival time and service time probability distributions are expo-
nential, then we learnt in Week 3 that this type of multi-server queue could be modelled as an
M/M/m queue.

Energy consumption is a major issue faced by data centres. A drawback of the multi-server
queue described in the last paragraph is that the idling servers consume power but are not doing
useful work. There have been various proposals to reduce the power consumption and they are
discussed in Section 3 of [1]. We recommend that you go through Sections 1 and 3 of [1] to get a
better understanding of the various proposals because reading those sections will help you to put
the project work into context. For this project, you will focus on the setup/delayedoff mode of
operation which is similar (but not identical) to that discussed in Section 3.2 of [1].

3.1 The setup/delayedff system

We will now explain the setup/delayedoff mode of operation that is used in this project.


3.1.1 Server state

In this project, a server can have four states:

• The OFF state means the server is powered off. A server in the OFF state cannot process
a job.

• If a server in the OFF state is powered on, then it enters the SETUP state. In this state,
the server is in the process of booting up. A server in the SETUP state cannot process a
job. We will use the term setup time to refer to the time needed to boot up the server; this
is the time from the moment the server is switched on to the moment the setup is finished.
Once the setup is finished, the server can start to process jobs. We assume in this project
that the setup time is deterministic.

• The BUSY state means the server is processing a job.

• After a server in the BUSY state has finished processing a job, it will check whether there
is a job waiting at the dispatcher. If the dispatcher queue is empty, the server will enter
the DELAYEDOFF state. When a server enters the DELAYEDOFF state, it will start
a countdown timer. The initial value of the countdown timer is denoted by Tc which is
a positive value. During the DELAYEDOFF state, the server is still powered on and the
dispatcher may send a job to a server in the DELAYEDOFF state to process. There are
two possibilities to consider, depending on whether the dispatcher sends a job to the sever
in the DELAYEDOFF state. Let us discuss these two possibilities separately:

– If the dispatcher does not send any jobs to a server in the DELAYEDOFF state before
the countdown timer expires (i.e. reaches the value of zero), then the server will power
off itself when the countdown timer expires. In other words, at the time when the
countdown timer expires, the server will go from DELAYEDOFF state to OFF state.

– If the dispatcher sends a job to a server in the DELAYEDOFF state before the count-
down timer expires, the server will change its state to BUSY and process the job. The
countdown timer will be removed. Note that a server may cycle between the BUSY
and DELAYEDOFF states many times; each time when the server goes from BUSY to
DELAYEDOFF state, the countdown timer is initialised to Tc.

3.1.2 Handling arrivals

Having described the four possible server states, we will now explain what happens when a job
arrives at the dispatcher. It is important to remember that the dispatcher cannot send a job to
a server in OFF, SETUP or BUSY state. However, the dispatcher can send a job to a server in
the DELAYEDOFF state for processing. It can also send a job to a server that has just finished
setting up (i.e. the end of SETUP) or finished processing a job; these two possibilities will be
discussed later on.

When a job arrives at the system, the dispatcher will use the following rules:

1. If there is at least a server in the DELAYEDOFF state, then the dispatcher will send the
arriving job to a particular server in the DELAYEDOFF state. The choice of the server
depends on the value of the countdown timer of the servers at the time when the job arrives
at the dispatcher. The dispatcher will send the job to the server with the highest value in
the countdown timer. The selected server will cancel its countdown timer and change its
state to BUSY.

2. If there are no servers in the DELAYEDOFF state, then the dispatcher will check whether
there are servers in the OFF state. If there is at least a server in the OFF state, then the
dispatcher will select one of them and turn it on. There are no specific criteria to choose an
OFF server, so any one of them can be chosen. The state of the selected server will change


from OFF to SETUP. The dispatcher will put the job in at the end of the queue and mark
the job. The jobs in the queue can be either MARKED or UNMARKED. A job in the queue
is MARKED if it is waiting for a server to be setup. Hence, a simple consistency check is
that the number of MARKED jobs in the queue should equal to the number of servers in
the SETUP state.

3. If there are no servers in the DELAYEDOFF state and there are no servers in the OFF
state, then it means all the servers are either in BUSY or SETUP state. In this case, the
job is put in at the end of the queue and is UNMARKED.

3.1.3 Handling departures

We now describe what happens when a job departs from a server. There are two cases to consider
depending on whether there is a job in the queue in the dispatcher. In the following description,
the server is referring to the server that has just completed processing of a job.

1. If the dispatcher queue is empty, then the server will change its state from BUSY to DE-
LAYEDOFF. It will also start the countdown timer. The initial value of the countdown
timer is Tc. In this project, you can assume that Tc is deterministic.

2. If there is at least one job at the queue, the server will take the job from the head of
the queue. The state of the server remains BUSY. The other actions of the dispatcher
depends on whether the job that has been sent to the server for processing is MARKED or

(a) If the job is UNMARKED, then it means this job is not waiting for a server to be setup.
There is no further action to be taken.

(b) If the job is MARKED, then it means this job is waiting for a server which is still in
the process of setting up. Since the dispatcher is sending this job to a server which is
different from the one that the job is waiting for, the dispatcher has to decide whether
the set up process should continue. The rationale is that we do not wish to complete
the setup and find that the newly setup server has no job to process. In this case, the
dispatcher will check whether there is an UMARKED job in its queue. If there is one,
it means there is a job in the queue which is not associated with a server in the SETUP
state. The dispatcher’s actions are:

i. If there is at least a UNMARKED job, then the dispatcher will choose the first
UMARKED job and change it to a MARKED job.

ii. If there are no UNMARKED jobs, then the dispatcher will need to turn off a server
that is in the SETUP state. In this case, the dispatcher will look at how much
time the servers in the SETUP state still need to complete setting up and it will
choose to turn off the server with the longest remaining setup time. The state of
the selected server will change from SETUP to OFF and you can assume that this
change of state is immediate. You may ask how the dispatcher knows what the
remaining setup time is. Note that setup starts when a job arrives at the dispatcher
and there is an OFF server, so the dispatcher knows the time setup begins. It also
knows the time when setup finishes because we assume setup time is deterministic.

3.1.4 Other events

Now we have finished describing all arrival and departure events. There are two more possible
events in this system.

1. One event is a server has finished its setup. This server will take a MARKED job off the
queue. The status of the server will change from SETUP to BUSY.


2. Another event is the expiry of the countdown timer of a server in DELAYEDOFF state.
The status of the server will change from DELAYEDOFF to OFF.

Note that for M/M/1 type of queues that we discussed in the lecture, there are only two types
of events: arrival and departure. However, for the setup/delayedoff queue, there are also the two
types of events discussed above.

3.1.5 Initial condition

You should assume that the initial condition of the system is: all servers are OFF and the dis-
patcher queue is empty.


3.2 Examples

We will now present two examples to illustrate the operation of the setup/delayedoff system.

3.2.1 Example 1

The aim of this example is to illustrate the setting up of servers, shutting down a server that is
being setup and changing a job in the dispatcher from UNMARKED to MARKED.

In this example, there are m = 3 servers. The arrival and service times of the jobs are shown in
Table 1. We assume all servers are in the OFF state at time zero. The setup time is assumed to be
50. The initial value of the countdown timer is Tc = 100. Table 2 shows the on-paper simulation
with explanatory comments.

Arrival time Service time
10 1
20 2
30 3
33 4

Table 1: Example 1: Job arrival and service times.



Dispatcher Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Notes

t = 0 – OFF OFF OFF Initially, dispatcher is empty. All
servers are OFF

t = 10 (10,1,MARKED) SETUP
plete at
t = 60)

OFF OFF An arrival at time 10. Server 1 is
turned on and is in SETUP state. The
jobs in the dispatcher are modelled
with 3-tuples: first element is the ar-
rival time, second element is the ser-
vice time and the last element indi-
cates whether it is MARKED or UN-
MARKED. This job is MARKED be-
cause it is waiting for the setting up of
a server.

t = 20 (10,1,MARKED)

plete at
t = 60)

plete at
t = 70)

OFF An arrival at time 20. Server 2 goes
into SETUP state.

t = 32 (10,1,MARKED)

plete at
t = 60)

plete at
t = 70)

plete at
t = 82)

An arrival at time 32. Server 3 goes
into SETUP state.

t = 33 (10,1,MARKED)

plete at
t = 60)

plete at
t = 70)

plete at
t = 82)

An arrival at time 33. All servers
are in SETUP state. The job is UN-
MARKED because it is not associated
with a server in SETUP state.

t = 60 (20,2,MARKED)


plete at
t = 70)

plete at
t = 82)

Setup of server 1 completed. Server 1
processing the job that arrives at time
10 and needs a processing time of 1.
Server 1 state is now BUSY.

t = 61 (32,3,MARKED)


plete at
t = 70)

plete at
t = 82)

Server 1 completes the job (10,1). It
takes the job from the front of the
queue which is (20,2,MARKED). This
job is MARKED which means it is
waiting for a server to SETUP. The last
job in the queue was UNMARKED so
this job is now MARKED.

t = 63 (33,4,MARKED) BUSY

plete at
t = 70)

OFF Server 1 completes the job (20,2). It
takes the job from the front of the
queue which is (32,3,MARKED). This
job is MARKED which means it is
waiting for a server to SETUP. There
are no more UNMARKED jobs in the
queue so the dispatcher chooses to turn
off Server 3 which has the longest resid-
ual setup time.

t = 66 – BUSY

OFF OFF Server 1 completes the job (32,3). It
takes the job from the front of the
queue which is (33,4,MARKED). This
job is MARKED which means it is
waiting for a server to SETUP. Server
2 is now OFF.

t = 70 – DELAY-
t = 170

OFF OFF Server 1 completes the job (33,4).
Queue is empty. Server 1 changes state
to DELAYEDOFF and the countdown
timer will expire at t = 170.

t = 170 – OFF OFF OFF Countdown timer expires and Serve 1
goes to OFF state.

Table 2: Table illustrating the updates for Example 1.7

3.2.2 Example 2

The aim of this example is to illustrate the situation when there are multiple servers in the DE-

In this example, there are m = 3 servers. In order to shorten the description, we will start
from time 10 and the state of the system at this time is shown in Table 4. The arrival and service
times of the job after time 10 are shown in Table 3. The setup time is assumed to be 5. The initial
value of the countdown timer is Tc = 10. Table 4 shows the on-paper simulation with explanatory

Arrival time Service time
11 1

11.2 1.4
11.3 5
13 1

Table 3: Example 2: Job arrival and service times.



Dispatcher Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Notes

t = 10 – DELAY-
t = 20

t = 17

OFF We begin with time 10. The dispatcher
queue is empty.

t = 11 – BUSY

t = 17

OFF An arrival at time 11. Server 1’s count-
down timer expires at 20 and Server 2’s
expires at 17. Server 1 is chosen be-
cause it has a longer residual time to
shutdown. Server 1 changes state from

t = 11.2 – BUSY


OFF An arrival at time 11.2. Server 2
changes state to BUSY.

t = 11.3 (11.3,5,MARKED) BUSY


(to be
t =16.3)

An arrival at time 11.3. Server 3
changes state to SETUP.

t = 12 – BUSY


OFF Server 1 finishes processing the last
job. Queue not empty. Server 1 takes
first job in the queue. This job is a
MARKED job. No jobs are queueing
behind this job. Server 3 stops setup
and is turned OFF.

t = 12.6 – BUSY

t = 22.6

OFF Server 2 finishes processing. Queue
empty. Server 2 changes state to DE-

t = 13 – BUSY


OFF An arrival at time 13. Server 2 changes
state to BUSY.

t = 14 – BUSY

t = 24

OFF Server 2 changes state to DELAYED-
OFF. Note that the countdown timer
starts from Tc again.

t = 17

t = 27

t = 24

OFF Server 1 finishes processing. Queue
empty. Server 1 changes state to DE-

t = 24 – DELAY-
t = 27

OFF OFF Countdown timer for Server 2 expires.
Server 2 changes state to OFF.

t = 27

– OFF OFF OFF Countdown timer for Server 1 expires.
Server 1 changes state to OFF.

Table 4: Table illustrating the updates in Example 2.


4 Project description

This project consists of two main parts. The first part is to develop a simulation program for
the setup/delayedoff system which is described in Section 3. In the second part, you will use the
simulation program that you have developed to solve a design problem.

4.1 Simulation program

You must write your simulation program in one (or a combination) of the following languages or
numerical package: Python (either version 2 or 3), C, C++, Java or Matlab. All these languages
and numerical packages are available on the CSE system. We will test your program on the CSE
system so your submitted program must be able to run on a CSE computer. Note that it is
possible that due to version differences, code that runs on your own computer may not work on
the CSE system. It is your responsibility to ensure that your code works on the CSE system.

We require you to write your simulation program as a function in your chosen language. Your
function must have the following seven inputs:

1. A parameter mode of string type. This parameter is to control whether your program will
run simulation using randomly generated arrival and service times, or in trace driven mode.
The value that the parameter mode can take is either random or trace.

2. A parameter arrival for supplying arrival information to the program. The meaning of
arrival depends on mode. We will provide more information later on.

3. A parameter service for supplying service time information to the program. The meaning
of service depends on mode. We will provide more information later on.

4. A parameter m which is the number of servers. This parameter is a positive integer.

5. A parameter setup_time for the setup time. This parameter is a positive floating point

6. A parameter delayedoff_time for the initial value of the countdown timer Tc. This param-
eter is a positive floating point number.

7. A parameter time_end which stops the simulation if the master clock exceeds this value.
This parameter is only relevant when mode is random. This parameter is a positive floating
point number.

Note that your simulation program must be a general program which allows different values
for the number of servers, setup time, Tc and simulation end time to be used. When we test your
program, we will vary the parameter values. You can assume that we will only use valid inputs
for testing.

You can have additional parameters if you wish.

4.1.1 The random mode

When your simulation is working in the random mode, it will generate the inter-arrival times
and service times in the following manner.

1. The inter-arrival probability distribution is exponentially distributed with parameter λ. This
means the mean arrival rate of the jobs is λ. You will need to supply the value of λ to your
program using the input parameter arrival.


2. Let sk denote the service time of the k-th job arriving at the dispatcher. Each sk is the sum
of three random numbers s1k, s2k and s3k, i.e sk = s1k + s2k + s3k ∀k = 1, 2, … where s1k,
s2k and s3k are exponentially distributed random numbers with parameter µ. You will need
to supply the value of µ to your program using the input parameter service.

The easiest way to generate the service time is to generate three independent exponentially
distributed numbers and add them up. If you add independent exponentially distributed
random variables, you get phase type distribution, see the text by Harchol-Balter.

4.1.2 The trace mode

When your simulation is working in the trace mode, it will read the list of arrival times and list
of service times from two ASCII files.

Let us use Example 1 in Section 3.2.1 for an illustration. The arrival times are [10, 20, 32, 33]
and the service times are [1, 2, 3, 4]. Your program is required to simulate until all jobs have de-
parted. For this example, the last departure occurs at time 70 and you can stop the simulation

We will supply the arrival times and service times to you using two ASCII files. The names of
these two files have specific format, which we will discuss in Section 5 on testing. For Example 1,
the arrival times will be specified by a file whose contents are as follows:





where each arrival time takes up one line of the file. The same format is used for service times.
You can assume that within a test, the number of arrival times and the number of service times
are equal.

4.2 Determining a suitable value of Tc

After writing your simulation program, your next step is to use your simulation program to do a

For this design problem, you will assume the following parameter values: the number of servers
is 5, setup time is 5, λ = 0.35, µ = 1.

Let us assume that your baseline system uses Tc = 0.1. This baseline system will give you
poor response time because the servers have to be powered up again frequently.

Your aim is to design an improved system which uses a higher value of Tc so as to reduce the
response time. Your aim is to determine a value of Tc (or a range for Tc) so that the improved
system’s response time must be 2 units less than that of the baseline system.

In solving this design problem, you need to ensure that you use statistically sound methods to
compare systems. You will need to consider parameters such as length of simulation, number of
replications, transient removals and so on. You will need to justify in your report how you choose
the value of Tc for the improved system.

5 Testing simulation program

As part of the assessment for this project, you are asked to attend an interview so that we can
test your simulation program. During the interview, we will ask you to run a series of tests. Each


test is specified by a number of configuration files. For each test, we require two output files of
specific format so that we can verify the correctness of your simulation program. The aim of this
section is to specify the format of the configuration files and output files.

The number of tests that you will need to run is specified in an ASCII file with name
num_tests.txt. If we want to run 12 tests in the interview, the file num_tests.txt contains
the string 12 only.

Each test is specified by 4 configurations files. We will index the tests from 1. If 12 tests are
used, then the indices for the tests are 1, 2, …., 12. The names of the configuration files are:

• For Test 1, the configuration files are mode_1.txt, para_1.txt, arrival_1.txt and service_1.txt.
The files are similarly named for indices 2, 3, ..,9.

• For Test 10, the configuration files are mode_10.txt, para_10.txt, arrival_10.txt and
service_10.txt. The files are similarly named if the test index is a 2-digit number.

We will refer to these files using the generic names mode *.txt, para *.txt etc.

5.1 Wrapper file

When you submit your project, you must include a wrapper file which will loop through all the
tests. We will use this wrapper file in your interview to run your simulation. The pseudo-code for
your wrapper file is as follows.

Read the file num_tests.txt to determine the number of tests

FOR test_index from 1 to num_tests

Read in the configuration files for the test_index

Set the simulation mode and parameter values

Call your simulation function

Write the output files % This can be in the wrapper or your simulation function

The filename of this wrapper file must be called wrapper followed by the appropriate file ex-
tension for the language that you used, e.g. wrapper.py for Python.

Note that another purpose of the wrapper file is to show us how to run your code. We may need
to run additional tests and the wrapper file will allow us to do that. You should have comments
in the wrapper file to explain to us how to run your code.

5.2 Configuration file format

5.2.1 mode *.txt

This file is to indicate whether the simulation should run in the random or trace mode. The file
contains one string, which can either be random or trace.

5.2.2 para *.txt

If the simulation mode is trace, then this file has three lines. The first line is the number of
servers m. The second line is the setup time. The third line is the value of Tc. If the test is
Example 1 in Section 3.2.1, then the contents of this file are:





If the simulation mode is random, then this file has four lines, which contain the values of m,
the setup time, Tc and time_end.

5.2.3 arrival *.txt

The contents of the file arrival *.txt depend on the mode of the test. If mode is trace, then
the file arrival *.txt contains the arrival times of the jobs with one arrival time occupying one
line. For Example 1, this file will be





You can assume that the list of arrival times are in ascending order.

If the mode is random, then the file arrival *.txt contains a string for a floating point num-
ber. This number corresponds to the value of λ.

5.2.4 service *.txt

For trace mode, the file service *.txt contains one service time per line.

For random mode, the file service *.txt contains a string for a floating point number. This
number corresponds to the value of µ.

5.3 Output file format

In order to test your simulation program, we need two output files per test:

1. One file containing the mean response time

2. Another file containing the departure times. Note that:

• If the simulation is in the random mode, then we want the departure time of all jobs
that departed at or before time_end.

• If the simulation is in the trace mode, then we want the departure time of all jobs in
the trace.

If the number of tests num_tests is 12, then we expect 24 files with names mrt_1.txt,
mrt_2.txt, … mrt_12.txt (for mean response time) and departure_1.txt, departure_2.txt,
… departure_12.txt (for departure times.)

The mean response time (a scalar value) should be written to a file whose filename has the
form mrt_*.txt. For Example 1, the contents of this file are:


The departure times should be written to a file whose filename has the form departure_*.txt.
For Example 1, the contents of the file are:

10.000 61.000

20.000 63.000

32.000 66.000

33.000 70.000


The requirements are:

1. Each line contains the arrival time and departure time of a job. The arrival time is printed
first, followed by a tab, then the departure time.

2. The jobs must be ordered according to the ascending time of departure.

All numbers in mrt_*.txt and departure_*.txt should be printed as floating point numbers
to exactly 3 decimal places.

5.4 Sample files

Sample files are available on the project website.

5.5 Test for reproducibility

We require that your simulation experiments are reproducible when operating in random mode.
We require you to submit at least three sets of sample output files. Each set of output files should
include at least two files: a file similar to mrt_*.txt (which contains the mean response time)
and a file similar to the file departure_*.txt (which contains the departure times.) We will pick
from these sample output files and ask you to reproduce the results in the interview.

6 Project requirements

This is an individual project. You are expected to complete this project on your own.

6.1 Submission requirements

Your submission should include the following:

1. A written report

(a) Only soft copy is required.

(b) It must be in Acrobat pdf format.

(c) It must be called ”report.pdf”.

2. Program source code:

(a) For doing simulation

(b) The wrapper file, see Section 5.1

3. Sample outputs for reproducibility testing, see Section 5.5

4. Any supporting materials, e.g. logs created by your simulation, scripts that you have written
to process the data etc.

The assessment will be based on your submission and the tests conducted at your interview.
Note that the interview is based on the code that you submitted and will be run on a CSE com-
puter. It is important that you submit the right version of the code and make sure that it runs on
the CSE system. In the interview, we do not accept code that is not the submitted version and
we do not accept code running on your computer.

It is important that you write a clear and to-the-point report. You need to aware that you
are writing the report to the marker (the intended audience of the report) not for yourself. Your
report will be assessed primarily based on the quality of the work that you have done. You do


not have to include any background materials in your report. You only have to talk about how
you do the work and we have provided a set of assessment criteria in Section 6.3 to help you to
write your report. In order for you to demonstrate these criteria, your report should refer to your
programs, scripts, additional materials so that we are aware of them.

6.2 Interview

You are also required to demonstrate your work in an interview in Week 13 or StuVac. Further
details on the interview will be available later. In the interview, we will ask you to run a number
of tests and to demonstrate that your work is reproducible.

6.3 Assessment criteria

We will assess the quality of your project based on the following criteria:

1. The correctness of your simulation code. For this, we will:

(a) Test your code using test cases in an interview and through additional testing if neces-

(b) Look for evidence in your report that you have verified the correctness of the inter-
arrival probability distribution and service time distribution correctly. You can include
appropriate supporting materials to demonstrate this in your submission.

(c) Look for evidence in your report that you have verified the correctness of your simulation
code. You may derive test cases such as those in Section 3.2 to test your code. You
can include appropriate supporting materials to demonstrate this in your submission.

2. You will need to demonstrate that your results are reproducible. We will ask you to do that
at your interview. In addition, you should provide evidence of this in your report.

3. For the part on determining a suitable value of Tc, we will look for the following in your

(a) Evidence of using statistically sound methods to analyse simulation results

(b) Explanation on how you choose your simulation and data processing parameters, e.g
lengths of your simulation, number of replications, end of transient etc.

6.4 How to submit

You should “tar”, “rar” or “zip” your report, programs and supporting materials into a file called
“project.tar”, “project.rar” or “project.zip”. The submission system will only accept one of these

You should submit your work via the course website. Note that the maximum size of your
submission should be no more than 20MBytes.

You can submit multiple times before the deadline. The latest submission overrides the earlier
submissions, so make sure you submit the correct file. Do not leave until the last moment to
submit, as there may be technical or communication error and you will not have time to rectify.

7 Plagiarism

You should be aware of the UNSW policy on plagiarism. Please refer to the course web page for



[1] A. Gandhi, S. Doroudi, M. Harchol-Balter and A. Scheller-Wolf. ”Exact analysis of the
M/M/k/setup class of Markov chains via recursive renewal reward”, Queueing Systems, 2014.


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