程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 6-10
Part I:
def main():

# Local variables

name = ”

golf_score = 0

num_players = 0

# Prompt user for the number of players

num_players = int(input(‘Enter the number of ‘

‘players in the tournament: ‘))

# Open golf.txt for writing

outfile = open(‘golf.txt’, ‘w’)

# Write data to file

for i in range(num_players):

# Prompt for name and score

name = input(‘Enter the name of the player: ‘)

golf_score = int(input(‘Enter the golf score: ‘))

# Write data to file

outfile.write(name + ‘

outfile.write(str(golf_score) + ‘

# Close file


# Call the main function.

Part II:
def main():

# Local variables

line = ”

name = ”

golf_score = 0

num_players = 0

# Open golf.txt for reading

infile = open(‘golf.txt’, ‘r’)

# Read first name

name = infile.readline()

# Read until no data

while name != ”:

# Read score

golf_score = int(infile.readline())

# Strip ‘

name = name.rstrip(‘

# Display data with one line space between the data

# for every two players

print (‘Name:’, name)

print (‘Golf Score:’, golf_score)

# Read next name

name = infile.readline()

# Close file


# Call the main function.


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