程序代写代做代考 Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 3-1

Programming Exercise 9-2
import random

def main():

# Initialize dictionary

capitals = {‘Alabama’:’Montgomery’, ‘Alaska’:’Juneau’,

‘Arizona’:’Phoenix’, ‘Arkansas’:’Little Rock’,

‘California’:’Sacramento’, ‘Colorado’:’Denver’,

‘Connecticut’:’Hartford’, ‘Delaware’:’Dover’,

‘Florida’:’Tallahassee’, ‘Georgia’:’Atlanta’,

‘Hawaii’:’Honolulu’, ‘Idaho’:’Boise’,

‘Illinois’:’Springfield’, ‘Indiana’:’Indianapolis’,

‘Iowa’:’Des Moines’, ‘Kansas’:’Topeka’,

‘Kentucky’:’Frankfort’, ‘Louisiana’:’Baton Rouge’,

‘Maine’:’Augusta’, ‘Maryland’:’Annapolis’,

‘Massachusetts’:’Boston’, ‘Michigan’:’Lansing’,

‘Minnesota’:’Saint Paul’, ‘Mississippi’:’Jackson’,

‘Missouri’:’Jefferson City’, ‘Montana’:’Helena’,

‘Nebraska’:’Lincoln’, ‘Nevada’:’Carson City’,

‘New Hampshire’:’Concord’, ‘New Jersey’:’Trenton’,

‘New Mexico’:’Santa Fe’, ‘New York’:’Albany’,

‘North Carolina’:’Raleigh’, ‘North Dakota’:’Bismarck’,

‘Ohio’:’Columbus’, ‘Oklahoma’:’Oklahoma City’,

‘Oregon’:’Salem’, ‘Pennsylvania’:’Harrisburg’,

‘Rhode Island’:’Providence’, ‘South Carolina’:’Columbia’,

‘South Dakota’:’Pierre’, ‘Tennessee’:’Nashville’,

‘Texas’:’Austin’, ‘Utah’:’Salt Lake City’,

‘Vermont’:’Montpelier’, ‘Virginia’:’Richmond’,

‘Washington’:’Olympia’, ‘West Virginia’:’Charleston’,

‘Wisconsin’:’Madison’, ‘Wyoming’:’Cheyenne’}

# Local variables

correct = 0

wrong = 0

next_question = True

index = 0

user_solution = ”

# Continue until user quits the game.

while next_question:

# Get access to the list of state names.

state_iterator = iter(capitals)

# Get a random state name for the question.

index = (random.randint(1,50) – 1)

for i in range (index-1):

temp = state_iterator.__next__()

current_state = str(state_iterator.__next__())

# Get user solution.

user_solution = input(‘What is the capital of ‘ +

current_state +

‘? (or enter 0 to quit): ‘)

# User wants to quit the game.

if user_solution == ‘0’:

next_question = False

print(‘You had’, correct, ‘correct responses and’,

wrong, ‘incorrect responses.’)

# User solution is correct.

elif user_solution == capitals[current_state]:

correct = correct + 1

print(‘That is correct.’)

# User solution is incorrect.


wrong = wrong + 1

print(‘That is incorrect.’)

# Call the main function.


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