程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 6-3

Programming Exercise 6-3

Programming Exercise 5-19

# main function

def main():

# Local variables to hold user input

presentValue = 0.0

interestRate = 0.0

months = 0

futureValue = 0.0

# Get user input for specific values

presentValue = float(input(‘Enter the present value ‘

‘of the account in dollars: ‘))

interestRate = float(input(‘Enter the monthly interest ‘

‘rate as a percentage: ‘))

months = int(input(‘Enter the number of months: ‘))

# Get expected future value of the account

futureValue = getFutureValue(presentValue, interestRate, months)

print (‘The information for your account is:’)

print(‘Present value: $’, format(presentValue, ‘,.2f’), sep=”)

print(‘Interest Rate: %’, format(interestRate, ‘.2f’), sep=”)

print(‘After ‘, months,

‘ months, the value of your account will be $’,

format(futureValue, ‘.2f’), sep=”)

# The getFutureValue function receives the present value, the

# interest percentage, and the number of months that the money will

# be in the account, and returns the future value of the account.

def getFutureValue(P, interest, t):

# Define local variable

F = 0.0

i = interest / 100 # write the percentage as a fraction

F = P * ((1 + i) **t)

return F

# Call the main function.


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