程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-15

Programming Exercise 3-15

# Local variables

days = 0

hours = 0

minutes = 0

seconds = 0

dayRemainder = 0

hourRemainder = 0

minuteRemainder = 0

# Get the number of seconds from the user.

seconds = int(input(‘Enter the number of seconds: ‘))

# Calculate the number of days.

if seconds >= 86400:

days = seconds // 86400

dayRemainder = seconds % 86400

# Calculate the hours.

if seconds >= 3600:

hours = seconds // 3600

hourRemainder = seconds % 3600

# Calculate the minutes.

if seconds >= 60:

minutes = seconds // 60

minuteRemainder = seconds % 60

# Display days, hours, minutes, seconds.

if minutes == 0:

print(‘The number of seconds is less than one minute.’)


print(seconds, ‘seconds are equal to:’)

print (minutes, ‘full minute(s) and’, minuteRemainder, ‘seconds.’)

if hours!=0:

print (hours, ‘full hour(s) and’, hourRemainder, ‘seconds.’)

if days!=0:

print (days, ‘full day(s) and’, dayRemainder, ‘seconds.’)

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